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Double Precision Coordinates
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CIGI Client Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
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Unigine.PhysicalTrigger Class


Physical triggers fire callbacks when a physical object gets inside or outside of them. To be detected by the trigger, physical objects are required to have at the same time both:

  1. Bodies (with matching Physical Mask)
    For BodyDummy to trigger PhysicalTrigger, you need to call updateContacts() first.
  2. Shapes (with matching Collision mask)

To force update of the physical trigger updateContacts() can be called. After that, you can access all updated data about the contacts in the same frame. However, callback functions will still be executed only when the next engine function is called: that is, before flush() (in the current frame), or before theupdate() (in the next frame) — whatever comes first.

If you have moved some nodes and want to get callbacks based on changed positions in the same frame, you need to call first.

Usage Example

In this example a physical trigger and two boxes, each with a body and a shape, are created. When a box with matching physical mask enters the physical trigger the trigger_enter() function is called, when it leaves the trigger - the trigger_leave() function is called.

Source code (C#)
// AppWorldLogic.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Vec4 = Unigine.dvec4;
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;
using Vec4 = Unigine.vec4;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;
namespace UnigineApp
	class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
		// World logic, it takes effect only when the world is loaded.
		// These methods are called right after corresponding world script's (UnigineScript) methods.
        PhysicalTrigger trigger;
        ObjectMeshDynamic box1;
        ObjectMeshDynamic box2;
		// callback function to be fired when a physical object enters the trigger
        private void trigger_enter(Body body)
			// trying to get an object from the body
            Unigine.Object obj = body.getObject();
            if (!obj.checkPtr())
			// enabling material emission for all object's surfaces
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.getNumSurfaces(); i++)
                obj.setMaterialState("emission", 1, i);

		    // displaying the name of the object entering trigger area
            Log.message("\n {0} has entered the trigger area!", body.getObject().getName());

       // callback function to be fired when a physical object leaves the trigger
       private void trigger_leave(Body body)
			// trying to get an object from the body
            Unigine.Object obj = body.getObject();
            if (!obj.checkPtr())
			// disabling material emission for all object's surfaces
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.getNumSurfaces(); i++)
                obj.setMaterialState("emission", 0, i);

		    // displaying the name of the object leaving trigger area
		    Log.message("\n {0} has left the trigger area!", body.getObject().getName());

        /// function, creating a named box having a specified size, color and transformation with a body and a shape
        ObjectMeshDynamic createBodyBox(String name, vec3 size, float mass, vec4 color, dmat4 transform, int physical_mask)
			// creating geometry and setting up its parameters (name, material, property and transformation)
			ObjectMeshDynamic OMD = Primitives.createBox(size);
			OMD.setMaterial("mesh_base", "*");
			OMD.setMaterialParameter("albedo_color", color, 0);
			OMD.setProperty("surface_base", "*");

			// adding physics, i.e. a rigid body and a box shape with specified mass
			BodyRigid body = new BodyRigid(OMD.getObject());
			body.addShape(new ShapeBox(size).getShape(), MathLib.translate(new vec3(0.0f)));
			// passing the node to the Editor

			return OMD;

		/* .. */

		public override int init()

            // enabling visualizer to render bounds of the physical trigger	
            Unigine.Console.get().run("show_visualizer 1");
			// creating a physical trigger and passing it to the Editor
			trigger = new PhysicalTrigger(3,new vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f));
			// setting trigger's position
			trigger.setPosition(new dvec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

			// setting trigger's physical mask equal to 1

			// retrieving trigger size
			vec3 size = trigger.getSize();
			// displaying trigger size and shape type
			Log.message("\n Trigger parameters size({0}, {1} , {2}) type: {3}", size.x, size.y, size.z, trigger.getShapeType());
			// setting trigger enter callback function
			trigger.setEnterCallback(body => trigger_enter(body));

			// setting trigger leave callback function
			trigger.setLeaveCallback(body => trigger_leave(body));

			// creating a box with a body and physical mask value equal to 2 to be ignored by the trigger
			box1 = createBodyBox("Box1", new vec3(0.2f), 5.0f, new vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), MathLib.translate(new dvec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.22f)),2);

			// creating a box with a body and physical mask value equal to 1 to affect the trigger
			box2 = createBodyBox("Box2", new vec3(0.2f), 0.0f, new vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), MathLib.translate(new dvec3(3.5f, 0.0f, 1.2f)),1);

			// displaying physical masks of both boxes and the trigger
			Log.message("\n Box1 Physical mask: {0}", box1.getBody().getPhysicalMask());
			Log.message("\n Box2 Physical mask: {0}", box2.getBody().getPhysicalMask());
			Log.message("\n Trigger Physical mask: {0}", trigger.getPhysicalMask());
			return 1;

		// start of the main loop
		public override int update()
            // showing the bounds of the physical trigger

            // changing the position of the second box
            box2.setWorldPosition(box2.getWorldPosition() - new Vec3(0.5f * Game.get().getIFps(), 0.0f, 0.0f));
			return 1;

		/* .. */

		public override int flush()
            // updating information on trigger contacts
			return 1;
		/* .. */

PhysicalTrigger Class


static PhysicalTrigger(int type, vec3 size)

Constructor. Creates a physical trigger of the specified shape and size.


  • int type - Shape of the physical trigger:
    • 0 = Sphere
    • 1 = Capsule
    • 2 = Cylinder
    • 3 = Box
  • vec3 size - Size of the physical trigger:
    • Radius, in case of a sphere
    • Radius and height, in case of a capsule or a cylinder
    • Dimensions, in case of the box

PhysicalTrigger cast(Node node)

Casts a PhysicalTrigger out of the Node instance.


  • Node node - Node instance.

Return value

PhysicalTrigger instance.

PhysicalTrigger cast(Physical base)

Casts a PhysicalTrigger out of the Physical instance.


  • Physical base - Physical instance.

Return value

PhysicalTrigger instance.

Body getBody(int num)

Returns the specified body with which a physical trigger intersects.


  • int num - Body number.

Return value

Intersected body.

void setCollisionMask(int mask)

Sets the collision bit mask for the trigger:
  • the trigger will be activated if the entered body will have a matching physical mask and at the same time its shape will have a matching collision mask.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

int getCollisionMask()

Sets the collision bit mask for the trigger:
  • the trigger will be activated if the entered body will have a matching physical mask and at the same time its shape will have a matching collision mask.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

float getContactDepth(int contact)

Returns penetration depth by the given contact.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Penetration depth.

vec3 getContactNormal(int contact)

Returns a normal of the contact point, in world coordinates.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Normal of the contact point.

Object getContactObject(int contact)

Returns an object participating in the contact with a physical trigger.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Object in contact.

Vec3 getContactPoint(int contact)

Returns world coordinates of the contact point.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Contact point.

Shape getContactShape(int contact)

Returns a shape that collided with a physical trigger.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Shape in contact.

int getContactSurface(int contact)

Returns the surface of the current object, which is in contact.


  • int contact - Contact number.

Return value

Surface number.

void setEnterCallback(EnterCallback func)

Sets the callback function to be fired on entering the physical trigger.


  • EnterCallback func - Callback function to be fired on entering the physical trigger.

void setEnterCallbackName(string name)

Sets a UnigineScript callback function to be fired on entering the physical trigger.
  • Unlike setEnterCallback() , this callback function accepts a body that entered the physical trigger and the physical trigger itself as arguments.


  • string name - Name of the UnigineScript callback function.

string getEnterCallbackName()

Returns the name of the UnigineScript callback function fired on entering the physical trigger. This callback function is set via setEnterCallbackName() .

Return value

Name of the UnigineScript callback function.

void setExclusionMask(int mask)

Sets an bit mask to prevent detecting collisions with shapes and bodies. This mask is independent of the collision mask. To avoid detecting collisions by a physical trigger for bodies and shapes with matching collision masks, at least one bit in exclusion masks should match. 0 is to collide with all bodies and shapes with a matching collision mask.


  • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

int getExclusionMask()

Returns the bit mask that prevent detecting collisions with shapes and bodies. This mask is independent of the collision mask. To avoid detecting collisions by a physical trigger for bodies and shapes with matching collision masks, at least one bit in exclusion masks should match.

Return value

Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

void setLeaveCallback(LeaveCallback func)

Sets the callback function to be fired on leaving the physical trigger.


  • LeaveCallback func - Callback function to be fired on leaving the physical trigger.

void setLeaveCallbackName(string name)

Sets the name of a UnigineScript callback function to be fired on leaving the physical trigger.
  • Unlike setLeaveCallback() , this callback function accepts a body that left the physical trigger and physical trigger itself as arguments.


  • string name - Name of the UnigineScript callback function.

string getLeaveCallbackName()

Returns the name of the UnigineScript callback function fired on leaving the physical trigger. This callback function is set via setLeaveCallbackName() .

Return value

Name of the UnigineScript callback function.

int getNumBodies()

Returns the total number of bodies intersecting with the physical trigger.

Return value

Number of bodies.

int getNumContacts()

Returns the total number of contacts with bodies, shapes and colliding surfaces in which a physical trigger participated.

Return value

Number of contacts.

void setShapeType(int type)

Sets the shape type of the physical trigger.


  • int type - Shape type of the physical trigger:
    • 0 - Sphere
    • 1 - Capsule
    • 2 - Cylinder
    • 3 - Box

int getShapeType()

Returns the shape type of the physical trigger.

Return value

Shape type of the physical trigger:
  • 0 - Sphere
  • 1 - Capsule
  • 2 - Cylinder
  • 3 - Box

void setSize(vec3 size)

Sets the size of the physical trigger.


  • vec3 size - New size of the physical trigger:
    • Radius, in case of a sphere (pass the radius in the first element of the vector).
    • Radius and height, in case of a capsule or a cylinder (pass the radius as the first vector element and the height as the second element).
    • Dimensions along the X, Y and Z axes, in case of the box.

vec3 getSize()

Returns the current size of the physical trigger:
  • Radius, in case of a sphere (pass the radius in the first element of the vector).
  • Radius and height, in case of a capsule or a cylinder (pass the radius as the first vector element and the height as the second element).
  • Dimensions along the X, Y and Z axes, in case of the box.

Return value

Size of the physical trigger.

int type()

Returns the type of the node.

Return value

Physical trigger type identifier.

void updateContacts()

Forces a physical trigger to be updated, i.e. to recalculate its intersections with physical objects and colliders. After that, you can access all updated data; however, callback functions themselves will be executed only when physics flush is over.
Last update: 2018-06-04
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