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Migrating from UNIGINE 2.0 to UNIGINE 2.1
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Unigine::Image Class

FORMAT_R5G6B5- Removed.
FORMAT_ETC2- Removed.
FORMAT_ETC5- Removed.
FORMAT_EAC1- Removed.
FORMAT_EAC2- Removed.
FILTER_BOX- Removed.
-FILTER_LINEAR Added a linear filter.
-FORMAT_RGB565 Added an RGB565 format.
-virtual int createCubeArray (int width, int height, int num_layers, int format, int num_mipmaps) const =0 Creates an image of a Cube Array type.
-virtual int is2DType () const =0 Returns a value indicating if the image is 2D image.
-virtual int is3DType () const =0 Returns a value indicating if the image is 3D image.
-virtual int isCubeType () const =0 Returns a value indicating if the image is Cube image.
-virtual int isArrayType () const =0 Returns a value indicating if the image is Array image.
-virtual int getNumFaces () const =0 Returns a number of faces in the image.
-virtual size_t getStride (int level) const =0 Returns the image stride on a given mipmap level.
virtual int expand () const =0virtual int sign () const =0 Converts the image from unsigned type to signed char.
-virtual void setCubeArray (int x, int y, int face, int layer, const Pixel & p) const =0 Sets a color of a given pixel for the cube array images.
-virtual Pixel getCubeArray (int x, int y, int face, int layer) const =0 Returns a color of a given pixel of the cube array image.
-virtual Pixel getCubeArray (float x, float y, int face, int layer) const =0 Returns a color of a given pixel of the cube array image.
-virtual Pixel getCubeArray (const vec3 & direction, int layer) const =0 Returns a color of a given pixel of the cube array image.
-virtual unsigned char * getPixelsCubeArray (int face, int layer, int level) const =0 Returns the pointer to the array of pixels with the given mipmap level and image layer for the Cube Array image.
-virtual int getNumChannels () const =0 Returns the number of channels.
-virtual int copy (const Ptr< Image > & image, int layer) const =0 Copies a specified layer between images.
virtual int resize (int width, int height) const =0virtual int resize (int width, int height, int filter) const =0 Added the filter argument.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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