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Unigine::Compress Class

Header:#include <UnigineCompress.h>

Compress class is used to compress and decompress data by using zlib library.

Compress Class


static int zlibCompress(void * dest, int & dest_size, const void * src, int src_size, int quality)

Compress the data.


  • void * dest - The destination buffer pointer.
  • int & dest_size - The destination buffer size.
  • const void * src - The source data pointer.
  • int src_size - The source data size.
  • int quality - Compression quality; 0 is for better performance, 1 is for better size.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

static int zlibDecompress(void * dest, int dest_size, const void * src, int src_size)

Decompress the data.


  • void * dest - The destination buffer pointer.
  • int dest_size - The destination buffer size.
  • const void * src - The source data pointer.
  • int src_size - The source data size.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

static int zlibSize(int size)

Returns the maximum compressed buffer size.


  • int size - The uncompressed data size.

Return value

The maximum compressed buffer size.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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