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Unigine::Interpreter Class
Header: | #include <UnigineInterpreter.h> |
Unigine interpreter.
To group the elements (definitions, libraries, variables, functions, classes) together you need to create a group via addGroup(). Then, this group can be assigned as an argument to the element via the following methods:
If the same group is added to several elements, all of them can be removed from interpreter at once via removeGroup().Interpreter Class
static void * get ( ) #
Returns the current interpreter pointer.Return value
Interpreter pointer.static ExternClassBase * getExternClass ( const char * name ) #
Returns an external user class from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the class.
Return value
Pointer to the external class.static ExternFunctionBase * getExternFunction ( const char * name ) #
Returns an external user function from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the function.
Return value
Pointer to the external function.static ExternVariableBase * getExternVariable ( const char * name ) #
Returns an external user variable from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the variable.
Return value
Pointer to the external variable.static int getStack ( ) #
Returns the current interpreter stack depth.Return value
Interpreter stack depth.static void addExternClass ( const char * name, ExternClassBase * extern_class, int group_id ) #
Adds an external user class to UnigineScript. To create an external function use MakeExternClass() command.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the class.
- ExternClassBase * extern_class - Pointer to the external class.
- int group_id - ID of the group.
void addExternDefine ( const char * name, int group_id ) #
Adds a definition to UnigineScript. This function is similar to #define Foo.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the definition.
- int group_id - ID of the group.
void addExternFunction ( const char * name, ExternFunctionBase * extern_function, int group_id ) #
Adds an external user function to UnigineScript. To create an external function use addExternFunction() command.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the function.
- ExternFunctionBase * extern_function - Pointer to the external function.
- int group_id - ID of the group.
void addExternLibrary ( const char * name, int group_id ) #
Adds an external library namespace to UnigineScript.Notice
All external variables and functions with names like library.function() will be treated as library functions.
- const char * name - Name of the library.
- int group_id - ID of the group.
void addExternVariable ( const char * name, ExternVariableBase * extern_variable, int group_id ) #
Adds an external user variable to UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the variable.
- ExternVariableBase * extern_variable - Pointer to the external variable.
- int group_id - ID of the group.
int addGroup ( const char * group_name ) #
Adds a new group with the specified name. This group is assigned as an argument to the element via the following methods: If the same group is added to several elements (definitions, libraries, variables, functions, classes), all of them can be removed from interpreter at once via removeGroup().Arguments
- const char * group_name - Name of the group.
Return value
ID of the group.void error ( const char * format ) #
Interpreter error function.Arguments
- const char * format - Format string. It is similar to the format string for printf() in C.
static Variable popStack ( ) #
Pops the variable from the current interpreter stack.Return value
A variable.static void removeExternClass ( const char * name ) #
Remove a user class from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the class.
static void removeExternDefine ( const char * name ) #
Removes an external definition with the specified name from UnigineScript. This function is similar to #undef Foo.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the definition.
static void removeExternFunction ( const char * name ) #
Removes an external user function from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the function.
static void removeExternLibrary ( const char * name ) #
Removes an external library namespace from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the library.
static void removeExternVariable ( const char * name ) #
Removes an external user variable from UnigineScript.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the variable.
void removeGroup ( const char * group_name ) #
Removes all the elements (definitions, libraries, variables, functions, classes) added via addExternDefine(), addExternLibrary(), addExternVariable(), addExternFunction() and addExternClass() methods that belong to the specified group.Arguments
- const char * group_name - Name of the group.
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