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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine.AmbientSource Class

This class is used to create a non-directional ambient background sound.

For an ambient source to be played, a player is always required. In case an ambient source needs to be played when neither a world, nor the editor are loaded, a player should be created in the system script unigine.cpp; otherwise, no sound will be heard.

Creating an Ambient Sound Source

To create an ambient sound source, create an instance of the AmbientSource class and specify all required settings:

Source code (C#)
// create a player so that an ambient sound source is played
PlayerSpectator player = new PlayerSpectator();
player.setPosition(new Vec3(0.0f, -3.401f, 1.5f));
player.setViewDirection(new vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, -0.4f));

// create the ambient sound source
AmbientSource sound = new AmbientSource("sound.mp3");
// set necessary sound settings

Updating an Existing Ambient Sound Source

To update the settings of the ambient sound source, you can simply call the corresponding methods:

Source code (C#)
// change the sample file of the playing sound source
if ((sound.isPlaying() == 1) && (App.get().clearKeyState('c') == 1))
	// increase the pitch
	// reduce the gain

As sound has its own thread that updates at 30 FPS, changes won't be applied immediately. However, you can force updating by using the renderWorld() method.

Sound events like play() or stop() aren't updated immediately as well. So, when you need to perform operations that require stopping of the playback (for example, updating the time, from which the sample should be played, or the sample name), you need to force update the sound thread after stopping the playback:

Source code (C#)
// check if the sound sample is playing
if (sound.isPlaying())
	// stop playing the sample
	// force updating of the sound thread
	// update time
	// play the sample;

AmbientSource Class


static AmbientSource(string name, int stream = 0)

Constructor. Creates a new ambient sound source using a given sound file.


  • string name - Path to the sound file.
  • int stream - Positive value to create a streaming source, 0 to create a static source. If the flag is set, the sample will not be fully loaded into memory. Instead, its successive parts will be read one by one into a memory buffer.

void setGain(float gain)

Sets volume of the sound.


  • float gain - Volume. 0 means muted, 1 means maximum volume.

float getGain()

Returns volume of the sound.

Return value

Volume. 0 means muted, 1 means maximum volume.

IntPtr getInterface()

float getLength()

Returns the total length of the sound sample.

Return value

Length of the sample in seconds.

void setLoop(int loop)

Sets a value indicating if the sample should be looped.


  • int loop - Positive number to loop the sample, 0 to play it only once.

int getLoop()

Returns a value indicating if the sample is looped.

Return value

Positive number if the sample is looped; otherwise, 0.

void setPitch(float pitch)

Sets a sound pitch.


  • float pitch - Factor, by which the current pitch will be multiplied.

float getPitch()

Returns a sound pitch.

Return value

Factor, by which the current pitch will be multiplied.

int isPlaying()

Returns a value indicating if the sample is being played.

Return value

1 if the sample is being played; otherwise, 0.

void setSampleName(string name)

Sets a new sound file for the ambient sound.
To change the sound file of the currently played ambient sound, first, you should stop the playback, set the sample name, and then resume the playback.
Source code (C#)
if (sound.isPlaying())
	// stop the playing sound
	// force updating of the sound thread
	// set a new sample file to be played
	// play the sound;


  • string name - Path to the sound file.

string getSampleName()

Returns the name of the sound file.

Return value

Path to the sound file.

void setSourceMask(int mask)

Updates a bit mask that determines to what sound channels the source belongs to. For a sound source to be heard, its mask should match with the player's sound mask in at least one bit.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which specifies a sound channel.

int getSourceMask()

Returns a bit mask that determines to what sound channels the source belongs to. For a sound source to be heard, its mask should match at least with the player's sound mask in at least one bit.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which specifies a sound channel.

int isStopped()

Returns a value indicating if playback is stopped.

Return value

1 if the sample is stopped; otherwise, 0.

void setTime(float time)

Sets time, from which the sample should be played.
This function is ineffective if the sample is already playing. At first it is necessary to stop the playback, set the time, and then resume the playback.


  • float time - Time in seconds.

float getTime()

Returns the current time, at which the sample is being played.

Return value

Time in seconds.

void play()

Starts playing the sample.

void stop()

Stops playback. This function saves the playback position so that playing of the file can be resumed from the same point.
The playback won't stop immediately, as the sound thread is updated at 30 FPS. So, when you need to perform operations that require stopping of the playback (for example, updating the time, from which the sample should be played), you need to force update the sound thread after stopping the playback.
Last update: 2018-06-04
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