Global Water
Global Water is an infinitely spread mesh with auto-tessellation that represents a boundless ocean (the wireframe of the water is not scaled; regardless of the camera position it always stays the same). It is optimized so the GPU is not overloaded.Global Water 是一个无限扩展的网格,具有自动细分,代表无边的海洋(水的线框未缩放;无论相机位置如何,它始终保持不变)。它经过优化,因此 GPU 不会过载。
The object has support for the underwater mode. However, it cannot have a body assigned, and thus does not provide proper physical interaction with scene objects. If you need to simulate the physics of buoyancy, you should use Physical Water. Also it is limited to a single water level. It means that the filling level of water always remains the same. So, if you need to create, for example, mountain lakes or water flows with height difference, you should use Water Mesh.该对象支持水下模式。但是,它不能分配一个身体,因此不能提供与场景对象的适当物理交互。如果你需要模拟浮力的物理特性,你应该使用 Physical Water。它也仅限于单一水位。这意味着水的填充水平始终保持不变。因此,如果您需要创建,例如,高差的高山湖泊或水流,您应该使用 Water Mesh。
With Global Water you can create waves using wave layers, Beaufort scale or manually and ensure smooth transitions between various states of the sea.使用 Global Water,您可以使用波浪层、Beaufort 比例或手动创建波浪,并确保海洋的各种状态之间的平滑过渡。
The Global Water object provides full control of the wave spectrum through the API.Global Water 对象提供对波谱的完全控制通过 API .
To ensure optimal rendering of water as seen from different viewpoints, e.g., the shore or an airplane, use different Geometry Presets and Visibility Distance settings for the default Global Water Object (Settings -> Water -> Geometry).为确保从不同视点(例如海岸或飞机)看到的水的最佳渲染,请为默认的 Global Water 对象 (Settings -> Water -> Geometry) 使用不同的 Geometry Presets 和 Visibility Distance 设置。
Water Visibility Distance should not exceed the Camera visibility distance (defined by its Far Clipping Plane) for correct tile culling.Water Visibility Distance 不应超过 Camera visibility distance(由其 Far Clipping Plane 定义)以进行正确的切片剔除。
See also也可以看看#
- The ObjectWaterGlobal class to edit Global Water via API通过 API 编辑 Global Water 的 ObjectWaterGlobal 类
- The set of the Water Global samples in the CPP Samples suite included in the SDK and demonstrating how to use C++ API to control Global Water, fetch water level at a given point, etc.SDK 中包含的 CPP Samples 套件中的 Water Global 示例集,并演示了如何使用 C++ API 控制 Global Water、获取给定点的水位等。
- The water_global_base materialwater_global_base 材料
Adding Water加水#
To add infinite water to the scene via UnigineEditor:通过 UnigineEditor 向场景中添加无限水:
On the Menu bar, click Create -> Water -> Global:在菜单栏上,单击 Create -> Water -> Global:
Place the water object in the scene:将水对象放置在场景中:
Infinite water will be added to the scene and you will be able to edit it via the Parameters window.无限的水将添加到场景中,您将能够通过 Parameters 窗口对其进行编辑。
Editing Water编辑水#
Water settings can be adjusted via the Parameters window:水设置可以通过 Parameters 窗口进行调整:
- On the Node tab, water surfaces that determine optical and dynamic behaviour of water can be adjusted.在 Node 选项卡上,水面可以调整确定水的光学和动态行为。
Creating Waves创建波浪#
There are three options for creating waves:创建波浪有三个选项:
Layers mode — you create layers on which waves will be randomly generated in a given range of wave parameters. All the layers are added together.图层模式——您创建的图层将在给定的波浪参数范围内随机生成波浪。所有层都加在一起。
- Beauforts mode — waves are generated based on the presets reproducing the state of the sea according to the Beaufort wind force scale (0 — Calm, 12 — Hurricane). In this mode, the parameters that define the main wave geometry will not be available for editing. Beauforts 模式— 波浪是根据根据 Beaufort 风力等级(0 — 平静,12 — 飓风)再现海况的预设生成的。在此模式下,定义主波几何的参数将不可编辑。
Manual mode — you create your own individual waves and have full control over them.手动模式——您可以创建自己的个人波浪并完全控制它们。
When you enable the Manual mode, the list of generated waves is cleared and you can set up your own waves.当您启用手动模式时,生成的波形列表将被清除,您可以设置自己的波形。
When you save the world, the layers will be saved, but the user-defined waves will not, since they are created via code.保存世界时,图层将被保存,但用户定义的波浪不会,因为它们是创建的通过代码.
Wave Parameters波形参数#
Wave parameters window in UnigineEditor is available on the Node tab and contains the following parts:UnigineEditor 中的 Wave 参数窗口位于 Node 选项卡上,包含以下部分:
Parameters common for all wave layers:所有波层通用的参数:
Water Mode |
Wave generation mode. Two options are available:波浪生成模式。有两种选择: |
Beauforts |
Beaufort value from 0 (Calm) to 12 (Hurricane).Beaufort 值从 0(平静)到 12(飓风)。 注意
Available only in Beauforts mode.仅在 Beauforts 模式下可用。 |
Wind Direction | Angle that determines the wind direction, in degrees.确定风向的角度,以度为单位。 |
Wind Affect | Determines how much the wind direction affects the waves. The values are within the [0;1] range. If you set it to 1, all the waves will be directed along the wind direction.确定风向对波浪的影响程度。这些值在 [0;1] 范围内。如果将其设置为 1,则所有波浪都将沿风向定向。 |
Waves Speed Scale | Scale value that affects the speed of all the waves.影响所有波浪速度的比例值。 |
Waves LayersWaves Layers#
Parameters defined for each layer:为每一层定义的参数:
Fields InteractionFields Interaction#
Parameters defining interaction with Field objects:定义与 Field 对象交互的参数:
Field Spacer Enabled | Enables the effect of FieldSpacer object on the Global Water object.启用 FieldSpacer 对象对 Global Water 对象的效果。 |
Field Height Enabled | Enables the effect of FieldHeight object on the Global Water object.启用 FieldHeight 对象对 Global Water 对象的效果。 |
Field Shoreline Enabled | Enables the effect of FieldShoreline object on the Global Water object.启用 FieldShoreline 对象对 Global Water 对象的效果。 |
Parameters defining wave normals:定义波法线的参数:
Geometry Normal Intensity | Intensity of normals of the waves.波的法线强度。 |
Texture Normal Blur | Blurring ratio for the procedurally generated normals. This parameter enables you to reduce pixelation of the normal map, and make it less pronounced. It is recommended to use small values for correction, when necessary. This affects the normals generated for Field Height and Field Shoreline.程序生成的法线的模糊率。此参数使您能够减少法线贴图的像素化,并使其不那么明显。如有必要,建议使用较小的值进行校正。这会影响为场高和外地海岸线. |
Texture Normal Intensity | Intensity of procedurally generated normals. This affects the normals generated for Field Height and Field Shoreline.程序生成的法线的强度。这会影响为场高和外地海岸线. |
Parameters defining normal detail texture:定义法线细节纹理的参数:
Normal Map |
The Normal Detail map stores normal information required to achieve an additional (detail) effect of Normal Mapping. Normal map helps to create ripples (cat's-paw effect) on the water surface.法线细节贴图存储实现法线贴图的附加(细节)效果所需的法线信息。法线贴图有助于在水面上创建波纹(猫爪效果)。 The texture is 2-channeled:纹理是 2 通道的:
Detail 0 UV Transform | Specifies the UV transform for the first sample of the normal detail texture. The first two values are the scale texture coordinates along the X and Y axes. The third and forth specify the wind force and direction for the U and V axes.指定法线细节纹理的第一个样本的 UV 变换。前两个值是沿 X 和 Y 轴的缩放纹理坐标。第三个和第四个指定 U 轴和 V 轴的风力和方向。 | ||||
Detail 0 Intensity |
Intensity of the first sample of the normal detail texture.法线细节纹理的第一个样本的强度。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Detail 1 UV Transform | Specifies the UV transform for the second sample of the normal detail texture. The first two values are the scale texture coordinates along the X and Y axes. The third and forth specify the wind force and direction for the U and V axes.指定法线细节纹理的第二个样本的 UV 变换。前两个值是沿 X 和 Y 轴的缩放纹理坐标。第三个和第四个指定 U 轴和 V 轴的风力和方向。 | ||||
Detail 1 Intensity |
Intensity of the second sample of the normal detail texture.法线细节纹理的第二个样本的强度。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Distant WavesDistant Waves#
Global Water has two parts: the waves on the inner part, which is close to the camera, are generated based on the wave spectrum, and all the rest — distant waves (simplified waves rendered starting at a certain distance from the camera to save performance), that are created by using a Normal map. The two parts are blended at a certain distance to ensure a smooth transition between them.Global Water 有两部分:内部的波,靠近相机,是根据波谱生成的,其余的 - 远波(从相机一定距离开始渲染的简化波以节省性能) ,通过使用法线贴图创建。两个部分以一定的距离混合,以确保它们之间的平滑过渡。
Parameters defining distant waves:定义远波的参数:
Normal Map |
The Normal Map texture is used to create ripples on the water surface for distant waves.法线贴图纹理用于在水面上为远处的波浪创建波纹。 The texture is 2-channeled:纹理是 2 通道的:
UV Transform | UV transform for the distant waves normal map. The first two values (x,y) — represent the scale for texture coordinates along the X and Y axes, while the third and forth (z, w) — specify the speed of movement animation.远波法线贴图的UV变换。前两个值 (x,y) — 表示纹理坐标沿 X 和 Y 轴的比例,而第三个和第四个值 (z, w) — 指定移动动画的速度。 |
Intensity | Intensity value for the normal map of the distant waves.
注意 Unavailable for modes with Beaufort levels blending.远处波的法线贴图的强度值。
Unavailable for modes with Beaufort levels blending.Unavailable for modes with Beaufort levels blending. 注意 Unavailable for modes with Beaufort levels blending.不适用于具有 Beaufort 级别混合的模式。 |
Blend Min | Minimum amount of distant waves in the crossfade zone where the main geometry waves fade out and distant waves fade in (Blend Distance). The value is normalized in the [0, 1] range.交叉淡入淡出区域中远处波的最小数量,其中主要几何波淡出,远处波淡入 (Blend Distance)。该值在 [0, 1] 范围内标准化。 |
Blend Max | Maximum amount of distant waves in the crossfade zone where the main geometry waves fade out and distant waves fade in (Blend Distance). The value is normalized in the [0, 1] range.交叉淡入淡出区域中远处波的最大数量,其中主要几何波淡出,远处波淡入 (Blend Distance)。该值在 [0, 1] 范围内标准化。 |
Blend Distance Start | Fade-in start distance for distant waves.远波的淡入开始距离。 |
Blend Distance End | Fade-in end distance for distant waves.远处波的淡入结束距离。 |
Parameters defining the foam:定义泡沫的参数:
Texture |
This texture specifies foam on water. The engine samples the foam texture twice to create plausibility of the real world foam behavior.此纹理指定了水面上的泡沫。引擎对泡沫纹理进行两次采样,以创建真实世界泡沫行为的合理性。 The texture is 3-channeled:纹理是 3 通道的:
Texture Affect | Visibility of the foam texture. It can be used to create additional effects, e.g., foam bubbles.泡沫纹理的可见性。它可用于创建附加效果,例如泡沫。 |
Patch 0 UV Size | Size of the first foam texture patch.第一个泡沫纹理贴片的大小。 |
Patch 0 UV Speed | Speed of the first foam patch.第一个泡沫贴片的速度。 |
Patch 1 UV Size | Size of the second foam texture patch.第二个泡沫纹理贴片的大小。 |
Patch 1 UV Speed | Speed of the second foam patch.第二个泡沫贴片的速度。 |
Peak Contrast |
Foam contrast on the wave peaks.波峰上的泡沫对比。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Peak Intensity |
Foam intensity on the wave peaks.波峰上的泡沫强度。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Whitecap Contrast |
Foam contrast on the white caps.白色瓶盖上的泡沫对比。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Whitecap Intensity |
Foam intensity on the white caps.白色瓶盖上的泡沫强度。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Wind Contrast |
Contrast of the foam generated based on the wind direction.基于风向生成的泡沫对比。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Wind Intensity |
Intensity of the foam generated based on the wind direction.根据风向产生的泡沫强度。 注意
Available only in Layers mode.仅在图层模式下可用。 |
Contact Intensity | Foam intensity near shores or different objects in water.海岸附近或水中不同物体的泡沫强度。 |
Subsurface ScatteringSubsurface Scattering#
Parameters defining the subsurface scattering:定义次表面散射的参数:
Color |
Water subsurface scattering (SSS) color.水次表面散射 ( SSS ) 颜色。
Ambient Intensity |
Intensity of subsurface scattering for ambient lighting. The lower the value, the faster the light rays dissipate in water.环境照明的次表面散射强度。该值越低,光线在水中消散得越快。
Intensity Through Waves |
Intensity of light rays passing through waves. The lower the value, the faster the light rays dissipate in water.穿过波的光线强度。该值越低,光线在水中消散得越快。
Intensity Around Foam |
Intensity of subsurface scattering near the foam areas.泡沫区域附近的次表面散射强度。
Diffuse Intensity | Intensity of subsurface scattering for diffuse lighting.漫射照明的次表面散射强度。 |
The Underwater parameters adjust the underwater part of the Water Global object.Underwater 参数调整 Water Global 对象的水下部分。
The final color of underwater is calculated using the following formula:水下的最终颜色使用以下公式计算:
FinalColor = FogColor * SunLighting^(1/FogSunLighting) + FogColor * EnvLighting^(1/FogEnvLighting)
FogColor, FogSunLighting, and FogEnvLighting are specified in the Underwater section. The other parameters (Sun and Environment lighting) are calculated according to the sun lighting and environment lighting of the scene. In fact, this formula defines how the sun and the environment lights affect the final underwater color.FogColor, FogSunLighting 和 FogEnvLighting 在 Underwater 部分中指定。其他参数(Sun和Environment lighting)根据场景的太阳光照和环境光照计算。事实上,这个公式定义了太阳和环境光如何影响最终的水下颜色。
Underwater DOF |
Adds an additional blur effect for underwater and overwater splice to make the waterline look more plausible.为水下和水上拼接添加额外的模糊效果,使水线看起来更合理。 注意
You may need to adjust the quality of waterline calculation in case of medium and high Beaufort values, or if the camera is to be submerged underwater (to see the waterline).您可能需要调整吃水线质量计算在中等和高 Beaufort 值的情况下,或者如果相机被淹没在水下(查看水线)。
Underwater DOF Distance | Focal distance for the underwater DOF effect.水下自由度效果的焦距。 | ||||
Depth LUT |
LUT texture that shows the color of the bottom. Depending on the depth, the engine chooses the color of the water and multiplies it by the depth LUT texture. This generated LUT shows how deep the photon goes through water until completely scattered.显示底部颜色的 LUT 纹理。根据深度,引擎选择水的颜色并将其与深度 LUT 纹理相乘。这个生成的 LUT 显示了光子穿过水的深度,直到完全散射。 The texture is 4-channeled:纹理是 4 通道的:
Fog Color |
Underwater fog color. The Sun and Environment lighting affect this parameter to create the final underwater fog color.水下雾色。太阳和环境照明会影响此参数以创建最终的水下雾色。
Fog Transparency |
Transparency of the underwater fog. The higher the value, the more transparent the underwater fog is.水下雾的透明度。值越高,水下雾越透明。
Fog Lighting Depth |
Distance from the water surface, in units, up to which the light affects the underwater color.与水面的距离,以单位为单位,灯光影响水下颜色的距离。
Lighting Offset | Height offset for lighting.照明的高度偏移。 | ||||
Fog Environment Lighting | Degree of impact of the environment lighting on the final underwater color.环境照明对最终水下颜色的影响程度。 | ||||
Fog Sun Lighting | Degree of impact of the sun lighting on the final underwater color.太阳光照对最终水下颜色的影响程度。 | ||||
Shafts Intensity | Intensity of the underwater sun shafts.水下太阳轴的强度。 | ||||
Waterline Size |
Size of the borderline between the overwater and underwater environments.水上和水下环境之间边界的大小。 注意
You may need to adjust the quality of waterline calculation in case of medium and high Beaufort values, or if the camera is to be submerged underwater (to see the waterline).您可能需要调整吃水线质量计算在中等和高 Beaufort 值的情况下,或者如果相机被淹没在水下(查看水线)。
Planar ReflectionPlanar Reflection#
Parameters defining planar reflections:定义平面反射的参数:
Planar Reflection | Enables the use of planar reflections on the water surface instead of SSR. It is better to use this option for undisturbed water (0-2 Beaufort).允许在水面上使用平面反射而不是 SSR。最好将此选项用于未受干扰的水(0-2 Beaufort)。 |
Map Size | Size of the planar reflection map. The higher the value, the better the quality.平面反射贴图的大小。值越高,质量越好。 |
Viewport Mask | The viewport mask of the reflection camera. A surface has its reflection rendered, if its viewport mask and its material's viewport mask match this mask.这视口遮罩的反射相机。如果表面的视口蒙版和材质的视口蒙版与此蒙版匹配,则表面会渲染其反射。 |
Distance | Distance from the reflection viewport camera to the reflected object. This distance sums up to the distance from the camera to the reflective surface plus the distance from object to reflective surface.从反射视口相机到反射对象的距离。这个距离等于从相机到反射面的距离加上从物体到反射面的距离。 |
Pivot Offset | Position of the reflection pivot point.反射轴点的位置。 |
Parameters defining environment reflections:定义环境反射的参数:
Roughness |
Environment reflection roughness of the water surface. This parameter helps to tweak reflections on the water surface relative to the environment.水面的环境反射粗糙度。此参数有助于调整相对于环境的水面反射。
Occlusion |
Occlusion Slope | Slope of negative normals of the water surface, at which occlusion is performed for wave reflections.水面负法线的斜率,在该处对波反射执行遮挡。 |
Additional parameters:附加参数:
Refraction Scale |
Scale of the water refraction.水折射的比例。
Diffuse Distortion | Distortion of decals projected onto water.失真贴花投射到水面上。 | ||||
Soft Intersection | Soft intersection of water with the shoreline and surfaces of objects.水与海岸线和物体表面的软交叉。 |
Parameters defining caustics:定义焦散的参数:
Caustics |
Enables the effect of light rays refraction by the water surface.启用水面折射光线的效果。
Caustics Distortion |
Removes pixelation and makes caustics look smoother. When smoothing is not required, you can disable this option to gain performance.消除像素化并使焦散看起来更平滑。当不需要平滑时,您可以禁用此选项以获得性能。
Texture |
The 3D Caustic texture determines the pattern of light rays refracted by the water surface.3D Caustic纹理决定了被水面折射的光线的图案。 The texture is 1-channeled:纹理是 1 通道的:
UV Transform |
UV Transform coordinates for the caustic texture.的 UV 变换坐标腐蚀性纹理.
Distance Fade |
Distance from the water surface downwards, at which light shapes fade, in units.从水面向下的距离,灯光形状在该处消失,以单位为单位。
Animation Speed | Movement speed of the light patterns.光模式的移动速度。 | ||||
Brightness | Brightness of the light shapes.灯光形状的亮度。 |
Field HeightField Height#
Parameters concerning FieldHeight object:有关参数场高目的:
Foam Contrast | Contrast of the foam generated from the FieldHeight objects placed in Global Water.产生的泡沫对比场高放置在 Global Water 中的对象。 |
Foam Intensity | Intensity of the foam generated from the FieldHeight objects placed in Global Water.产生的泡沫强度场高放置在 Global Water 中的对象。 |
Steepness | Sharpness of the crests for the waves generated from the FieldHeight objects placed in Global Water.波峰的锐度从产生的波场高放置在 Global Water 中的对象。 |
Field ShorelineField Shoreline#
Parameters concerning FieldShoreline object:有关参数场海岸线目的:
High Precision |
Enables improved interpolation between the adjacent pixels of the shoreline texture to reduce stepping artifacts. This can be noticed when looking at the waterline separating overwater and underwater.启用海岸线纹理的相邻像素之间的改进插值,以减少步进伪影。当查看分隔水上和水下的水线时,可以注意到这一点。 注意
This state should be used only when geometry and/or normal options are enabled. You may also need to adjust the quality of waterline calculation in case of medium and high Beaufort values, or if the camera is to be submerged underwater (to see the waterline).此状态应仅在以下情况下使用几何学和/或普通的选项已启用。您可能还需要调整吃水线质量计算在中等和高 Beaufort 值的情况下,或者如果相机被淹没在水下(查看水线)。
Normal | Enables calculation of normals for geometry of shoreline waves. This option significantly reduces performance and can be used in cases, when really large waves are required. Enabling just the geometry option to simulate distortion of the water surface by a shoreline wave is enough in most cases.启用海岸线波浪几何的法线计算。此选项会显着降低性能,并且可以在需要非常大的波的情况下使用。仅启用几何学在大多数情况下,通过海岸线波浪模拟水面变形的选项就足够了。 | ||||
Geometry |
Enables rendering of wave geometry for shoreline waves. If disabled, the water surface remains flat. Disabling this option in cases where wave geometry is hardly noticeable (e.g. a flight simulator) gives a performance gain.启用海岸线波浪的波浪几何渲染。如果禁用,水面将保持平坦。在波浪几何形状几乎不明显的情况下(例如飞行模拟器)禁用此选项可以提高性能。
Foam |
Enables rendering of foam for shoreline zones.启用海岸线区域的泡沫渲染。
Lut | Path to the LUT texture used for shoreline wetness effect.用于海岸线湿润效果的 LUT 纹理的路径。 | ||||
Wave Speed | Speed of tidal waves.潮汐波的速度。 | ||||
Wave Tiling | Frequency of tidal waves.潮汐波的频率。 | ||||
Wave Exponent | Nonlinearity of tidal waves frequency and movement speed.潮汐波频率和运动速度的非线性。 | ||||
Front Exponent | Semi-transparency of the foam at an angle to the wind direction. Allows making the foam visible only on the windward side.与风向成一定角度的泡沫半透明。允许使泡沫仅在迎风面可见。 | ||||
Wave Height | Height of oncoming tidal waves.迎面而来的潮汐高度。 | ||||
Wave Falloff | Visibility gradient of waves coming from sea to the shore.从海面到岸边的海浪能见度梯度。 | ||||
Mask Tiling | Size of the foam procedural pattern used to reduce the foam tiling effect when seen from above.从上方看时,用于减少泡沫平铺效果的泡沫程序图案的大小。 | ||||
Beaufort Falloff | Beaufort falloff value that provides height control of main geometry waves near the shoreline.Beaufort 衰减值,提供海岸线附近主要几何波的高度控制。 | ||||
Foam Stretching | Width of the Shoreline LUT texture that creates a tidal wave.的宽度海岸线 LUT 纹理这会产生潮汐。 | ||||
Foam Intensity | Degree of foam intensity along the shoreline.沿海岸线的泡沫强度程度。 | ||||
Foam Exponent | Visibility of the foam texture pattern.泡沫纹理图案的可见性。 |
Shoreline WetnessShoreline Wetness#
Parameters defining the effect of wetness near the shoreline:定义海岸线附近湿度影响的参数:
Intensity | Intensity of the wetness effect along the shoreline.沿海岸线的湿润效应强度。 |
Distance | Spread of the wetness area along the shoreline.沿海岸线的潮湿区域的蔓延。 |
Offset | Offset of the wetness area from the water.潮湿区域与水的偏移量。 |
Auxiliary rendering pass parameters:辅助渲染pass参数:
Auxiliary | Enables the auxiliary rendering pass. It can be used for custom post-effects, such as thermal vision, night vision, etc.启用辅助渲染通道.可用于自定义后期效果,如热视觉、夜视等。 |
Color | Color that goes into the auxiliary buffer. Alpha is the blend factor.进入辅助缓冲区的颜色。 Alpha 是混合因子。 |
Intersections and Fetch Requests交叉点和获取请求#
The Global Water object supports intersection detection, that can be used, for example, to simulate a splash at a point of contact of a projectile with water surface, as well as for many other purposes.Global Water 对象支持交叉口检测,例如,可用于模拟弹丸与水面接触点处的飞溅,以及用于许多其他目的。
You can also obtain water level (height) and normal orientation at a certain point, for example, to ensure proper placement and orientation of a ship relatively to the water surface without engaging physics.你也可以获取某一点的水位(高度)和法线方向例如,在不涉及物理的情况下,确保船舶相对于水面的正确放置和方向。
The Global Water object offers you a set of parameters to control accuracy of these operations for performance optimization, as different number of iterations may be required to provide an acceptable result depending on wave steepness and height differences on the water surface (various Beaufort levels). All these parameters are available via API and described in the ObjectWaterGlobal class article.Global Water 对象为您提供了一组参数来控制这些操作的准确性以进行性能优化,因为可能需要不同数量的迭代来提供可接受的结果,具体取决于水面上的波浪陡度和高度差异(各种 Beaufort 级别)。所有这些参数都可以通过 API 获得,并在 ObjectWaterGlobal 类文章中进行了描述。
Check out the Water Global / Fetch Intersection sample in the CPP Samples suite included in the SDK and demonstrating the influence of the Steepness Quality, Amplitude Threshold, and Precision parameters on the accuracy of fetch and intersection requests for the Global Water object at various Beaufort levels.查看 SDK 中包含的 CPP Samples 套件中的 Water Global / Fetch Intersection 示例,并演示 Steepness Quality, Amplitude Threshold 和 Precision 参数对不同 Beaufort 级别的 Global Water 对象的获取和交集请求的准确性的影响。