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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine.Plugins.IG.Manager Class

The functionality described in this article is not available in the Community SDK edition.
You should upgrade to Sim SDK edition to use it.

This class represents the IG Manager interface.

IG plugin must be loaded.

Manager Class



REQUEST_DEBUG = 0Debug mode visualizing where LOS/HAT/HOT requests are sent to.
ENTITY_PATH_TRACE = 1Debug mode with entity path tracing - positions between frames and data sent over the network. Blue points mark data from the server; pink arrows - movement between frames.
ENTITY_PATH_TRACE_TIME = 2Debug mode visualizing entity path tracing time.
ENTITY_COLLISION_SEGMENT = 3Debug mode visualizing collision segments for every entity.
ENTITY_COLLISION_VOLUME = 4Debug mode visualizing collision volumes for every entity.
ENTITY_INFO = 5Debug mode visualizing the basis for every CIGI and DIS entity with the ID, type, and type name specified (information is taken from the IG configuration file).
METEO = 6Debug mode visualizing meteo information.


float DebugScale#

Console: ig_debug_visualizer_scale
The scale multiplier for Debug visualizer elements.

bool DebugDepth#

Console: ig_debug_visualizer_depth
The true if depth testing for the Debug visualizer elements is enabled (if elements should be obscured by the ones closer to the camera); otherwise - false.

bool DebugScreenspace#

Console: ig_debug_visualizer_screenspace
The Flag indicating the type of dimensions to be used:
  • false - use the world space dimensions
  • true - use the screen space dimensions

float DebugDuration#

Console: ig_debug_visualizer_duration
The time period during which Debug visualizer elements are displayed.

bool DebugEnabled#

Console: ig_debug
The value indicating if the Debug mode is enabled. This mode allows inspecting the IG application at run-time.

int CollisionVolumeMask#

The collision volume mask for entities.

int TerrainIntersectionMask#

The intersection mask that is used to define the ground/landing surface.

bool IsTerrainCurved#

The value indicating if terrain is curved.

dvec3 GeodeticOrigin#

The geodetic origin coordinates.

GeodeticPivot GeodeticPivot#

The Current geodetic pivot used to curve the terrain.

ObjectTerrainGlobal Terrain#

The Currently used global terrain object.

double InterpolationLerpFactor#

The interpolation lerp factor value for the IG. The lower the value the smoother movement will be, but it will feel like objects move underwater or in a jelly, higher values result in higher positioning accuracy (objects positions will be closer to actual ones for the current frame), but objects will move with a noticeable jitter.
Frame-to-frame interpolation mode must be enabled.

double ExtrapolationPeriod#

The extrapolation period value for the IG.

double InterpolationPeriod#

The interpolation period value for the IG.

double InterpolationTime#

The interpolation time value for the IG.

bool InterpolationLerp#

The value indicating if interpolation between the current and previous frames for the IG is enabled.

bool Interpolation#

The value indicating if interpolation and extrapolation for the IG is enabled.

int CurrentView#

The current ID of the view.current ID of the view.

Converter Converter#

The Converter interface.

LightController LightController#

The Light controller interface.

Meteo Meteo#

The Meteo interface.

SkyMap SkyMap#

The SkyMap interface.

IGConfig Config#

The IG Configuration interface.

bool IsDatabaseLoaded#

The Value indicating if any database is currently loaded.value indicating if any database is currently loaded.

int CurrentDatabaseID#

The identifier of the currently loaded world database stored in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).

float IFps#

The inverse FPS value (the time in seconds it took to complete the last frame). This method is similar to the Game::getIFps() but it is more preferred for multi-channel systems as it implements more accurate frame time calculation (including spike-periods).

bool Freeze#

The true, if execution of IG logic is temporarily put on hold (paused), otherwise false.

bool IsReady#

The value indicating if all Slaves that were waited for by the IG have connected.

bool IsMaster#

The true if the IG application is a Syncker-Master or runs in a single mode without the Syncker at all; false if the IG application is a Syncker-Slave.


void ReloadConfig ( ) #

Reloads the IG Configuration file (ig_config.xml).

bool LoadDatabase ( int database_id ) #

Loads the database with the specified ID and sets it to be used.


  • int database_id - ID of the database to be used.

Return value

true means that the database with the specified ID is loaded successfully; otherwise, false.

void ReloadDatabase ( ) #

Console: database_reload
Reloads the current database.

void UnloadDatabase ( ) #

Unloads the current database.

int GetDatabaseID ( string world_name ) #

Returns the identifier of the world database with the specified name stored in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).


  • string world_name - World database name.

Return value

Identifier of the specified world database, or 0, if no world is loaded.

string GetDatabaseName ( int id ) #

Returns the name of the world database stored in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).


  • int id - Identifier of the world database.

Return value

The world database name.

SymbolsController * getSymbolsController ( ) #

Returns the interface of the symbols controller.

Return value

Symbols controller interface.

View GetView ( int view_id, bool auto_create ) #

Returns the interface of the specified view.


  • int view_id - ID of the view.
  • bool auto_create - true to automatically create the view with the specified ID if it doesn't exist yet; false - to return nullptr in case the view doesn't exist.

Return value

View interface if it exists; otherwise - NULL.

bool RemoveView ( int view_id ) #

Removes the view with the specified ID.


  • int view_id - ID of the view to be removed.

Return value

true if the view with the specified ID is removed successfully; otherwise - false.

bool IsViewExist ( int view_id ) #

Returns a value indicating if the view with the specified ID exists.


  • int view_id - ID of the view.

Return value

true if the view with the specified ID exists; otherwise - false.

ViewGroup GetViewGroup ( int group_id, bool auto_create ) #

Returns the interface of the specified view group.


  • int group_id - ID of the view group.
  • bool auto_create - true to automatically create the view group with the specified ID if it doesn't exist yet; false - to return nullptr in case the view group doesn't exist.

Return value

View group interface if it exists; otherwise - NULL.

bool RemoveViewGroup ( int group_view_id ) #

Removes the view group with the specified ID.


  • int group_view_id - ID of the view group to be removed.

Return value

true if the view group with the specified ID is removed successfully; otherwise - false.

bool IsViewGroupExist ( int group_view_id ) #

Returns a value indicating if the view group with the specified ID exists.


  • int group_view_id - ID of the view group.

Return value

true if the view group with the specified ID exists; otherwise - false.

Entity GetEntity ( long entity_id, bool auto_create = true ) #

Returns the interface of the specified entity.


  • long entity_id - ID of the entity.
    The value should be the entity ID, not the type ID.
  • bool auto_create - true to automatically create the entity with the specified ID if it doesn't exist yet; false - to return nullptr in case the entity doesn't exist.

Return value

bool RemoveEntity ( long entity_id ) #

Removes the entity with the specified ID.


  • long entity_id - ID of the entity to be removed.
    The value should be the entity ID, not the type ID.

Return value

true if the entity with the specified ID is removed successfully; otherwise - false.

bool IsEntityExist ( long entity_id ) #

Returns a value indicating if the entity with the specified ID exists.


  • long entity_id - ID of the entity.
    The value should be the entity ID, not the type ID.

Return value

true if the entity with the specified ID exists; otherwise - false.

void getEntities ( Unigine::Vector<Entity *> & entities_ret ) #

Fills the list of entities with all existing entities.


  • Unigine::Vector<Entity *> & entities_ret - List of entities.

Entity FindEntity ( Node node ) #

Returns the interface of the entity represented by the specified node.


  • Node node - Node for which an entity is to be found.

Return value

long FindEntityType ( string type_name ) #

Returns the ID of the entity type by its name. Entity type ID and name define the type of the entity to be used for a specific instance and are set in the entity definition section of the IG configuration file as follows:
Source code (XML)
	<entity id="111" name="b52">


  • string type_name - Entity type name.

Return value

Entity type ID.

int FindComponentID ( long entity_type, string name ) #

Returns the ID of the component with the given name, which belongs to the specified entity type.


  • long entity_type - Entity type ID.
    Entity type ID is defined in the entity definition section of the IG configuration file.
  • string name - Component name.

Return value

Component ID.

int FindArticulatedPartID ( long entity_type, string name ) #

Returns the identifier of an articulated part by its name and the type of the entity it belongs to, stored in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).


  • long entity_type - Entity type identifier indicated in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).
  • string name - Name of an articulated part indicated in the IG configuration file (ig_config.xml).

Return value

Identifier of an articulated part.

bool GetHatHot ( dvec3 geo_position, out double ret_hat, out double ret_hot, IGIntersection ret_intersection ) #

Checks if there is anything in the given geodetic position and returns HAT/HOT as well as surface normal, exact object over which the request was made, intersected surface, world coordinates of the intersection point, etc. to the specified output variables.


  • dvec3 geo_position - Geodetic position.
  • out double ret_hat - Address for the return HAT value.
  • out double ret_hot - Address for the return HOT value.
  • IGIntersection ret_intersection - Information on intersection at the given geodetic position, such as exact object over which the request was made, intersected surface, world coordinates of the intersection point, etc.

Return value

true, if there is anything in the given geodetic position, otherwise false.

bool GetIntersection ( dvec3 p0, dvec3 p1, int mask, ICollection<IGIntersection> ret ) #

Checks if the ray with set points intersects with anything.


Return value

true, if the ray intersects with anything, otherwise false.

Water GetWater ( ) #

Returns the interface of the water control.

Return value

Water control interface.

Node LoadNode ( string file_path ) #

Loads a node from the specified file to the world on the Master and all Slaves. This is a network analogue of the loadNode() method of the World class.
This is a safe analogue of the Syncker method loadNode() that has an internal check if this method runs on the master and if Syncker is running.


  • string file_path - Path to the *.node file.

Return value

Loaded node or NULL if an error has occurred.

void SyncNode ( Node node, byte mask = 255 ) #

Enables synchronization of parameters of the given node via the UDP protocol. Scene nodes are not synchronized by default, this method is used to add a particular node to the synchronization queue.
This is a safe analogue of the Syncker method addSyncNode() that has an internal check if this method runs on the master and if Syncker is running. If this method is called on a slave, it does nothing.


  • Node node - Node to synchronize.
  • byte mask - Synchronization mask.

void SynckerCreate ( Node node, unsigned char mask = 255 ) #

Synchronizes creation of the given node on all Slaves. This method is to be called after node creation on the Master. It is recommended to use the loadNode() method whenever possible as this approach allows adding nodes of all types, unlike the synckerCreate() method that supports only a limited number of them.
This is a safe analogue of the Syncker method createNode() that has an internal check if this method runs on the master and if Syncker is running. If this method is called on a slave, it does nothing.


  • Node node - Node to create.
  • unsigned char mask - Synchronization mask.

void SynckerDestroy ( Node in_node ) #

Synchronizes deletion of the given node (with all its children) on the Master and all Slaves.
This is a safe analogue of the Syncker method deleteNode() that has an internal check if this method runs on the master and if Syncker is running. If this method is called on a slave, it does nothing.


  • Node in_node - Node to delete.

bool IsSyncNode ( Node in_node ) #

Returns a value indicating if synchronization of the given node is enabled. Using this method you can quickly check if a node is monitored by the Syncker (node's states are dispatched to Slaves over the network).
This is a safe analogue of the Syncker method isSyncNode() that has an internal check if this method runs on the master and if Syncker is running. If this method is called on a slave, it does nothing.


  • Node in_node - Node to be checked.

Return value

true if synchronization of the given node is enabled; otherwise, false.

bool CheckEntityType ( long entity_type ) #

Checks if the given entity type is supported by IG.


Return value

true, if the given entity type is supported, otherwise false.

void SendUserMessage ( byte packet_code, Blob send_message ) #

Sends user message from the master to a slave.


  • byte packet_code - Packet ID.
  • Blob send_message - User message

IntPtr AddOnUserMessageReceivedCallback ( byte packet_code, OnUserMessageReceivedDelegate callback ) #

Executes the callback function when the user message from the master is received.


  • byte packet_code - Packet ID.
  • OnUserMessageReceivedDelegate callback - Callback function with the following signature: void OnUserMessageReceived(Blob blob)

Return value

Callback subscriber ID. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.

void RemoveOnUserMessageReceivedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback on receiving a user message for the specified subscriber.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber ID specified when adding it.

void ClearOnUserMessageReceivedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added callbacks on on receiving a user message.

void SetDistanceScale ( float d ) #

Sets the global distance scale for all rendering distance parameters: shadow distance, light distance, LOD distances, etc. (see render_distance_scale console command) and for the IG Simplifier component. The Simplifier component can help optimize rendering of your entities. When assigned to an entity, it enables you to define which parts of its model can be neglected starting at certain distance levels (e.g., hide flaps, ailerons, and rudders at 1km, engines at 5 km, etc.) and which substitutes can be used to represent an entity at a large distance (e.g., a flashing strobe light, when the plane is just a point on the screen).
This method calls the setDistanceScale() of the Render class.


  • float d - Global rendering distance scale and Simplifier component (IG LOD manager).

void SetAdaptiveQualitySystemMode ( int mode ) #

Sets a new Adaptive Quality System mode. This system provides automatic real-time adjustment of levels of detail depending on current performance (render_distance_scale and simplifier_distance_scale).


  • int mode - Adaptive Quality System mode to be set. One of the following values:
    • 0 - real-time quality adjustment is disabled
    • 1 - degradation mode only (image quality is degraded if the performance goes down)
    • 2 - automatic real-time adjustment (image quality is degraded if the performance is low, and improved if the performance increases)

void DestroyObjects ( ) #

Destroys all entities, views, and view groups.

void SetSlaveView ( string slave_name, int view_id ) #

Sets a view with the specified ID to be used for the specified Slave (available for Master IG only).


  • string slave_name - Slave name (-sync_view "").
  • int view_id - ID of the view to be set as current for the specified Slave.

void SetSlaveView ( int index, int view_id ) #

Sets a view with the specified ID to be used for a certain Slave by its index (available for Master IG only).


  • int index - Slave index in the range from 0 to the total numer of Slaves.
  • int view_id - ID of the view to be set as current for the specified Slave.

int GetSlaveView ( string slave_name ) #

Returns the current view ID used for a certain Slave by its name .


  • string slave_name - Slave name.

Return value

ID of the view used for the Slave with the specified name.

int GetSlaveView ( int slave_index ) #

Returns the current view ID used for a certain Slave by its index (available for Master IG only).


Return value

ID of the view used for the Slave with the specified index.

void ClearInterpolationData ( ) #

Clears all interpolation data for all entities.

int GetNumSlaves ( ) #

Returns the total number of Slaves (available for Master IG only).

Return value

Total number of IG Slaves.

string GetSlaveName ( int index ) #

Returns Slave name by its index (available for Master IG only).


  • int index - Slave index.

Return value

Name of the Slave with the specified index.

string GetSynckerName ( ) #

Returns the current name of the IG host.

Return value

Current name of the IG host.

IntPtr AddOnCreateViewCallback ( void * subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on creating a new view. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(View *)


Return value

ID of the last added Create View callback, if the callback was added successfully; otherwise, nullptr. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.

void RemoveOnCreateViewCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on creating a new view.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnCreateViewCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added Create View callbacks.

IntPtr AddOnCreateViewGroupCallback ( void * subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on creating a new view. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(ViewGroup *)


void RemoveOnCreateViewGroupCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on creating a new view group.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnCreateViewGroupCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added Create ViewGroup callbacks.

void AddOnCreateEntityCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on creating a new entity. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(IG::ICollisionVolume *volume, Unigine::ContactPtr contact, int contacted_entity, int contacted_volume)


void RemoveOnCreateEntityCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on creating a new entity.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnCreateEntityCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added Create Entity callbacks.

void AddOnCollisionVolumeDetectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on detecting an intersection with a collision volume. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(IG::ICollisionVolume *volume, Unigine::ContactPtr contact, int contacted_entity, int contacted_volume)


void RemoveOnCollisionVolumeDetectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on detecting an intersection with a collision volume.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnCollisionVolumeDetectedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added CollisionVolume Detected callbacks.

void AddOnCollisionSegmentDetectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on detecting an intersection with a collision segment. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(IG::ICollisionSegment *segment, Unigine::ObjectPtr object, Unigine::WorldIntersectionPtr intersection)


void RemoveOnCollisionSegmentDetectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on detecting an intersection with a collision segment.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnCollisionSegmentDetectedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added CollisionSegment Detected callbacks.

void AddOnIGReadyCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed when all Slaves that were waited for by the IG are connected. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code


void RemoveOnIGReadyCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed when all Slaves that were waited for by the IG are connected.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnIGReadyCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added IG Ready callbacks.

void AddOnSlaveConnectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on connecting a new Slave. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(int slave_index, const char * slave_name)


void RemoveOnSlaveConnectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on connecting a new Slave.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnSlaveConnectedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added Slave Connected callbacks.

void AddOnSlaveDisconnectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber, CallbackBase * callback ) #

Adds a callback function to be executed on disconnecting a Slave. The signature of the callback function is as follows:
Source code
void(int slave_index)


void RemoveOnSlaveDisconnectedCallback ( IntPtr subscriber ) #

Removes a callback function for the specified subscriber from the list of callbacks to be executed on disconnecting a Slave.


  • IntPtr subscriber - Callback subscriber.

void ClearOnSlaveDisconnectedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added Slave Disconnected callbacks.

void SetPropertyWarningEnabled ( bool v ) #


  • bool v
Last update: 2022-10-10
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