Implementing Vehicle Physics
Now let's move on to bringing the main character to life. Create a new C++ component named Car to control the physical model of the car.
The component will provide a set of vehicle parameters and functions according to which the wheels will rotate and the motors embedded in the wheel joints will be activated.
#pragma once
#include <UnigineComponentSystem.h>
#include <UniginePhysics.h>
class Car : public Unigine::ComponentBase
// component constructor and the list of methods
COMPONENT_DEFINE(Car, ComponentBase)
// -------------------------------
// vehicle parameters: acceleration, maximum speed, and wheel turning angle, torque
PROP_PARAM(Float, acceleration, 50.0f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, max_velocity, 90.0f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, default_torque, 5.0f);
// car body length and width
PROP_PARAM(Float, car_base, 3.0f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, car_width, 2.0f);
// speed of accelerating, braking, and turning
PROP_PARAM(Float, throttle_speed, 2.0f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, brake_speed, 1.2f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, wheel_speed, 2.0f);
// service and hand brake force
PROP_PARAM(Float, brake_damping, 8.0f);
PROP_PARAM(Float, hand_brake_damping, 30.0f);
// wheel joints
PROP_PARAM(Node, wheel_fl, nullptr);
PROP_PARAM(Node, wheel_fr, nullptr);
PROP_PARAM(Node, wheel_rl, nullptr);
PROP_PARAM(Node, wheel_rr, nullptr);
// references to light nodes: brake and reverse light
PROP_PARAM(Node, brake_light, nullptr);
PROP_PARAM(Node, reverse_light, nullptr);
// define the desired and current values for throttle, brake, steering wheel and hand brake
void setThrottle(float value);
void setBrake(float value);
void setWheelPosition(float value);
void setHandBrake(float value);
// method for the instant car relocation, returns the car to the initial position
void reset(Unigine::Math::mat4 transform);
// method for changing the driving mode, it also controls the reverse light
void setMoveDirection(MOVE_DIRECTION value);
MOVE_DIRECTION getCurrentMoveDirection() { return current_move_direction; };
// get speed immediately in km/h
float getSpeed() { return carBodyRigid->getLinearVelocity().length() * 3.6f; }
float max_turn_angle = 30.0f;
// wheel joints
Unigine::JointWheelPtr joint_wheel_fl = nullptr;
Unigine::JointWheelPtr joint_wheel_fr = nullptr;
Unigine::JointWheelPtr joint_wheel_rl = nullptr;
Unigine::JointWheelPtr joint_wheel_rr = nullptr;
// define the desired and current values for throttle, brake, steering wheel, and hand brake
float target_throttle = 0.0f;
float target_brake = 0.0f;
float target_wheel = 0.0f;
float target_hand_brake = 0.0f;
float current_throttle = 0.0f;
float current_brake = 0.0f;
float current_wheel = 0.0f;
float current_hand_brake = 0.0f;
// by default, the car moves in the Forward direction
// variables for current rotation speed, torque and turn angle
float current_velocity = 0.0f;
float current_torque = 0.0f;
float current_turn_angle = 0.0f;
// car physical body
Unigine::BodyRigidPtr carBodyRigid = nullptr;
// main loop overrides
void init();
void update();
void updatePhysics();
#include "Car.h"
#include <UnigineGame.h>
using namespace Unigine;
using namespace Math;
float moveTowards(float current, float target, float max_delta)
if (Math::abs(target - current) <= max_delta)
return target;
return current + Math::sign(target - current) * max_delta;
void Car::init()
// at initialization, we get wheel joints and car physical body
if (wheel_rl)
joint_wheel_rl = checked_ptr_cast<JointWheel>(wheel_rl->getObjectBody()->getJoint(0));
if (wheel_rr)
joint_wheel_rr = checked_ptr_cast<JointWheel>(wheel_rr->getObjectBody()->getJoint(0));
if (wheel_fl)
joint_wheel_fl = checked_ptr_cast<JointWheel>(wheel_fl->getObjectBody()->getJoint(0));
if (wheel_fr)
joint_wheel_fr = checked_ptr_cast<JointWheel>(wheel_fr->getObjectBody()->getJoint(0));
carBodyRigid = node->getObjectBodyRigid();
void Car::update()
// get the time it took to render the previous frame in order to be independent from FPS
float deltaTime = Game::getIFps();
// smoothly change the current throttle, brake, and steering position towards the required values
current_throttle = moveTowards(current_throttle, target_throttle, throttle_speed * deltaTime);
current_brake = moveTowards(current_brake, target_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);
current_wheel = moveTowards(current_wheel, target_wheel, wheel_speed * deltaTime);
current_hand_brake = moveTowards(current_hand_brake, target_hand_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);
// enable the brake light node if the brake is activated (value greater than ~zero)
if (brake_light.get() != nullptr)
brake_light->setEnabled(target_brake > Math::Consts::EPS);
// the current torque value is calculated as the product of the throttle position and the standard multiplier
current_torque = default_torque * current_throttle;
// when the throttle is pressed
if (current_throttle > Math::Consts::EPS)
// current angular velocity of wheels changes according to acceleration and motion direction
current_velocity += deltaTime * Math::lerp(0.0f, acceleration, current_throttle) * (current_move_direction == MOVE_DIRECTION::FORWARD ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
// otherwise decrease the speed exponentially
current_velocity *= Math::exp(-deltaTime);
// calculate the brake force depending on the current brake intensity
float damping = Math::lerp(0.0f, brake_damping, current_brake);
float rdamping = Math::lerp(0.0f, hand_brake_damping, current_hand_brake);
// apply braking for all wheels, hand brake is also applied for the rear wheels
joint_wheel_rl->setAngularDamping(Math::max(damping, rdamping));
joint_wheel_rr->setAngularDamping(Math::max(damping, rdamping));
// calculate the current angular velocity and angle of rotation, limited by the extreme values
current_velocity = Math::clamp(current_velocity, -max_velocity, max_velocity);
current_turn_angle = Math::lerp(-max_turn_angle, max_turn_angle, Math::clamp(0.5f + current_wheel * 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
// simulate differential for the front axle: the wheels should turn by different angles
float angle_0 = current_turn_angle;
float angle_1 = current_turn_angle;
if (Math::abs(current_turn_angle) > Math::Consts::EPS)
float radius = car_base / Math::tan(current_turn_angle * Math::Consts::DEG2RAD);
float radius_0 = radius - car_width * 0.5f;
float radius_1 = radius + car_width * 0.5f;
angle_0 = Math::atan(car_base / radius_0) * Math::Consts::RAD2DEG;
angle_1 = Math::atan(car_base / radius_1) * Math::Consts::RAD2DEG;
// apply rotation for both front wheels using the rotation matrix along the Z axis
// it is important to change the parameters of physical objects in the UpdatePhysics method
void Car::updatePhysics()
// apply the calculated values of wheels angular velocity and torque
// all 4 wheels have a 'motor', i.e. the car is all-wheel drive
// add methods to control the car: throttle, brake, steering wheel turning, and hand brake
void Car::setThrottle(float value)
target_throttle = Math::clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void Car::setBrake(float value)
target_brake = Math::clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void Car::setWheelPosition(float value)
target_wheel = Math::clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);
void Car::setHandBrake(float value)
target_hand_brake = Math::clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);
// method for changing the driving mode, it also controls the reverse light
void Car::setMoveDirection(Car::MOVE_DIRECTION value)
if (current_move_direction == value)
current_velocity = 0.0f;
current_move_direction = value;
if (reverse_light.get() != nullptr)
reverse_light->setEnabled(current_move_direction == Car::MOVE_DIRECTION::REVERSE);
// method for the instant car relocation, returns the car to the initial position
void Car::reset(Math::mat4 transform)
current_velocity = 0.0f;
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.
Last update:
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