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World Trigger
A world trigger is a cuboid shaped object, which fires callbacks when any node (collider or not) gets inside or outside of it.
A World Trigger Affecting Meshes
See also
- WorldTrigger class to edit world triggers via UnigineScript
Creating a World Trigger
To create a world trigger, choose the Add World Trigger option in the list of nodes of Editor panel. In the creation dialog window, specify initial parameters:
A Creation Window
Touch | Specify if the touch mode is enabled for the trigger. With this mode on, the trigger will react to the node by a partial contact. Otherwise, the trigger will react only if the whole bounding box will get inside of it. |
Size | The size of the trigger's bounding box along the X, Y and Z axes, in units. |
After the initial parameters are set, click Ok and place the trigger somewhere in the world.
Editing a World Trigger
In the Trigger tab you can adjust the following parameters of the portal:
A Portal tab
Touch | The size of the trigger's bounding box along the X, Y and Z axes, in units. |
Bounding Box Parameters
A set of bounding box parameters:
Size | Specify if the touch mode is enabled for the trigger. With this mode on, the trigger will react to the node by a partial contact. Otherwise, the trigger will react only if the whole bounding box will get inside of it. |
Last update: 20.10.2017
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