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Creating a Custom Shader for Post-Processing

Unigine engine allows you to create your own post-effects by writing custom shaders. To write post-effect shaders, you should use the same workflow as for deferred and forward rendering passes: create the material, write vertex and fragment shaders.

This tutorial explains how to create a post-effect material, write shaders for it (both vertex and fragment), add a parameter to the material to be able to specify the value from the UnigineEditor.

See Also#

Create a Material#

As in all other shaders tutorials, you should create the material first. Let's add a new base material to your project.

To create post-effect material, you should specify the post pass for shaders and textures.

The material will have the following structure:

Source code (XML)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<base_material version="2.0" name="custom_post" editable="0">

	<!-- Post-effect shaders -->
	<shader pass="post"
	<!-- Textures -->
	<texture name="color" pass="post" unit="0" type="procedural"/>
	<texture name="dirt" pass="post" unit="1" anisotropy="1" workflow="0" tooltip="Dirt color texture">core/textures/water_global/</texture>
	<!-- Parameters -->
	<slider name="grayscale_power" shared="1" min="0.0" max="1.0" flags="max_expand">0.5</slider>
	<slider name="dirt_power" shared="1" min="-1.0" max="1.0" flags="max_expand">0.5</slider>

The key features of this post material are:

  • Added shaders and textures for post pass.
  • Added the shared grayscale_power and dirt_power parameters.

Save the new material as custom_post.basemat file to the data folder.

Create Vertex Shader#

Since we write a simple shader example, let's write a simple shader like the vertex shader for the deferred rendering pass.

  1. Write the shader code in the plain text editor:
    Source code (UUSL)
    // Include the UUSL header
    #include <core/shaders/common/common.h>
    // Input data struct
    	INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,0,POSITION)	// Vertex position
    	INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,1,TEXCOORD0)	// Vertex texcoords
    	INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,2,COLOR0)		// Vertex color
    // Output data struct
    	INIT_POSITION		// Output projected position
    	INIT_OUT(float2,0)	// Texcoords (x and y only)
    	// Set output position
    	OUT_POSITION = getPosition(IN_ATTRIBUTE(0));
    	OUT_DATA(0).xy = IN_ATTRIBUTE(1).xy;
    // end
    You should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction (after MAIN_END command).
  2. Save the shader file as post.vert to the data/shaders/vertex folder.

The code of the vertex shader is simple since we don't need to work with the geometry.

Use the materials_reload command to reload shaders whilst the engine is running.

Create Fragment Shader#

This section contains instruction how to create a fragment shader (also known as pixel shader).

To create the fragment shader for post-process pass, perform the following:

  1. Open a plain text editor, and write the following:
    Source code (UUSL)
    // Include the UUSL fragment shader header
    #include <core/shaders/common/fragment.h>
    // Define the texture of the scene
    // Input values
    	INIT_POSITION		// Projected position
    	INIT_IN(float2,0)	// Texcoords
    // Define the grayscale_power parameter
    	UNIFORM float grayscale_power;
    	UNIFORM float dirt_power;
    	// Get the UV
    	float2 uv = IN_DATA(0);
    	// Get the scene color
    	float4 scene_color = TEXTURE_BIAS_ZERO(TEX_SCENE,uv);
    	// Get the dirt color
    	float4 dirt_color = TEXTURE_BIAS_ZERO(TEX_DIRT,uv);
    	// Calculate the grayscale
    	float3 gray_scene_color = dot(float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f), scene_color.rgb);
    	scene_color.rgb = lerp(scene_color.rgb,gray_scene_color,grayscale_power);
    	// add some dirt
    	OUT_COLOR = scene_color+dirt_color*dirt_power;
    // end
    You should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction (after MAIN_END command).
  2. Save the shader file as post.frag to the data/shaders/fragment folder.

Well, let's clarify what is under the hood of this fragment shader:

  • We get the texture which was specified in the post-effect material.
  • By applying a standard grayscale equation, we change the color of the scene.
  • By using lerp function (which performs a linear interpolation), we add the custom grayscale_power parameter to adjust the grayscale power.
  • We also get the dirt texture and apply it to the final scene color to simulate dirn on camera lens (can also be used for vignette effect etc.)
  • A custom dirt_power parameter to adjust intensity of the dirt texture (its impact on the final image).
Use the materials_reload console command to reload shaders whilst the engine is running.

See Also#

Editing the Material#

Material has been created, shaders have been written, it's time to use it in the project!

  1. Open UnigineEditor and launch your project.
  2. Create a new material by inheriting from the recently created one in the Materials Hierarchy window.
  3. Open the Settings window by choosing Windows -> Settings from the main menu
  4. In the Settings window choose Runtime -> World -> Render -> Screen Space Materials and specify the name of the child post material in the Post field.

    The grayscale post-effect will be applied.

  5. Select your material in the Materials window. Then in the Parameters window select Parameters tab.

    Configure your post-effect by adjusting the Grayscale Power and Dirt Power parameters.

    The final scene.
Last update: 2020-11-24
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