World Objects
A set of world objects:
World Trigger is a cuboid shaped object, which fires callbacks when any node (collider or not) gets inside or outside of it.
World Clutter is used to manage a great number of node references, baked as one object. Unlike world clusters, objects are always scattered, scaled and oriented randomly, so they are even more memory-efficient. However, they cannot be managed manually.
Switcher is a cuboid shaped object, switching off (or turning on) all of the nodes inside of it immediately. A world switcher should be a parent node for the nodes it controls.
Occluder is an object used to cull objects that are not seen behind it.
Transform is is a succession of transformations based on an arbitrary path.
World Expression is a cuboid shaped object, inside of which arbitrary expressions are executed. These expressions can be executed for world expression children nodes as well.
World Spline Graph is used to place various nodes at points and along the segments (linear or curved) of a spline graph. It can be utilized to create roads, pipelines, etc.
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