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Math Common Functions

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScipt (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

This class represents a collection of common math functions.

Math Class


Variable abs ( Variable arg ) #

Returns the absolute value of the argument.


Return value

Absolute value of arg.

Variable bezier ( vec4 times, Variable values, float time ) #

Calculates the value of a cubic Bezier function for t = time.

A cubic Bezier curve is represented by 4 points. Po is the start point, P1 and P2 are control points 1 and 2 and P3 is the end point. The start and end point denote the beginning and end points of the path and the control points determine how the path moves from the start to the finish. As can be seen from the image, the only variable changing is t which determines how far the path has progressed from P0 to P3. Cubic Bezier curves are used as timing functions particularly for keyframe interpolation.


  • vec4 times - Coordinates of the four points of the curve along the horizontal T (times) axis in the range [0.0f, 1.0f].
  • Variable values - Coordinates of the four points of the curve along the vertical V (values) axis in the range [0.0f, 1.0f]. They can either be of vec4 or dvec4 types.
  • float time - Time in the range [0, 1], for which the value of the Bezier function is to be calculated.

Return value

Value of the Bezier function.

Variable ceil ( Variable arg ) #

Ceiling function that returns the smallest integer value that is not less than arg. For vectors ceiling values are obtained per component.


Return value

Smallest integer value not less than arg. The type of return value depends on the argument type:
  • float for int, long, float arguments
  • double for double arguments
  • vec4 for vec4 arguments
  • dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
  • dvec4 for dvec4 arguments


Source code
float a = ceil(2.3) // a = 3.0

Variable clamp ( Variable v, Variable min, Variable max ) #

Clamps a value within the specified min and max limits.


  • Variable v - Argument. Can be of the following types:
  • Variable min - Minimum limit. Type must be the same as the type of v.

    If the first argument is int, it can also be string:

    • If a string is empty, it will equal to int(0).
    • If a string is nonempty, it will equal to int(1).
  • Variable max - Maximum limit. Type must be the same as the type of v.

    If the first argument is int, it can also be string:

    • If a string is empty, it will equal to int(0).
    • If a string is nonempty, it will equal to int(1).

Return value

Clamped value within min and max limits:
  • max, if v > max
  • min, if v < min
  • otherwise, v

int compare ( Variable v0, Variable v1, Variable epsilon = 1e-6 ) #

Compares two variables of the same type according to the specified degree of precision. The following formula is used:

Source code (C++)
fabs(v0 - v1) < (fabs(v0) + fabs(v1) + 1.0) * eps


Return value

1 if v0 is equal to v1; otherwise, 0.

quat conjugate ( quat q ) #

Returns the conjugate of a given quaternion.


  • quat q - Quaternion.

Return value

Conjugate of a given quaternion.

Variable cross ( Variable v0, Variable v1 ) #

Cross product of two vectors (either vec3 or dvec3).


Return value

Cross product of v0 and v1 (vec3, dvec3 or ivec3).

Variable dot ( Variable v0, Variable v1 ) #

Dot product of vectors:
  • It is possible to obtain a dot product of vec3 and vec4, as well as a dot product of dvec3 and dvec4. In this case, w component of the four-component vector is added to the dot product of first three components of vectors.
  • A dot product of ivec3, ivec4 and quat requires the second argument to be exactly of the same type.


Return value

Dot product of v0 and v1:
  • float if case of vec3 or vec4
  • double if case of dvec3 or dvec4
  • int if case of ivec3 or ivec4


Source code (UnigineScript)
result is:

Variable dot3 ( Variable v0, Variable v1 ) #

Dot product only of three components of vectors. In case an argument is a four-component vector, its w component is ignored.
It is possible to obtain a dot product of vec3 and vec4, as well as a dot product of dvec3 and dvec4. But a dot product of vec3 and dvec3, for example, cannot be computed.


Return value

Dot product of v0 and v1:
  • float if case of vec3 or vec4
  • double if case of dvec3 or dvec4


Source code (UnigineScript)
result is:

Variable floor ( Variable arg ) #

Rounds an argument down to the nearest integer. For vectors values are obtained per component.


Return value

Largest integer value not greater than arg. The type of return value depends on the argument type:


Source code
float a = floor(2.3) // a = 2.0

Variable frac ( Variable arg ) #

Returns the fractional part of the argument. For vectors values are obtained per component.
Source code
float a = frac(3.141593); // a = 0.141593


Return value

Fractional part of arg (arg - floor (arg)). The type of return value depends on the argument type:

  • float for int, long, float arguments
  • double for double arguments
  • vec4 for vec4 arguments
  • dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
  • dvec4 for dvec4 arguments

getAngle ( Variable v0, Variable v1 ) #

Returns the angle (in degrees) between the given first and second vectors. The angle returned is the unsigned acute angle between the two vectors. This means the smaller of the two possible angles is used.


  • Variable v0 - First vector (from which the angular difference is measured). Can be of the following types:
  • Variable v1 - Second vector (to which the angular difference is measured). Can be of the following types:

Return value

Angle between the given vectors, in degrees within the range [0.0; 180.0].

float getAngle ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 up ) #

Returns the signed angle (in degrees) between the given first and second vectors relative to the specified "up" vector.


  • vec3 v0 - First vector (from which the angular difference is measured).
  • vec3 v1 - Second vector (to which the angular difference is measured).
  • vec3 up - Up vector, around which the other two vectors are rotated.

Return value

Angle between the given vectors, in degrees within the range [-180.0; 180.0].

float gradient4 ( float x, vec4 gradient ) #

Returns a gradient value for the specified argument using four key components. The gradient value is determined as follows:
Source code
smoothstep(gradient.x, gradient.y, x) - smoothstep(gradient.z, gradient.w, x);
See the smoothstep() method.


  • float x - Argument.
  • vec4 gradient - Vector with four key components.

Return value

Gradient value.

float inverseLerp ( float v0, float v1, float v ) #

Returns the value calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0f and 1.0f.


  • float v0 - The value specifying the beginning of the interval.
  • float v1 - The value specifying the ending of the interval.
  • float v - The value within the specified interval.

Return value

Coefficient of the value within a specified interval.

double inverseLerp ( double v0, double v1, double v ) #

Returns the value calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0 and 1.0.


  • double v0 - The value specifying the beginning of the interval.
  • double v1 - The value specifying the ending of the interval.
  • double v - The value within the specified interval.

Return value

Coefficient of the value within a specified interval.

vec2 inverseLerp ( ) #

Returns the vector with two float values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0f and 1.0f.


    Return value

    Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

    vec3 inverseLerp ( ) #

    Returns the vector with three float values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0f and 1.0f.


      Return value

      Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

      vec4 inverseLerp ( ) #

      Returns the vector with four float values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0f and 1.0f.


        Return value

        Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

        dvec2 inverseLerp ( ) #

        Returns the vector with two double values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0 and 1.0.


          Return value

          Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

          dvec3 inverseLerp ( ) #

          Returns the vector with three double values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0 and 1.0.


            Return value

            Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

            vec4 inverseLerp ( ) #

            Returns the vector with four double values calculated according to the following formula: (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) clamped within 0.0 and 1.0.


              Return value

              Coefficients of the values within a specified intervals.

              Variable length ( Variable vector ) #

              Calculates the length of a given vector.


              Return value

              Vector length:
              • float for vec3 and vec4 arguments
              • double for dvec3 and dvec4 arguments

              Variable length2 ( Variable vector ) #

              Calculates the squared length of a given vector. This method is much faster than length() - the calculation is basically the same only without the slow Sqrt call. If you are using lengths simply to compare distances, then it is faster to compare squared lengths against the squares of distances as the comparison gives the same result.


              Return value

              Squared length of the vector (X 2 + Y 2 + Z 2):
              • float for vec3 and vec4 arguments
              • double for dvec3 and dvec4 arguments
              • int for ivec3 and ivec4 arguments

              Variable lerp ( Variable v0, Variable v1, Variable k ) #

              Linear interpolation between two values according to the following formula:
              v0 + (v1 - v0) * k
              For quaternions, the function uses a spherical interpolation algorithm (slerp).


              Return value

              Interpolated value.

              Variable max ( Variable arg1, Variable arg2 ) #

              Finds the highest value.


              Return value

              Numerically highest of the parameter values.

              Variable min ( Variable arg1, Variable arg2 ) #

              Finds the lowest value.


              Return value

              Numerically lowest of the parameter values.

              Variable normalize3 ( Variable v ) #

              Depending on the argument type, function performs the following:
              • Normalizes the X, Y, Z components of the given vector.
              • Recalculates the w component of the given quaternion.


              • Variable v - Argument of one of the following types:
                • vec4 v - A vector of 4 float components.
                • dvec4 v - A vector of 4 double components.
                • quat v - A quaternion.

              Return value

              Normalized vector or quaternion.


              You can use the normalize3() function when you need to restore the w component of the quaternion, for example:

              Source code (UnigineScript)
              vec3 t = vec3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // the tangent basis: tangent vector
              vec3 b = vec3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); // binormal vector
              vec3 n = vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); // normal vector
              vec4 tangent = orthoTangent(t,b,n); // this is the mesh compressed tangent vector
              quat compact_tangent_quat = quat(tangent); // convert vec4 to quat; currently the last component of the tangent vector contains the sign of the binormal
              quat normalized_quat = normalize3(compact_tangent_quat); // normalize quat; now you have the correct quaternion

              Variable normalize ( Variable vector ) #

              Normalizes a vector, makes its magnitude equal to 1. When normalized, a vector keeps the same direction but its length is equal to 1.


              Return value

              Normalized vector.

              int npot ( int arg ) #

              Rounds up to the nearest power of two value.


              • int arg - Argument.

              Return value

              The nearest upper power of 2 number.

              Variable rcp ( Variable arg ) #

              Returns the reciprocal of the specified argument. For vectors values are obtained per component.


              Return value

              1.0 / arg
              The type of return value depends on the argument type:

              Variable round ( Variable arg ) #

              Rounds an argument to the nearest integer value. For vectors values are obtained per component.
              In halfway cases, when an argument has a fractional part of exactly 0.5, the function rounds away from zero to the integer with larger magnitude.
              • 3.5 -> 4
              • - 3.5 -> - 4


              Return value

              Nearest integer value. The type of return value depends on the argument type:


              Source code
              float a = round(2.3)  					// a = 2.0
              float b = round(5.5)  					// b = 6.0
              float c = round(-5.5) 					// c = -6.0
              Vec3 d = round(Vec3(1.2, 1.8, -1.5)) 	// d = (1.0, 2.0, -2.0)

              Variable saturate ( Variable v ) #

              Clamps values within the range of 0.0 to 1.0.


              Return value

              Clamped argument within 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0, if v > 1.0 ; 0.0 if v < 0.0 ; otherwise, v.

              Variable sign ( Variable arg ) #

              Returns the sign of the argument. For vectors values are obtained per component.


              Return value

              Sign of arg. 1.0 if arg >= 0.0 ; -1.0 if arg < 0.0.
              The type of return value depends on the argument type:

              Variable smoothstep ( Variable x ) #

              Returns a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1, if x is in the range [0, 1].

              It is convenient for creating a sequence of transitions using smoothstep to interpolate each segment as an alternative to using more sophisticated or expensive interpolation techniques.


              Return value

              One of the following values:
              • 0 if x is less than 0;
              • 1 if x is greater than 1;
              • interpolated value between 0 and 1 if x is in the range [0, 1].

              The type of return value depends on the argument type:
              • float for float arguments
              • double for double arguments

              Variable smoothstep ( Variable edge0, Variable edge1, Variable x ) #

              Returns a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1, if x is in the range [edge0, edge1].

              It is convenient for creating a sequence of transitions using smoothstep to interpolate each segment as an alternative to using more sophisticated or expensive interpolation techniques.


              Return value

              One of the following values:
              • 0 if x is less than edge0;
              • 1 if x is greater than edge1;
              • interpolated value between 0 and 1 if x is in the range [edge0, edge1].

              The type of return value depends on the argument type:
              • float for float arguments
              • double for double arguments

              Variable smootherstep ( Variable x ) #

              Returns a smooth interpolation between 0 and 1 using a fifth-order polynomial function, if x is in the range [0, 1].

              It is convenient for creating a sequence of transitions using smoothstep to interpolate each segment as an alternative to using more sophisticated or expensive interpolation techniques.


              Return value

              One of the following values:
              • 0 if x is less than 0;
              • 1 if x is greater than 1;
              • interpolated value between 0 and 1 if x is in the range [0, 1].

              The type of return value depends on the argument type:
              • float for float arguments
              • double for double arguments

              Variable smootherstep ( Variable edge0, Variable edge1, Variable x ) #

              Returns a smooth interpolation between 0 and 1 using a fifth-order polynomial function, if x is in the range [edge0, edge1].

              It is convenient for creating a sequence of transitions using smoothstep to interpolate each segment as an alternative to using more sophisticated or expensive interpolation techniques.


              Return value

              One of the following values:
              • 0 if x is less than edge0;
              • 1 if x is greater than edge1;
              • interpolated value between 0 and 1 if x is in the range [edge0, edge1].

              The type of return value depends on the argument type:
              • float for float arguments
              • double for double arguments

              int udiv ( int x, int y ) #

              Performs integer division with rounding up.


              • int x - First argument.
              • int y - Second argument.

              Return value

              The rounded up quotient of two arguments that satisfies the following condition: y * z >= x.
              Last update: 2021-04-30
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