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Sharing Data between the Logic System Components

Sometimes it is necessary to share data between the components of the Logic System: WorldLogic, SystemLogic, EditorLogic classes. Basically, there are three ways to do that:

  1. Using a global variable.
  2. Using a script variable.
  3. Using a member variable of AppSystemLogic, AppWorldLogic or AppEditorLogic classes.
This example illustrates all three ways of sharing data, showing:
  • how to declare and use a global variable;
  • how to declare a variable in the world script and use it in the methods of the AppSystemLogic class;
  • how to use member variables of AppSystemLogic class in the methods of AppWorldLogic and vice versa.

Using a Global Variable#

We can declare a global variable class in a separate file, so we add a file to our project:

  • GlobalVar.cs file.
    Source code (C#)
    // GlobalVar.cs
    namespace UnigineApp
        public static class GlobalVar
           public static int int_var = 33;

Now we can manage this global variable in the methods of AppSystemLogic, AppWorldLogic or AppEditorLogic classes by simply typing GlobalVar.int_var.

Using a Script Variable#

We can declare a variable in our world script file (UnigineScript) named <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.usc.

Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/unigine.h>
// This file is in UnigineScript language.
// World script, it takes effect only when the world is loaded.

// world script variable
int worldscript_var = 100;

/*  */

Now in order to use this world script variable in the methods of AppSystemLogic class as an example, we can use the Engine.getWorldVariable() method. So, we must add the following code to the AppSystemLogic.cs file:

Source code (C#)
// AppSystemLogic.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
    class AppSystemLogic : SystemLogic

        /*  */

        public override bool Update()
            /*  */

            // checking if there is a variable with a given name in the world script
            if (Engine.engine.IsWorldVariable("worldscript_var"))
                // getting the value of the world script variable		
                int ws_var = Engine.engine.GetWorldVariable("worldscript_var").Int;
                if (ws_var <= 110)
                    Log.Message("\nSYSTEMLOGIC UPDATE: Worldscript variable (modified value) worldscript_var = {0}\n\n", ws_var);
                    // changing the value of the world script variable
                    Engine.engine.SetWorldVariable("worldscript_var", new Variable(ws_var + 1));

            return true;

        /*  */


Using Member Variables#

In the AppWorldLogic.cs file, add the following code to define a pointer to the AppSystemLogic instance and a world logic variable.

Source code (C#)
// AppWorldLogic.cs

/*  */

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
	class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
        // world logic variable
		public int worldlogic_var = 11;
		// pointer to the systemlogic
        AppSystemLogic system_logic;
		// method setting the pointer to the systemlogic
        public void setSL(AppSystemLogic SL)
            system_logic = SL;
		/*  */


In the AppSystemLogic.cs file, add the following code to define a pointer to the AppWorldLogic instance and a system logic variable.

Source code (C++)
// AppSystemLogic.cs

/*  */

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp

	class AppSystemLogic : SystemLogic
        // system logic variable 
        public int systemlogic_var = 22;
		// pointer to the worldlogic
        AppWorldLogic world_logic;
		// method setting the pointer to the worldlogic
        public void setWL(AppWorldLogic WL)
            world_logic = WL;
		/*  */


In order to get access to the member variables of the instances of the AppSystemLogic and AppWorldLogic classes we should initialize our pointers. So we must insert the following code to the main file of our project called <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.cs file.

Source code (C#)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
	class UnigineApp

		static void Main(string[] args)
			AppSystemLogic systemLogic = new AppSystemLogic();
			AppWorldLogic worldLogic = new AppWorldLogic();
			AppEditorLogic editorLogic = new AppEditorLogic();

            // initialize pointers

			Engine engine = Engine.Init(Engine.VERSION, args);
			engine.Main(systemLogic, worldLogic, editorLogic);


Now we can manage these variables in the methods of AppWorldLogic and AppSystemLogic classes by simply using system_logic->systemlogic_var and world_logic->worldlogic_var respectively.

Combining All Three Approaches#

Let us combine the three approaches and use our global, world script and member variables in the methods of the AppWorldLogic class:

Source code (C#)
// AppWorldLogic.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
	class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
        // world logic variable
		public int worldlogic_var = 11;
		// pointer to the systemlogic
        AppSystemLogic system_logic;

		/*  */
        // method setting the pointer to the systemlogic
        public void setSL(AppSystemLogic SL)
            system_logic = SL;

		public override bool Init()
        	// modifying a global variable
	        GlobalVar.int_var += 1000;
            Log.Message("\nGlobal variable (+1000 value) global_var = {0}", GlobalVar.int_var);
            Log.Message("\nSystemlogic variable (initial value) system_var = {0}", system_logic.systemlogic_var);
	        // modifying a system logic variable
	        system_logic.systemlogic_var = 11;
            Log.Message("\nSystemlogic variable (modified value) system_var = {0} \n\n", system_logic.systemlogic_var);

			return true;

		// start of the main loop
		public override bool Update()
	        // managing a system logic variable
            if (system_logic.systemlogic_var > 0)

                Log.Message("\nWORLDLOGIC UPDATE: Systemlogic variable (modified value) system_var = {0}", system_logic.systemlogic_var);
			return true;

		/*  */
and the AppSystemLogic class:
Source code (C#)
// AppSystemLogic.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
	class AppSystemLogic : SystemLogic
		// system logic variable
        public int systemlogic_var = 22;
		// pointer to the worldlogic
        AppWorldLogic world_logic;

        /*  */

        public void setWL(AppWorldLogic WL)
            world_logic = WL;

		public override bool Init()
	        Log.Warning("\nSystemlogic reporting:\n ");

	        // modifying a global variable
            GlobalVar.int_var += 1000;
            Log.Message("\nGlobal variable (+1000 value) global_var = {0}", GlobalVar.int_var);
        	// managing a world logic variable
			Log.Message("\nWorldlogic variable (initial value) world_var = {0}", world_logic.worldlogic_var);
	        world_logic.worldlogic_var += 100;
            Log.Message("\nWorldlogic variable (modified value) world_var = {0}\n\n", world_logic.worldlogic_var);

			return true;

		// start of the main loop
		public override bool Update()
	        // managing a worldscript variable
	        if (Engine.engine.IsWorldVariable("worldscript_var")){
	    	    int ws_var = Engine.engine.GetWorldVariable("worldscript_var").Int;
	    	    if (ws_var <= 110)
	    		    Log.Message("\nSYSTEMLOGIC UPDATE: Worldscript variable (modified value) worldscript_var = {0}\n\n", ws_var);
	    		    Engine.engine.SetWorldVariable("worldscript_var", new Variable(ws_var + 1));

			return true;

		/*  */
Last update: 31.07.2020
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