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Unigine::Materials Class

Header:#include <UnigineMaterials.h>

Interface for managing loaded materials via the code. All materials existing in the project are loaded on its start-up and saved on world's saving or on calling the materials_save console command.

Materials Class


Materials * get()

Returns a pointer to the materials manager.

int isMaterial(const char * name)

Checks if there is a material with a given name.


  • const char * name - Material name.

Return value

1 if the material exists; otherwise, 0.

int isMaterial(const UGUID & guid)

Checks if there is a material with a given GUID.


  • const UGUID & guid - A material GUID.

Return value

1 if the material exists; otherwise, 0.

Ptr<Material> findMaterial(const char * name)

Searches for a material with a given name.


  • const char * name - Material name.

Return value

Material smart pointer.

void reloadMaterials()

Reloads all loaded materials.

void destroyTextures()

Deletes all textures used by the loaded materials.

int replaceMaterial(const Ptr<Material> & material, const Ptr<Material> & new_material)

Replaces the material with the given one.


  • const Ptr<Material> & material - A material to be replaced.
  • const Ptr<Material> & new_material - A replacing material.

Return value

1 if the material is replaced successfully; otherwise, 0.

Ptr<Material> findManualMaterial(const char * name)

Searches for a manual material by the given name.


  • const char * name - A manual material name.

Return value

A manual material.

Ptr<Material> findBaseMaterial(const char * name)

Searches for a base material by the given name.


  • const char * name - A base material name.

Return value

A base material.

void createShaders()

Creates all shaders for the loaded materials.

int saveMaterials()

Saves changes made for all loaded materials.

Return value

1 if materials are saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

Ptr<Material> getMaterial(int num)

Returns the material by its number.


  • int num - Material number.

Return value

A material.

Ptr<Material> findMaterialByPath(const char * path)

Searches for a material stored by the specified path.


  • const char * path - A loading path of the material (including a material's name).

Return value

A material.

Ptr<Material> loadMaterial(const char * path)

Loads a material stored by the given path. The function can be used to load materials created during application execution or stored outside the data directory.


  • const char * path - A path to the material (including its name).

Return value

A loaded material.

void reloadShaders()

Reloads all shaders used by the loaded materials.

Ptr<Material> findMaterialByGUID(const UGUID & guid)

Searches for a material with the given GUID.


  • const UGUID & guid - A material GUID.

Return value

A material.

int isManualMaterial(const char * name)

Checks if the material with the given name is the manual one.


  • const char * name - A material name.

Return value

1 if the material is the manual one; otherwise, 0.

int isBaseMaterial(const char * name)

Checks if the material with the given name is the base one.


  • const char * name - A material name.

Return value

1 if the material is the base one; otherwise, 0.

void destroyShaders()

Deletes all shaders used for the loaded materials.

int getNumMaterials()

Returns the number of materials loaded for the current project.

Return value

The number of materials.

const char * getMaterialName(int num)

Returns a name of the material with the given number.


  • int num - A material number.

Return value

A material name.

int removeMaterial(const UGUID & guid, int remove_file = 0)

Deletes a material. If the remove_file flag is enabled, the material file will be deleted as well. If the flag is disabled, the deleted material will be loaded again on the next application start-up.


  • const UGUID & guid - A material GUID.
  • int remove_file - A flag indicating if the material file will be deleted.

Return value

1 if the material has been deleted successfully; otherwise, 0.
Last update: 2017-10-20
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