World Objects
A set of world objects:
World Layer is an invisible world object that performs a background node loading starting with a specified distance.
Sector is a cuboid shaped object that culls all of the objects outside its volume.
Portal is a rectangular opening between two adjacent sectors, through which one sector can be partially seen if looking from another.
World Trigger is a cuboid shaped object, which fires callbacks when any node (collider or not) gets inside or outside of it.
World Cluster is used to manage a great number of node references, baked into one object. Objects can be scattered, but you can also set custom positions and rotations for each object. Using a world cluster is less memory-efficient compared with a world clutter, as it stores transformation info for each node.
World Clutter is used to manage a great number of node references, baked as one object. Unlike world clusters, objects are always scattered, scaled and oriented randomly, so they are even more memory-efficient. However, they cannot be managed manually.
Switcher is a cuboid shaped object, switching off (or turning on) all of the nodes inside of it immediately. A world switcher should be a parent node for the nodes it controls.
Occluder is an object used to cull objects that are not seen behind it.
Transform is is a succession of transformations based on an arbitrary path.
World Expression is a cuboid shaped object, inside of which arbitrary expressions are executed. These expressions can be executed for world expression children nodes as well.
Last update: 26.04.2018
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