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Unigine.LandscapeMapFileSettings Class

This class is used to load, modify, and apply landscape map settings stored in a .lmap file.

LandscapeMapFileSettings Class


int HeightBlending#

Returns the current blending mode used for heights data of the landscape map.
Sets a new blending mode to be used for heights data of the landscape map.
set value - Blending mode to be used for heights data. One of the following values:
  • 0 - Alpha Blend
  • 1 - Additive

int AlbedoBlending#

Returns the current blending mode used for albedo data of the landscape map.
Sets a new blending mode to be used for albedo data of the landscape map.
set value - Blending mode to be used for albedo data. One of the following values:
  • 0 - Alpha Blend
  • 1 - Additive
  • 2 - Overlay
  • 3 - Multiplicative

bool EnabledHeight#

Returns a value indicating if heights data of the landscape layer map is to be used.
Sets a value indicating if heights data of the landscape layer map is to be used.
set value - true to enable using heights data of the landscape layer map, false - to disable it.

bool EnabledAlbedo#

Returns a value indicating if albedo data of the landscape layer map is to be used.
Sets a value indicating if albedo data of the landscape layer map is to be used.
set value - true to enable using albedo data of the landscape layer map, false - to disable it.

bool EnabledOpacityHeight#

Returns a value indicating if opacity information for heights data of the landscape layer map is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.
Sets a value indicating if opacity information for heights data of the landscape layer map is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.
set value - true to enable using opacity information for heights data of the landscape layer map, false - to disable it.

bool EnabledOpacityAlbedo#

Returns a value indicating if opacity information for the albedo data of the landscape layer map is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.
Sets a value indicating if opacity information for albedo data of the landscape layer map is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.
set value - true to enable using opacity information for albedo data of the landscape layer map, false - to disable it.

ivec2 TilesSize#

Returns the size of the landscape map tiles.

ivec2 Resolution#

Returns the landscape layer map resolution.


Returns a GUID of the .lmap file containing landscape map data.

bool IsLoaded#

Returns a value indicating if the landscape map file (.lmap) is loaded.


LandscapeMapFileSettings ( ) #

The LandscapeMapFileSettings constructor.

void SetMaskBlending ( int mask, int blend ) #

Sets a new blending mode to be used for the data of the specified detail mask.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.
  • int blend - Blending mode used for the data of the specified detail mask. One of the following values:
    • 0 - Alpha Blend
    • 1 - Additive
    • 2 - Overlay
    • 3 - Multiplicative

int GetMaskBlending ( int mask ) #

Returns the current blending mode used for the data of the specified detail mask.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

Blending mode used for the data of the specified detail mask. One of the following values:
  • 0 - Alpha Blend
  • 1 - Additive
  • 2 - Overlay
  • 3 - Multiplicative

void SetEnabledMask ( int mask, bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if the data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.
  • bool enabled - true to enable using the data of the specified detail mask, false - to disable it.

bool IsEnabledMask ( int mask ) #

Returns a value indicating if the data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

true if the data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used; otherwise, false.

void SetEnabledOpacityMask ( int mask, bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if opacity information for the heights data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.
  • bool enabled - true to enable using opacity information for the data of the specified detail mask, false - to disable it.

bool IsEnabledOpacityMask ( int mask ) #

Returns a value indicating if opacity information for the data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used. Opacity information is required to blend data of several landscape layer maps.


  • int mask - Detail mask number in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

true if opacity information for the data of the detail mask with the specified number is to be used; otherwise, false.

bool Load ( UGUID guid ) #

Loads landscape map settings from a file with the specified GUID.


  • UGUID guid - GUID of the .lmap file containing landscape map data.

Return value

true if landscape map settings were successfully loaded from the file with the specified GUID; otherwise, false.

bool Apply ( ) #

Applies all settings stored in the landscape map file (.lmap).

Return value

true if landscape map file settings were successfully applied; otherwise, false.
Last update: 2021-02-17
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