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Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version. Functions

This class contains functions to control the game logic of the application. It provides functionality for:

  • Assigning a player to the Engine Camera viewport.
  • Pausing, speeding up and slowing down rendering, physics or game logic.

Usage Example#

The example below creates a PlayerSpectator and sets it as the active Engine Camera. The player is rotated around Y axis with the specified speed, which is set via setScale():

  • Pressing f slows down the game logic, so player's rotation slows down too.
  • Pressing g speeds up the game logic and, therefore, player's rotation.
Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/unigine.h>

// declare a PlayerSpectator
PlayerSpectator player;

int init() {
	// create a new PlayerSpectator instance
	player = new PlayerSpectator();
	// set necessary parameters: FOV, ZNear, ZFar, view direction vector and position.
	player.setViewDirection(vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	player.setWorldPosition(dvec3(-1.6f, -1.7f, 1.7f));
	// set the player to the Game singleton instance;
	return 1;

int update() {

	// slow down the game logic
	if ('f')) {;
		log.message("Game logic speed has been decreased. Frame duration is %f seconds\n",;

	// speed up the game logic
	if ('g')) {;
		log.message("Game logic speed has been increased. Frame duration is %f seconds\n",;
	// rotate the player 45 degrees per second around Y axis 
	player.setWorldRotation(player.getWorldRotation() * quat(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 45.0f *;
	return 1;

See Also#

  • The article on the GameIntersection class as a usage example of game intersections
  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/systems/ folder:
    • noise_00
    • random_00

Game Class


void ( string data ) #

Sets user data associated with the game logic. This string is written directly into a *.world file. Namely, into the data child tag of the game tag, for example:
Source code (XML)
<world version="1.21">
		<data>User data</data>


  • string data - User data. Data can contain an XML formatted string.

string ( ) #

Returns user data associated with the game logic. This string is written directly into a *.world file. Namely, into the data child tag of the game tag, for example:
Source code (XML)
<world version="1.21">
		<data>User data</data>

Return value

User data. Data can contain an XML formatted string.

void ( int enabled ) #

Pauses or resumes the game logic.


  • int enabled - 1 to resume the game logic, 0 to pause it.

int ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the game is paused or not.

Return value

1 if the game logic is not paused; otherwise, 0.

void ( int frame ) #

Sets the game frame with the given number as the current one.


  • int frame - Frame number.

int ( ) #

Returns the number of the current game frame.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// get the current game frame
int loading_frames =;
// perform asynchronous nodes loading
// ...
// calculate the number of game frames required for nodes loading
loading_frames = - loading_frames;

Return value

Frame number.

void ( float ftime ) #

Sets the maximum rendering frame duration (time spent between the previous update and the current one). It restricts the frame rendering rate to a fixed one. There is no difference if the real rendering FPS is lower than the fixed frame FPS. But if the real rendering FPS is higher than the fixed frame FPS, the engine will wait until the fixed frame time is over. To remove fixed frame duration, use -1.


  • float ftime - Frame time in seconds. -1 removes the FPS limitation.

float ( ) #

Returns the maximum rendering frame duration (time spent between the previous update and the current one). This function takes time scaling into account. -1 means no fixed frame duration is set.

Return value

Frame time in seconds.

void ( float ifps ) #

Sets the scaled inverse FPS value (the time in seconds it took to complete the last frame). This function sets a fixed FPS that does not depend on the real FPS the hardware is capable of. That is, it forces constant frame time increments between rendered frames, used for animation/expression update etc. To remove the FPS limitation, use -1.

The function is useful when grabbing the video reel with a fixed FPS value (for example, 25 frames per second). When this mode is activated, will return a fixed frame time value set with this function.


  • float ifps - Inverse FPS value (1/FPS) in seconds.-1 removes the FPS limitation.

float ( ) #

Returns the scaled inverse FPS value (the time in seconds it took to complete the last frame). This value does not depend on the real FPS the hardware is capable of. -1 means no Inverse FPS value is set.
Source code (UnigineScript)
Node node;
// ...
// get an inverse FPS value
float ifps =;
// move the node up by 0.1 unit every second instead of every frame
node.worldTranslate(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f*ifps));

Return value

Scaled inverse FPS value (1/FPS) in seconds. If the game is paused, 0 is returned.

Obstacle ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1, float radius, int mask, int[] exclude, GameIntersection intersection ) #

Performs intersection to find if a pathfinding Obstacle is located within the cylinder between two points. The specified obstacles will be ignored.
World space coordinates are used for this function.


  • Vec3 p0 - Start point.
  • Vec3 p1 - End point.
  • float radius - Radius of the intersection cylinder.
  • int mask - Obstacle intersection mask. The obstacle is ignored if its mask does not match.
  • int[] exclude - Array with excluded obstacles. These obstacle nodes are ignored when performing intersection.
  • GameIntersection intersection - GameIntersection class instance to put the result into.

Return value

Intersected obstacle.

Obstacle ( Vec3 p0, Vec3 p1, float radius, int mask, GameIntersection intersection ) #

Performs intersection to find if a pathfinding obstacle is located within the cylinder between two points.

World space coordinates are used for this function.

The following example shows how you can get the intersection point (vec3) of the cylinder between two points with an obstacle. In this example the cylinder is an invisible traced cylinder from the point of the camera (vec3 p0) to the point of the mouse pointer (vec3 p1) with the specific radius. The executing sequence is the following:

  • Define and initialize two points (p0 and p1) by using the getPlayerMouseDirection() function from core/scripts/utils.h.
  • Create an instance of the GameIntersection class to get the intersection point coordinates.
  • Check, if there is a intersection with an obstacle. The function returns an intersected obstacle when the obstacle appears in the area of the cylinder.
  • After that GameIntersection instance gets the point of the nearest intersection point and you can get it by using the getPoint() function.
Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/scripts/utils.h>
/* ... */
// define two vec3 coordinates
vec3 p0,p1;
// get the mouse direction from camera (p0) to cursor pointer (p1)

// create an instance of the GameIntersection class
GameIntersection intersection = new GameIntersection();
// try to get the intersection with an obstacle.
// cylinder has radius 0.1f, intersection mask equals to 1
Obstacle obstacle =,p1,0.1f, 1, intersection);

// check, if the intersection of mouse direction with any obstacle was occurred;
if(obstacle !=NULL)
  // show the coordinates of the intersection in console 
  log.message("The intersection with obstacle was here: %s\n", typeinfo(intersection.getPoint()));
/* ... */


  • Vec3 p0 - Start point.
  • Vec3 p1 - End point.
  • float radius - Radius of the intersection cylinder.
  • int mask - Obstacle intersection mask. The obstacle is ignored if its mask does not match.
  • GameIntersection intersection - GameIntersection class instance to put the result into.

Return value

Intersected obstacle.

Variable ( Variable pos, Variable size, int frequency ) #

Returns a noise value calculated using a Perlin noise function. Variable can be of the int or vec3 type.
Source code (UnigineScript)
Image image;
int size = 64;
float time =;
vec3 position;
position.z = time;
forloop(int y = 0; size) {
	position.y = y * 0.05f;
	forloop(int x = 0; size) {
		position.x = x * 0.05f;
		// generate Perlin noise for the image pixels
		float n =,vec3(32.0f,32.0f,32.0f),6);
		image.set2D(x,y,n,-n,n * n);


  • Variable pos - Position.
  • Variable size - Size of the noise.
  • int frequency - Noise frequency.

Return value

Noise value.

float ( float pos, float size, int frequency ) #

Returns a noise value calculated using a Perlin noise function.


  • float pos - Float position.
  • float size - Size of the noise.
  • int frequency - Noise frequency.

Return value

Noise value.

float ( vec2 pos, vec2 size, int frequency ) #

Returns a 2D noise value calculated using a Perlin noise function.


  • vec2 pos - vec2 point position.
  • vec2 size - vec2 size of the noise.
  • int frequency - Noise frequency.

Return value

2D noise value.

float ( vec3 pos, vec3 size, int frequency ) #

Returns a 3D noise value calculated using a Perlin noise function.


  • vec3 pos - vec3 point position.
  • vec3 size - vec3 size of the noise.
  • int frequency - Noise frequency.

Return value

3D noise value.

void ( Player player ) #

Assigns a new player to the Engine Camera viewport.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// create a new player
PlayerDummy dummy = new PlayerDummy();

// set necessary parameters
// set the player to the Engine Camera viewport;


  • Player player - Player to set as a current one.

Player ( ) #

Returns the current player assigned to the Engine Camera viewport.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// get the current player (engine camera)
Player player =;
// correct player position
// set the updated player to the Engine Camera viewport;

Return value

Current player.

unsigned int ( ) #

Returns a pseudo-random integer number.

Return value

Random integer number.

Variable ( Variable from, Variable to ) #

Returns a pseudo-random number of the given type (end-point not included). Variable can be of one of the following types: int, float, vec3, vec4, dvec3, dvec4, ivec3, ivec4.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// create a WidgetLabel
label = new WidgetLabel(gui,"Text sample");
// specify widget settings

// get pseudo-random values
int x =, - 128);
int y =, - 128);
// use the generated values to set widget position


  • Variable from - The initial point of the range.
  • Variable to - The end point of the range.

Return value

Random number.

double ( double from, double to ) #

Returns a pseudo-random double number within a given range (end-point not included).


  • double from - The initial point of the range.
  • double to

Return value

Random double integer number.

float ( float from, float to ) #

Returns a pseudo-random float number within a given range (end-point not included).


  • float from - The initial point of the range.
  • float to

Return value

Random float integer number.

int ( int from, int to ) #

Returns a pseudo-random integer number within a given range (end-point not included).


  • int from - The initial point of the range.
  • int to - The end point of the range.

Return value

Random integer number.

void ( float scale ) #

Sets a value that is used to scale frame duration. It scales up or down the speed of rendering, physics and game logic. This function can be used to create effects of slow/accelerated motion.

For example, if the scale equals 2, the rate of simulation of all effects (such as particles) speeds up to two times faster. As for physics, in reality it will be simulated with the same fixed physics FPS, but the number of iterations will be two times higher. It is possible to scale the physics FPS separately via engine.physics.setScale() function.

This function scales values set by both the setIFps() and setFTime().


  • float scale - Scaling factor. The provided values is clamped within the range [0;32].

float ( ) #

Returns a value used to scale the frame duration.

Return value

Value to scale the frame duration.

void ( int seed ) #

Sets the seed for pseudo-random number generator.


  • int seed - Number used to initialize a pseudo-random sequence of numbers.

int ( ) #

Returns the seed for pseudo-random number generator.

Return value

Number used to initialize a pseudo-random sequence of numbers.

void ( float time ) #

Sets the time value for the game. The time is counted off starting from the world loading and does not take game pauses into account.


  • float time - Time in seconds.

float ( ) #

Returns the current time spent in the game. It is counted off starting from the world loading and does not take game pauses into account.

Return value

Time in seconds.
Last update: 2019-12-25
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