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Unigine::Cigi::ICigiTerrestrialControl Class

Header:#include <CigiClientInterface.h>

This class represents the CIGI Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control packet interface.

CIGI plugin must be loaded.

ICigiTerrestrialControl Class


int getRegionID()

Returns the Environmental region ID specified in the packet.

Return value

  • Entity ID if Scope is set to Entity (2).
  • Region ID if Scope is set to Regional (1).
This value will be ignored if Scope is set to Global (0).

int getSurfaceID()

Returns the value of the Surface Condition ID specified in the packet.

Return value

Surface Condition ID parameter value. Determines surface condition or contaminant. Multiple conditions can be specified by sending multiple Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control packets.
  • 0 - Dry (reset).
  • > 0 - Defined by IG.
When this parameter is set to Dry (0), all existing surface conditions will be removed within the specified scope.

int getSurfaceEnabled()

Returns the value of the Surface Condition Enable parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Surface Condition Enable parameter: 1 - surface condition attribute identified by the Surface Condition ID parameter shall be enabled; otherwise, 0.

int getScope()

Returns the value of the Scope parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Scope parameter. Determines whether the surface conditions are applied globally, regionally, or to an environmental entity. The following values are supported:
  • 0 - Global
  • 1 - Regional
  • 2 - Entity

int getSeverity()

Returns the value of the Severity parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Severity parameter value: 0 – 31 (least to most severe).

int getCoverage()

Returns the value of the Coverage parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Coverage parameter value in the [0; 100] range. Determines the degree of coverage of the specified surface contaminant.
Last update: 20.10.2017
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