Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Running Tracks in Application
After the track-based animations were created in UnigineEditor, they need to be played in the application. To add this functionality to your project, add the following code into the world script:
Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/systems/tracker/tracker.h>
Unigine::Tracker::TrackerTrack track;
float time, min_time, max_time, unit_time;
int init() {
// use the Tracker namespace
using Unigine::Tracker;
// create a Tracker instance that will play the tracks
Tracker tracker = new Tracker();
// load the required tracks from a file
track = tracker.loadTrack("samples/tracker/tracks/render_00.track");
// get the start time of the track (in units)
min_time = track.getMinTime();
// get the end time of the track (in units)
max_time = track.getMaxTime();
// get the duration of the track unit (in seconds)
unit_time = track.getUnitTime();
// set the initial time to play the tracks
time = track.getMinTime();
return 1;
int update() {
if(track == NULL) return 1;
// update the tracks animation time
time += engine.game.getIFps() / unit_time;
time = min_time + ((time - min_time)) % (max_time - min_time);
// set animation time for tracks
if(engine.game.isEnabled()) track.set(time);
return 1;
Last update:
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