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Landscape Tool
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CIGI Client Plugin
Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine.RenderContext Class

This class is used to manage render context.

RenderContext Class


int createContext(IntPtr handle, int width, int height)

Creates a new rendering context.


  • IntPtr handle - Window handle.
  • int width - Canvas width.
  • int height - Canvas height.

Return value

1 if rendering context is created successfully; otherwise, 0.

int isCreated()

Returns a value indicating if rendering context is created.

Return value

1 if rendering context is created successfully; otherwise, 0.

int destroyContext()

Destroys the rendering context.

Return value

1 if the rendering context is destroyed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int getContextAPI()

Returns the graphics API of the rendering context.

Return value

One of the following values:

string getContextName()

Returns the name of the graphics API of the rendering context.

Return value

One of the following values:
  • opengl
  • direct3d11

IntPtr getD3D11Context()

Returns a pointer to the existing ID3D11DeviceContext interface.

Return value

ID3D11DeviceContext interface pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11DepthStencil()

Returns a pointer to the depth stencil texture.

Return value

Depth stencil texture pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11DepthStencilView()

Returns a pointer to the existing ID3D11DepthStencilView interface.

Return value

ID3D11DepthStencilView interface pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11Device()

Returns a pointer to the existing ID3D11Device interface.

Return value

ID3D11Device interface pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11RenderTarget()

Returns a pointer to the render target texture.

Return value

Render target texture pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11RenderTargetView()

Returns a pointer to the existing ID3D11RenderTargetView interface.

Return value

ID3D11RenderTargetView interface pointer.

IntPtr getD3D11SwapChain()

Returns a pointer to the existing IDXGISwapChain interface.

Return value

IDXGISwapChain interface pointer.

IntPtr getHandle()

Returns a window handle.

Return value

Window handle.

IntPtr getGLContext()

Returns a pointer to the OpenGL context.

Return value

OpenGL context pointer.

int resizeWindow(int width, int height)

Resizes the window.


  • int width - New window width.
  • int height - New window height.

Return value

1 if the window is resized successfully; otherwise, 0.

int renderWindow()

Renders the window.

Return value

1 if the window is rendered successfully; otherwise, 0.

int swapWindow()

Swaps the window.

Return value

1 if the window is swapped successfully; otherwise, 0.

int isReady()

Returns a value indicating if the rendering context is ready.

Return value

1 if the rendering context is ready; otherwise, 0.

IntPtr createVisual()

Creates a visual context.

Return value

Pointer to the created visual context.
Last update: 2018-06-04
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