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Unigine.WidgetSpriteVideo Class


This class is used to create a virtual monitor that plays a video file (currently only *.OGV files are supported). It can be synchrozied with playback of the ambient sound or the directional sound source.

The following example illustrates how to play a video-file on the system GUI or a GUI object using the WidgetSpriteVideo class.

Source code (C#)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
    using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;
namespace UnigineApp
	class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
		// World logic, it takes effect only when the world is loaded.
		// These methods are called right after corresponding world script's (UnigineScript) methods.

        // path to the video file to play (only *.OGV type is supported)
        String file_name = "<YOUR_VIDEO_FILE_NAME>.ogv";

        // Define the GUIobject and WidgetSpriteVideo instances
        // so that they are deleted with the AppWorldLogic instance
        ObjectGui GUIobject;

        // sprite video widgets
        WidgetSpriteVideo TVscreen;
        WidgetSpriteVideo MAINscreen;

		/* .. */

		public override int init()
			// Write here code to be called on world initialization: initialize resources for your world scene during the world start.

            	// creating a GUI object with the following size: 1.0f x 0.5f 
	            GUIobject = new ObjectGui(1.0f, 0.5f);

                // passing node ownership to  the Editor

                // setting transformation and other parameters of the GUI object
                GUIobject.setWorldTransform(new Mat4(MathLib.translate(-0.5f, 1.0f, 1.5f) * MathLib.rotateX(90.0f)));
                GUIobject.setMaterial("gui_base", "*");
                GUIobject.setProperty("surface_base", "*");
                GUIobject.setMaterialState("mode", 1, 0);

                // creating the first sprite video widget that plays a file_name video file on the GUI object
                TVscreen = new WidgetSpriteVideo(GUIobject.getGui(), file_name, 1);

                // adding the sprite video widge to the GUI object
                GUIobject.getGui().addChild(TVscreen.getWidget(), Gui.ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui.ALIGN_BACKGROUND);

                // setting looped playback mode

                // launching playback

                // creating the second sprite video widget that plays a file_name video file on the system GUI
                MAINscreen = new WidgetSpriteVideo(Gui.get(), file_name, 1);

                // setting size and position of the second sprite video widget on the screen
                MAINscreen.setPosition(100, 100);

                // adding the sprite video widge to the system GUI
                Gui.get().addChild(MAINscreen.getWidget(), Gui.ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui.ALIGN_BACKGROUND);

                // setting looped playback mode

                // launching playback

			return 1;
		/* .. */

WidgetSpriteVideo Class


static WidgetSpriteVideo(Gui gui, string name = 0, int mode = 1)

Constructor. Creates a new sprite that plays video.


  • Gui gui - GUI, to which the new sprite will belong.
  • string name - Path to a video file.
  • int mode - YUV flag: 1 if convertion to RGB should be performed by the GPU, 0 - if by the CPU.

WidgetSpriteVideo cast(Widget widget)

Casts a WidgetSpriteVideo out of the Widget instance.


  • Widget widget - Widget instance.

Return value

WidgetSpriteVideo instance.

void setAmbientSource(AmbientSource source)

Synchronizes video playback to the ambient sound source playback.


  • AmbientSource source - Ambient sound source according to which video playback will be synchronized.

AmbientSource getAmbientSource()

Returns the ambient sound source according to which video playback is synchronized.

Return value

Ambient sound source.

void setLoop(int loop)

Sets a value indicating if the video should be looped.


  • int loop - Positive number to loop the video, 0 to play it only once.

int getLoop()

Returns a value indicating if the video is looped.

Return value

Positive number if the video is looped; otherwise, 0.

int isPlaying()

Returns a value indicating if the video is being played at the moment.

Return value

1 if the video is being played; otherwise, 0.

void setSoundSource(SoundSource source)

Synchronizes video playback to the sound source playback.


  • SoundSource source - Sound source according to which video playback will be synchronized.

SoundSource getSoundSource()

Returns the sound source according to which video playback is synchronized.

Return value

Sound source.

int isStopped()

Returns a value indicating if the video is stopped at the moment.

Return value

1 if the video is stopped; otherwise, 0.

void setVideoTime(float time)

Rewinds or fast-forwards the video to a given time.


  • float time - Time in seconds.

float getVideoTime()

Returns the time of the currently played frame.

Return value

Time in seconds.

void setYUV(int yuv)

Sets a flag for YUV conversion.


  • int yuv - Mode flag: 1 if convertion to RGB should be performed by the GPU, 0 if it is converted by the CPU.

int getYUV()

Returns a flag for YUV conversion.

Return value

1 if convertion to RGB is performed by the GPU, 0 if it is converted by the CPU.

void play()

Starts playing video.

void stop()

Stops playing video. This function saves the playback position so that playing of the file can be resumed from the same point.
Last update: 2018-06-04
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