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Depth sorting particles between two particle systems.


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sometimes when bounding boxes of particle systems, which are near to each other, change their size due to emitting new particles, the render order changes between them which results in popping of particles to front which were in the background before.

The order changes back when the bounding box gets smaller again.

Also when moving arround a popping occurs.

Is there any mechanism which sorts the particles between two or more particle systems, to prevent this effect?

From what I see only particles in the same particle system get sorted and render order between particle systems is calculated by the bounding volume distance to the viewer.


Sebastian Vesenmayer


Hello sebastian,

Could you please specify which version of SDK you are using? There was exact same issues with particles depth sort which was fixed in release 2.7.3




I see it in the 2.7.2 version and older. I will check 2.7.3



Thank you for your video, it was very helpful for reproduction of this issue, i've added it to our internal bugtracker, but unfortunately, for now, i can't give you any ETA on when it will be fixed. As it seems to be somehow connected with particles contained inside Node Reference, as a workaround you can try to create particle outside of node reference, or in case with vfx addon, just use Place as Node Content for vfx .nodes 

Sorry for the inconvenience caused


Thanks for the confirmation, we will have a look to workarround this in our program logic.

You're welcome.

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