ImageTTF is a console tool for converting a *.ttf font file into a texture.
This tool is handy if a text that uses a font is dynamically resized in case of limited memory resources (for example, mobile devices). In case of using a converted texture the memory footprint is significantly lower.
To invoke ImageTTF, run imagettf_x86.exe (in Windows) or imagettf_x86 (in Linux) from a command-line console (the 64-bit version has x64 postfix).
Command Line Options#
ImageTTF tool receives a TTF font and outputs a texture with 16 ×8 slots for symbols. It recognizes the following command line options:
- -o NAME — name of the output file.
- -s SIZE — size of the slot available for a character or a number (in pixels). This option determines the size of the output texture. The default is 16 pixels.
- -f SIZE — size of the font (in pixels). If a symbol is too big to fit into the slot, it will be cut. The default is 12 pixels.
- -e EXTENSION — extension for the output texture file. The default is PNG.
Output Texture Formats#
The following image formats are supported for the output texture:
- Direct Draw Surface (DDS)
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
- PhotoShop Document (PSD)
- Targa (TGA)
The syntax for Windows is:
imagettf_x86.exe OPTIONS font.ttf
The syntax for Linux is:
imagettf_x86 OPTIONS font.ttf
Type of an output file is determined based on its extension (see the -o option).
The following creates a texture named from my_font.ttf file:
imagettf_x86.exe -o -s 34 -f 14 font.ttf