Improved support of mobile devices, render fixes
- Added light dispersion (chromatic aberrations) for refractive materials: use engine.render.setRefractionDispersion(vec4), enable Render settings -> Postprocess (disabled by default, uses vec4(1)).
- Added a new glow mode that uses a the full-screen buffer ('render_glow 2' console command).
- Render can work without GL_ARB_map_buffer_range OpenGL extension.
- Fade LOD distances have no effect if 'render_alpha_fade' console variable is set to 0.
- Heavy refactoring of all shaders: performance has been improved. All standart shaders were moved to 'data/core/shaders/default' directory.
- Added a set of simplified shaders for mobile GPUs: they support only OpenGL/OpenGL ES and are limited to 8 texture slots. This set is available by using RENDER_SIMPLE define. All settings of simplified materials are compatible with default shaders.
- Added support of Adreno 200 mobile GPU.
- All materials use cubemaps for static reflections (mesh_reflection_2d_base, water_base materials).
- Fixed ObjectWater waves orientation in Direct3D.
- Added distance-based fading of refraction ('refraction_power' parameter).
- Added a new mesh_noise_base material with two sets of diffuse/normal/specular textures and one mask for both sets. It can be used to create various procedural effects like water, foam, clouds, lava, etc.
- The color of water foam is now tweakable.
- Negative refraction value in all materials is available (it inverts the direction of refraction).
- No more crashes on mobile GPUs without MRT support.
- Added samples with light dispersion and mesh_noise_base material.
- Available OpenGL extensions are no longer checked in ResourceEditor.
- By importing COLLADA files, surfaces get their original material names.
- Fixed viewport corruption when the ResourceEditor is resized to a small window.
- Fixed skinned mesh export plugin for 3ds Max.
- Added flipping for terrain height maps and holes textures by importing/exporting them into UnigineEditor.
- Fixed a bug when reloading WorldTransform in UnigineEditor.
- Added PPM and PGM texture formats (P2, P3, P5 and P6).
- Increased the number of threads in the pool - no more thread shortage.
- CPU and GPU count is logged in log.html on startup.
- Opening/closing the console doesn't affect a permanent GUI focus.
- SOFT_MOUSE define is renamed to MOUSE_SOFT, USER_MOUSE is renamed to MOUSE_USER.
- Added 'extern_define' and 'extern_plugin' console variables.
- Added handling of button events in Flash movie clips.
- Fixed rendering of dynamic text in WidgetFlash.
- Fixed gotoAndStop() gotoAndPlay() and similar functions in Flash player.
- Fixed issues with binary XML format.
- Added support of &#dec; entities by XML parser.
- Fixed issues with Visual Studio C++ 2010 code generation.
- Added a new Package interface into C++ API for external file system access (can also be used to stream data from remote servers).
- Added support of C++ plugins for the Android version.
- Added support of assets directory in the Android version.
- Refactored an Android launcher (UnigineActivity Java class).
- Updated UnigineScript library documentation.
- Added "Using Tessellation" tutorial.
- Added "Adding Physics for Object" tutorial.
- Added "Principles of Operation / Rendering / Tessellation" article.
Apple taste
OilRush, a naval strategy game
running on a Macbook:
Unigine demos running on Mac OS X (one of the latest 13" Macbooks) and iOS (iPad):
Hang on, the moment when both Mac OS X and iOS versions of Unigine will be available for licensing is coming very, very near.