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LandscapeFetch Class

This class is used to fetch data of the Landscape Terrain Object at a certain point (e.g. a height request) or check for an intersection with a traced line. The following performance optimizations are available:

  • For each request you can engage or disengage certain data types (albedo, heights, masks, etc.). When the data type is engaged, you can obtain information via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
  • Both fetch and intersection requests can be performed asynchronously when an instant result is not required.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a new LandscapeFetch object instance.
  2. Set necessary parameters (e.g. which data layers are to be used, whether to enable holes or not, etc.).
  3. To get terrain data for a certain point call the fetchForce() method providing coordinates for the desired point.
    You can also fetch terrain data asynchronously via the fetchAsync() method.
  4. To find an intersection of a traced line with the terrain call either the intersectionForce() method or the intersectionAsync() method, if you want to perform an asynchronous request.

Usage Example#

Source code (C++)
// creating a fetch object and setting necessary parameters
LandscapeFetchPtr landscape_fetch = LandscapeFetch::create();

// ...

// getting terrain data for a point at (100, 100) and printing the height value
if (landscape_fetch->fetchForce(Vec2(100, 100)))
	Log::message("Terrain height at the specified point is: %f", Scalar(landscape_fetch->getHeight()));

Asynchronous Operations Example#

Source code (C++)
// creating a fetch object and setting necessary parameters
LandscapeFetchPtr landscape_fetch = LandscapeFetch::create();

// ...

// making an asynchronous fetch request for a point at (100, 100)
landscape_fetch->fetchAsync(Vec2(2.05f, 2.05f));

// ...

// checking if our asynchronous fetch request is completed and printing the height value
if (landscape_fetch->isAsyncCompleted()) {
		Log::message("Terrain height at the specified point is: %f", Scalar(landscape_fetch->getHeight()));

LandscapeFetch Class


LandscapeFetch ( ) #

The LandscapeFetch constructor.

Vec3 getPosition ( ) #

Returns the coordinates of the fetch/intersection point.

Return value

Fetch/intersection point coordinates as a three-component vector.

float getHeight ( ) #

Returns the height value at the point.

Return value

Height value at the point.

vec3 getNormal ( ) #

Returns normal vector coordinates at the point.
To get valid normal information via this method, engage normal data for the fetch/intersection request.

Return value

Normal vector coordinates at the point.

vec3 getTangent ( ) #

Returns tangent vector coordinates at the point.
To get valid tangent information via this method, engage normal data for the fetch/intersection request.

Return value

Tangent vector coordinates at the point.

vec3 getBinormal ( ) #

Returns binormal vector coordinates at the point.
To get valid binormal information via this method, engage normal data for the fetch/intersection request.

Return value

Binormal vector coordinates at the point.

vec4 getAlbedo ( ) #

Returns albedo color information at the point.
To get valid albedo color information via this method, engage albedo data for the fetch/intersection request.

Return value

Albedo color at the point as a 4 component vector (R, G, B, A).

int isIntersection ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if an intersection was detected.

Return value

1 if an intersection was detected; otherwise, 0.

float getMask ( int num ) #

Returns information stored for the point in the detail mask with the specified number.
To get valid detail mask information via this method, engage mask data for the fetch/intersection request.


  • int num - Number of the detail mask in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

Value for the point stored in the detail mask with the specified number.

void setUses ( int uses ) #

Sets multiple flags engaging/disengaging certain data types for the fetch/intersection request.


  • int uses - Combination of data engagement flags to be set.

int getUses ( ) #

Returns the current state of flags engaging/disengaging certain data types for the fetch/intersection request.

Return value

Current combination of data engagement flags.

void setUsesHeight ( int height ) #

Sets a value indicating if heights data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point). This option is enabled by default.


  • int height - 1 to engage height data in the fetch/intersection request, 0 - to disengage.

int isUsesHeight ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if heights data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point). This option is enabled by default.

Return value

1 if heights data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request; otherwise, 0.

void setUsesNormal ( int normal ) #

Sets a value indicating if normals data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get normal, tangent and binormal information for the point.


  • int normal - 1 to engage normals data in the fetch/intersection request, 0 - to disengage.

int isUsesNormal ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if normals data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get normal, tangent and binormal information for the point.

Return value

1 if normals data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request; otherwise, 0.

void setUsesAlbedo ( int albedo ) #

Sets a value indicating if albedo data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get albedo information for the point.


  • int albedo - 1 to engage albedo data in the fetch/intersection request, 0 - to disengage.

int isUsesAlbedo ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if albedo data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get albedo information for the point.

Return value

1 if albedo data is engaged in the fetch/intersection request; otherwise, 0.

void setUsesMask ( int num, int value ) #

Sets a value indicating if data of the specified detail mask is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get detail mask data for the point.


  • int num - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.
  • int value - 1 to engage data of the specified detail mask in the fetch/intersection request, 0 - to disengage.

int isUsesMask ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if data of the specified detail mask is engaged in the fetch/intersection request. When the data type is engaged, you can obtain it via the corresponding get() method. Disengaging unnecessary data when performing requests saves some performance (e.g., you can engage albedo data only if you need only color information at a certain point).
Enable this option to get detail mask data for the point.


  • int num - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

1 if data of the specified detail mask is engaged in the fetch/intersection request; otherwise, 0.

void setBicubicFilterHeight ( int height ) #

Sets a value indicating if bicubic filtering for height texture is enabled.
For best accuracy this setting should match the same setting for the Object Landscape Terrain.


  • int height - 1 to enable bicubic filtering for height texture, 0 - to disable it.

int isBicubicFilterHeight ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if bicubic filtering for height texture is enabled.
For best accuracy this setting should match the same setting for the Object Landscape Terrain.

Return value

1 if bicubic filtering for height texture is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setBicubicFilterNormal ( int normal ) #

Sets a value indicating if bicubic filtering for normals texture is enabled.
For best accuracy this setting should match the same setting for the Object Landscape Terrain.


  • int normal - 1 to enable bicubic filtering for normals texture, 0 - to disable it.

int isBicubicFilterNormal ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if bicubic filtering for normals texture is enabled.
For best accuracy this setting should match the same setting for the Object Landscape Terrain.

Return value

1 if bicubic filtering for normals texture is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setHolesEnabled ( int albedo ) #

Sets a value indicating if checking for terrain holes in the fetch/intersection request is enabled. This option is enabled by default. When disabled terrain holes created using decals are ignored.


  • int albedo - 1 to enable checking for terrain holes in the fetch/intersection request, 0 - to disable it.

int isHolesEnabled ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if checking for terrain holes in the fetch/intersection request is enabled. This option is enabled by default. When disabled terrain holes created using decals are ignored.

Return value

1 if checking for terrain holes in the fetch/intersection request is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setPrecisionBegin ( float begin ) #

Sets a new start precision value to be used for intersection detection requested by intersectionForce() and intersectionAsync() methods. Intersections are detected with a variable precision, starting from lower value and ending up with a higher one.
Normally there's no need to modify this value. In case of intersection detection errors you can try tweaking start and end precision values for optimum balance, but be careful as it may significantly affect performance and accuracy.


  • float begin - Start precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 0.5f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

float getPrecisionBegin ( ) #

Returns the current start precision value used for intersection detection requested by intersectionForce() and intersectionAsync() methods. Intersections are detected with a variable precision, starting from lower value and ending up with a higher one.
Normally there's no need to modify this value. In case of intersection detection errors you can try tweaking start and end precision values for optimum balance, but be careful as it may significantly affect performance and accuracy.

Return value

Start precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 0.5f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

void setPrecisionEnd ( float end ) #

Sets a new end precision value to be used for intersection detection requested by intersectionForce() and intersectionAsync() methods. Intersections are detected with a variable precision, starting from lower value and ending up with a higher one.
Normally there's no need to modify this value. In case of intersection detection errors you can try tweaking start and end precision values for optimum balance, but be careful as it may significantly affect performance and accuracy.


  • float end - End precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 1.0f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

float getPrecisionEnd ( ) #

Returns the current end precision value used for intersection detection requested by intersectionForce() and intersectionAsync() methods. Intersections are detected with a variable precision, starting from lower value and ending up with a higher one.
Normally there's no need to modify this value. In case of intersection detection errors you can try tweaking start and end precision values for optimum balance, but be careful as it may significantly affect performance and accuracy.

Return value

End precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 1.0f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

int fetchForce ( Vec2 position ) #

Fetches terrain data for the point with the specified coordinates in forced mode. You can use the fetchAsync() method to reduce load, when an instant result is not required.


  • Vec2 position - Two-component vector specifying point coordinates along X and Y axes.

Return value

1 if terrain data was successfully obtained for the specified point; otherwise, 0.

int intersectionForce ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1 ) #

Performs tracing along the line from the p0 point to the p1 point to find an intersection with the terrain in forced mode. You can use the intersectionAsync() method to reduce load, when an instant result is not required.


  • Vec3 p0 - Line start point coordinates.
  • Vec3 p1 - Line end point coordinates.

Return value

1 if an intersection with the terrain was found; otherwise, 0.

void fetchAsync ( Vec2 position, int critical = false ) #

Fetches terrain data for the point with the specified coordinates in asynchronous mode (the corresponding task shall be put to the queue, to wait until the result is obtained use the wait() method). For an instant result use the fetchForce() method.


  • Vec2 position - Two-component vector specifying point coordinates along X and Y axes.
  • int critical - 1 to set high priority for the fetch task, 0 - to set normal priority.

void intersectionAsync ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1, int critical = false ) #

Performs tracing along the line from the p0 point to the p1 point to find an intersection with the terrain in asynchronous mode (the corresponding task shall be put to the queue, to wait until the result is obtained use the wait() method). For an instant result use the intersectionForce() method.


  • Vec3 p0 - Line start point coordinates.
  • Vec3 p1 - Line end point coordinates.
  • int critical - 1 to set high priority for the intersection task, 0 - to set normal priority.

static void fetchForce ( Vec2 position ) #

Fetches terrain data for the point with the specified coordinates in forced mode. You can use the fetchAsync() method to reduce load, when an instant result is not required.


  • Vec2 position - Two-component vector specifying point coordinates along X and Y axes.

static void intersectionForce ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1 ) #

Performs tracing along the line from the p0 point to the p1 point to find an intersection with the terrain in forced mode. You can use the intersectionAsync() method to reduce load, when an instant result is not required.


  • Vec3 p0 - Line start point coordinates.
  • Vec3 p1 - Line end point coordinates.

static void fetchAsync ( Vec2 position, int critical = false ) #

Fetches terrain data for the point with the specified coordinates in asynchronous mode (the corresponding task shall be put to the queue, to wait until the result is obtained use the wait() method). For an instant result use the fetchForce() method.


  • Vec2 position - Two-component vector specifying point coordinates along X and Y axes.
  • int critical - 1 to set high priority for the fetch task, 0 - to set normal priority.

static void intersectionAsync ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1, int critical = false ) #

Performs tracing along the line from the p0 point to the p1 point to find an intersection with the terrain in asynchronous mode (the corresponding task shall be put to the queue, to wait until the result is obtained use the wait() method). For an instant result use the intersectionForce() method.


  • Vec3 p0 - Line start point coordinates.
  • Vec3 p1 - Line end point coordinates.
  • int critical - 1 to set high priority for the intersection task, 0 - to set normal priority.

void wait ( ) #

Waits for completion of the fetch operation. As the operation is completed you can obtain necessary data via get*() methods.

static void wait ( ) #

Waits for completion of the specified fetch operations. As the operations are completed you can obtain necessary data via get*() methods.


    int isAsyncCompleted ( ) #

    Returns a value indicating if async operation is completed. As the operation is completed you can obtain necessary data via get*() methods.

    Return value

    1 if async operation is completed; otherwise, 0.
    Last update: 2019-12-25
    Build: ()