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Unigine.Plugins.LeapMotion.Arm Struct

LeapMotion plugin must be loaded.

This structure represents a forearm. All coordinates are relative to the origin of the Leap Motion coordinate system.

The Arm structure is declared as follows:

Source code (C#)
public struct Arm
		public float width;
		public int is_valid;
		public vec3 direction;
		public vec3 elbow_position;
		public vec3 wrist_position;
		public vec3 center;
		public mat4 basis;

LeapMotionArm Class


float width#

Returns the width of the forearm, in meters.

vec3 elbow_position#

Returns the coordinates of the elbow position.
All coordinates are relative to the origin of the Leap Motion coordinate system.

vec3 wrist_position#

Returns the coordinates of the end of the bone, closest to the finger tip (distal).
All coordinates are relative to the origin of the Leap Motion coordinate system.

vec3 center#

Returns the coordinates of the center of the forearm.
All coordinates are relative to the origin of the Leap Motion coordinate system.

vec3 direction#

Returns the normalized direction in which the arm is pointing (from elbow to wrist).
All coordinates are relative to the origin of the Leap Motion coordinate system.

mat4 basis#

Returns the orthonormal basis vectors for the arm as a Matrix.

Basis vectors specify the orientation of the arm bone:

  • X - Perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the arm bone; exits the arm laterally through the sides of the wrist.
  • Y (or up vector) - Perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the arm bone; exits the top and bottom of the arm. Increases in the upward direction.
  • Z - Aligned with the longitudinal axis of the arm bone. Increases toward the wrist.

The bases provided for the right arm use the right-hand rule; those for the left arm use the left-hand rule. Thus, the positive direction of the x-basis is to the right for the right arm and to the left for the left arm. You can change from right-hand to left-hand rule by multiplying the z basis vector by -1.

You can use the basis vectors for such purposes as measuring complex finger poses and skeletal animation.

Converting the basis vectors directly into a quaternion representation is not mathematically valid. If you use quaternions, create them from the derived rotation matrix not directly from the bases.

int is_valid#

Returns 1 if the arm contains valid tracking data; otherwise, 0.


Last update: 31.07.2020
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