UUSL Semantics
Redefined UUSL semantics allows you to create unified input\output shader structures for both graphics APIs.
Vertex Shader Semantics#
Vertex shader semantics contain necessary input and output data for shader. You should initialize variables first and then use them.
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
INIT_ATTRIBUTE(TYPE,NUM,SEMANTICS) | in TYPE s_attribute_ ## NUM; | TYPE attribute_ ## NUM : SEMANTICS; | Adds a semantic to a vertex shader variable. |
INIT_OUT(TYPE,NUM) | out TYPE s_texcoord_ ## NUM; | TYPE data_ ## NUM : TEXCOORD ## NUM; | Adds an output data semantic. |
INIT_POSITION | - | float4 position : SV_POSITION; | Adds a position system-value semantic. |
INIT_INSTANCE | - | uint instance : SV_INSTANCEID; | Adds a per-instance identifier system-value semantic. |
Here is an example of vertex shader input and output structures:
// Input vertex data
INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,0,POSITION) // Vertex position
INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,1,TEXCOORD0) // Vertex texcoord (uv)
INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,2,TEXCOORD1) // Vertex basis tangent
INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,3,TEXCOORD2) // Vertex color
// Our output vertex data
INIT_POSITION // Out projected position
INIT_OUT(float4,0) // Texcoord (uv)
INIT_OUT(float3,1) // Vertex direction
Use the following pre-defined variables to use the input\output vertex shader semantics:
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
IN_INSTANCE | gl_InstanceID | input.instance | An input per-instance identifier system-value variable. |
IN_ATTRIBUTE(NUM) | s_attribute_ ## NUM | input.attribute_ ## NUM | An input shader variable. |
OUT_DATA(NUM) | s_texcoord_ ## NUM | output.data_ ## NUM | An output texture coordinates variable. |
OUT_POSITION | gl_Position | output.position | An output position system-value variable. |
Fragment Shader Semantics#
Fragment shader semantics contain necessary input and output data for shader. You should initialize variables first and then use them.
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
INIT_IN(TYPE,NUM) | in TYPE s_texcoord_ ## NUM; | TYPE data_ ## NUM : TEXCOORD ## NUM; | Adds an input texture coordinates semantic. |
INIT_COLOR(TYPE) | out TYPE s_frag_color; | TYPE color : SV_TARGET; | Add an output diffuse or specular color semantic (single RT). |
INIT_DEPTH | - | float depth : SV_DEPTH; | Add an output depth system-value semantic. |
INIT_MRT(TYPE,NUM) | out TYPE s_frag_data_ ## NUM; | TYPE color_ ## NUM : SV_TARGET ## NUM; | Add an output color system-value semantic (some RTs). |
INIT_FRONTFACE | --- | bool frontface : SV_ISFRONTFACE; | Adds an input semantic indicates primitive face (frontface or not). |
To use the variables in the code, use the following variables:
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
IN_POSITION | gl_FragCoord | input.position | An input position value. |
IN_DATA(NUM) | s_texcoord_ ## NUM | input.data_ ## NUM | An input texture coordinates variable. |
IN_FRONTFACE | !gl_FrontFacing | input.frontface | Floating-point scalar that indicates a back-facing primitive. A negative value faces backwards, while a positive value faces the camera. |
OUT_COLOR | s_frag_color | output.color | An output color value (single RT). |
OUT_DEPTH | gl_FragDepth | output.depth | An output depth value. |
OUT_MRT(NUM) | out TYPE s_frag_data_ ## NUM; | output.color_ ## NUM | An output color value for MRTs. |
Here is a simple example of using the variable in the main function of the shader:
float4 texcoord = IN_DATA(0);
/* ... other code ... */
Geometry Shader Semantics#
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
INIT_GEOM_IN(TYPE,NUM) | in TYPE s_geom_texcoord_ ## NUM[]; | TYPE data_ ## NUM : TEXCOORD ## NUM; | Add an input texture coordinates semantic for the geometry-shader stage. |
INIT_GEOM_OUT(TYPE,NUM) | out TYPE s_geom_texcoord_ ## NUM; | TYPE data_ ## NUM : TEXCOORD ## NUM; | Add an output texture coordinates semantic for the geometry-shader stage. |
UUSL | OpenGL | Direct3D | Description |
IN_GEOM_DATA(NUM,INDEX) | s_geom_texcoord_ ## NUM ## [INDEX] | input[INDEX].data_ ## NUM | An input texture coordinates value. |
IN_GEOM_POSITION(INDEX) | gl_in[INDEX].gl_Position | input[INDEX].position | An input position value. |
OUT_GEOM_DATA(NUM) | s_geom_texcoord_ ## NUM | output.data_ ## NUM | An output texture coordinates value. |
TRIANGLE_IN | triangles | triangle | Input primitive type: triangle list or triangle strip. |
TRIANGLE_OUT | triangle_strip | TriangleStream | Output primitive type: a sequence of triangle primitives |
LINE_IN | lines | line | Input primitive type: line. |
LINE_OUT | line_strip | LineStream | Output primitive type: a sequence of line primitives |
Unified Shader Semantics#
Unified shader semantics allows you to create single structure for both vertex and fragment shaders. It facilitates the work with vertex and fragment shaders input/output structure by using single structure for both shaders: this structure will be output for vertex shader and input for fragment shader respectively.
You can write vertex and fragment shader in a single file with .shader extension. In this case, in the material you should specify this .shader file for both shader stages.
<materials version="2.0" editable="0">
<material name="mesh_base" editable="0" parameters_prefix="m" defines="VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_GEOMETRY">
<!-- ... -->
<shader pass="auxiliary" object="mesh_static"
<!-- ... -->
UUSL | VERTEX | FRAGMENT | Description |
GET_DATA(V) | OUT_DATA(V) | IN_DATA(V) | Helper for getting/setting data by using data name. |
IF statement#
There is also the IF_DATA(NAME) statement to execute an operation if the data is not null.
UUSL | VERTEX | FRAGMENT | Description |
IF_DATA(NAME) | #ifdef NAME | #ifdef NAME | Opening IF conditional statement. |
ENDIF | #endif | #endif | Closing IF conditional statement. |
Here is a code snippet of shader, where the shader's IF statement is used.
//input struct
/* ... */
/* ... */
//main functions
/* ... */
//code to execute if the data is not null
/* ... */