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Port Angeles Setups

The Port Angeles demo can be run either in the single-channel or in the multi-channel mode.

To run the demo in the single channel mode, run one of the available launchers in the root of the Portangeles folder:

  • MS Windows:
    • portangeles_editor.bat – the demo with the loaded editor
    • portangeles_release.bat – the demo release version
  • Linux:
    • – the demo with the loaded editor
    • – the demo release version

A multi-channel rendering mode is used to render the image in fragments by several computers (image generators) synchronized over the network in real-time.

The demo comes with the predefined setup for three screens in a row, which also can be used when there is only a remote access to computers. Instructions on custom setups can be found below.

Network Configuration:

  • Isolated physical network is required in order not to flood working environments with broadcast packets
  • Master and slaves computers should belong to the same subnet (default is
  • The broadcast address should be set correctly (default is
  • The bandwidth should be 1 Gbit/s
  • The firewall should be disabled or configured not to block the following TCP ports: 8880, 8801, 8800, 8890, 8891
  • Drivers for the network interface controller should be up to date
  • Default IP addresses:
    • – the right slave
    • – the center master/slave
    • – the left slave

There are two ways of setting the master:

  • Master on IG
  • Master on dedicated PC

Master on IG Setup

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_start_remote.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ in the text editor and specify the following:
    • USER - the name of the user in the system
    • PASSWORD – the password (required)
    • DIRECTORY – the path to the project
  2. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_start_remote.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_start_remote.bat). By running this script, parameters will be set automatically for each slave.
To kill main processes on each computer, use Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_stop_all.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ scripts.

Master on Dedicated PC Setup

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_start_local.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ in the text editor and specify the following:
    • USER - the name of the user in the system
    • PASSWORD – the password (required)
    • DIRECTORY – the path to the project
  2. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_start_local.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ By running this script, parameters will be set automatically for each slave.
To kill main processes on each computer, use Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/ig_stop_all.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ scripts.

Custom Setups


  • Setup all of the slaves before the master
  • Do not forget to replace all of the default IP addresses if you are going to use your own addresses

Slave IG Custom Setup

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_slave.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ in the text editor.
  2. Specify the following slave options at the last line:
    • -slave_name - position in the monitor stack (left, right, etc.)
    • -slave_grid_x - total amount of image generators positioned horizontally
    • -slave_view_x - the number of an image generator in the horizontal row
    • -slave_grid_y - total amount of image generators positioned vertically
    • -slave_view_y - the number of an image generator in the vertical row
    • DISPLAY – the number of the display, which can be obtained by the echo $DISPLAY command in the terminal (for Linux only)
  3. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_slave.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/
    For Linux you can specify display options both in the file or pass them as keys on running in the following way: name view_x display, where:
    • name – position in the monitor stack (left, right, etc.)
    • view_x – the number of an image generator in the horizontal row
    • display – the number of the display, which can be obtained by the echo $DISPLAY command in the terminal
    For example, left 1 :0.
  4. Reiterate first three steps for each slave.

Master on IG Custom Setup

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_master_remote.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ in the text editor.
  2. Specify the slave options in the same way as described in the Slave IG Setup section.
  3. Specify the master broadcast address at the last line:
    • -master_address - the current LAN segment broadcast address
  4. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_master_remote.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/

The example below shows how to manually setup projections for three screen in a row using a Master on IG approach on Windows (each monitor is connected to a separate computer).

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_slave.bat in the text editor for two slave computers and specify the following at the last line:
    • For the first computer: -slave_name left -slave_grid_x 3 -slave_view_x 0
    • For the second computer: -slave_name center -slave_grid_x 3 -slave_view_x 1
  2. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_master_remote.bat and specify the following at the last line:
    • -master_address -slave_name right -slave_grid_x 3 -slave_view_x 2
  3. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_slave.bat on each slave computer.
  4. Run Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_master_remote.bat.

Master on Dedicated PC Custom Setup

  1. Open Portangeles/multi_channel/windows/run_master_local.bat (Portangeles/multi_channel/linux/ in the text editor and specify the broadcast address at the last line:
    • -master_address – the current LAN segment broadcast address
Last update: 2017-07-03
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