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UUSL Parameters
UUSL defines parameters that passed by the engine to the shader. These parameters can be used in your shader programs to get the necessary data from the engine.
Common Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_viewport float4 Viewport sizes: width, height, 1/width, 1/height.
s_depth_range float4 Depth range: near, far, 1/near, 1/far.
s_solid_color float4 Solid color.
s_reflection_color float4 Ambient color.
s_frame int The current frame number.
s_taa_offset float2 TAA jittering
Camera Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_projection float4x4 Projection matrix.
s_imodelview float4x4 Inverse Model-View matrix.
s_old_imodelview float4x4 Old inverse Model-View matrix.
s_perspective float4 Perspective parameters: s_projection.m00, s_projection.m11, s_projection.m02 ,s_projection.m12
s_orthographic float4 Orthographic parameters: s_projection.m00, s_projection.m11, s_projection.m03, s_projection.m13.
s_camera_position float3 Camera position.
s_camera_height float z-component of the camera position.
ModelView Projection Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_modelview_projection_x float4 First column of the Model-View projection matrix.
s_modelview_projection_y float4 Second column of the Model-View projection matrix.
s_modelview_projection_w float4 Fourth column of the Model-View projection matrix.
Polygon Front Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_polygon_front float Polygon front.
Transform Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_transform[3] float4 Transformation matrix.
Old Transform Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_old_transform[3] float4 Old transformation matrix.
Light Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_light_position float3 The position of the Light Source
s_light_direction float3 The light direction.
s_light_color float4 Light color.
s_light_iradius float4 The light inverse radius.
s_light_transform float4x4 Light transformation matrix.
s_light_projection float4x4 Light projection matrix.
s_light_shadow_offset float3 Light shadow offset.
s_light_shadow_iradius float4 Light shadow inverse radius.
s_light_shadow_depth_bias float3 Light shadow depth bias.
s_light_shadow_depth_range float2 Light shadow depth range.
s_light_shadow_projection float4x4 Light shadow projection matrix.
Light World Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_light_shadow_offsets[4] float4 World light shadow offsets.
s_light_shadow_projections[4] float4x4 World light shadow projection matrix.
s_light_shadow_splits int World light shadow splits.
Scattering Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_scattering_sun_dir float3 The direction of the sun scattering.
s_scattering_moon_dir float3 The direction of the moon scattering.
Haze Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_haze_color float4 The color of the haze.
s_haze_max_distance float Haze maximum visible distance.
s_haze_density float The haze density.
Material Textures Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_material_textures[16] float4 Material textures. Each 16 vectors contains: width, height, 1/width, 1/height of the texture slot.
Material Tessellation Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_material_tessellation_factor float4 Tessellation factor.
s_material_tessellation_distance float3 Tessellation distance.
Material Animation Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_material_animation_stem float4 Animation stem.
s_material_old_animation_stem float4 Old animation stem.
s_material_animation_leaf float3 Animation leaf.
s_material_old_animation_leaf float3 Old animation leaf.
s_material_animation_wind float3 Animation wind.
Material Ambient Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_material_reflection_transform float4x4 Ambient transformation matrix.
s_material_reflection_center float3 Ambient center.
s_material_reflection_color float3 Ambient color.
s_material_reflection_radius float Ambient radius.
Surface Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_surface_min_bound_sphere float4 Minimum size of the bounding sphere: center (x,y,z), radius(w).
s_surface_max_bound_sphere float4 Maximum size of the bounding sphere: center (x,y,z), radius(w).
s_surface_distances float4 Surface distances: min visible, max visible, imin fade, imax fade
FieldSpacer Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_field_spacer_num_spacers int2 Number of FieldSpacer nodes.
s_field_spacer_parameters[24] float4 FieldSpacer parameters.
s_field_spacer_transforms[24] float4 FieldSpacer transforms.
FieldAnimation Parameters
UUSL parameter Type Description
s_field_animation_num_animations int2 Number of FieldAnimation nodes.
s_field_animation_parameters[24] float4 FieldAnimation parameters.
s_field_animation_transforms[24] float4 FieldAnimation transforms.
Last update: 2017-07-03