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A billboards_impostor_base material is used for impostors. It can be used for project optimization, when Cluster object will be replaced with ObjectBillboards.


In this tab you can set available settings and options:


Material Editor, billboards_impostor_base material, States tab.


Deferred - deferred rendering pass.


Shadow shafts - simulates visible volumetric shadows, arising when a bright world light source is partially obscured by the object.


In this tab you can choose textures for billboards:

Material editor, Textures tab.


Base textures are available:


Diffuse - diffuse texture. To create a diffuse texture for impostor, use Grabber tool.


Normal - base material normal texture. To create a normal texture for impostor, use Grabber tool.


This tab represents parameters available for the material. All of the parameters have set default values, which can be replaced by your own ones. Availability of some parameters can depend on the set States tab values.

Material editor, Parameters tab.

Transformation Parameters

Texture transformation parameters:


Impostor - impostor texture coordinates transformation.

Shading Parameters

Shading parameters:


Diffuse - Diffuse defines the base color of the surface.


Specular - Specular is a color picker to choose the auxiliary specular color for the specular texture. It can be used for specifying different specular colors for one texture or modifying the texture color on the spot. The specular color of the texture and this color will be blended.

Gloss Scale

Gloss scale - Gloss is a coefficient modifying the size of the highlight (Phong shading). Low values imitate wider highlights, typically appropriate to create diffuse reflection from mat surfaces. High values imitate pinpoint highlights, typically appropriate to create uniform reflection of light rays from glossy surfaces.

Normal Scale

Normal scale - Normal is a coefficient to scale the intensity of the normals (provided by a normal map). The higher the value, the higher the normal texture effect is.

Decal Mask

Decal mask - decal bit-mask. If the decal mask of the decal material matches the surface material, the decal will be projected.

Last update: 03.07.2017
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