UNIGINE 2.1.1: UUSL Improvements, SDK Browser Usability, and Bugfixes
Key Changes
- Added Port Angeles demo
- Improved UUSL consistency
- Extended C++/C# API
- Added Grass and Clutter samples
- Bugfixes
This is mainly a maintenance release.
Port Angeles Demo
We introduced the Port Angeles demo at SIGGRAPH Asia a year ago, and now it is available for download to all UNIGINE Pro and UNIGINE Sim customers via the SDK Browser. The demo has the following features:
- Highly detailed terrain (2500 square kilometers) based on real geospatial data
- Road network based on vector geodata (OSM)
- Dynamic sky with volumetric clouds and a day-night cycle
- Multiple interactive modes
- Airfield illumination
We suggest the following (or better) hardware for the best experience in this demo:
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4670 (Haswell 4th generation) or faster
- RAM: 8 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan / 780 or faster
- VRAM: 3 GB
- SSD disk, at least 10 GB free space
- Added the following console commands for better SSAO control:
- render_ssao_resolution renders SSAO in half (0) or full (1) resolution.
- render_ssao_cavity disables (0) or enables (1) cavity.
- render_ssao_quality sets the SSAO quality: 0 - use 4 samples, 1 - use 8 samples, 2 - use 16 samples, 3 - use 32 samples.
- Improved shadows performance.
- Fixed emission compensation for sRGB.
- Fixed fading for LightOmni and LightProj sources.
- Removed the render_rwtextures console command, the USE_RW_TEXTURES define should be used instead (enabled by default for Windows/Linux, disabled for OS X).
- Changed noise pattern for shadows.
- Removed the render_optimization_cleargbuffer and render_optimization_normalbuffer console commands, these are now always enabled.
- Fixed central screen rendering for AppSurround mode with TAA enabled.
- Changed the render_show_textures behavior:
- 0 - all buffers are hidden.
- 1 - shows a few most important targets, including G-buffer, refraction, SSAO, etc.
- 2 - shows all rendering targets.
- Fixed water rendering in stereo mode.
UUSL Improvements
Unified UNIGINE Shader Language (UUSL) has been improved in terms of consistency and ease of use.
- Added the ability to pass textures to functions as arguments:
- Removed NOISE_FLOAT() function.
- Added a bunch of intrinsic functions:
- getViewDirection() returns the current viewing direction.
- min3() returns the smallest of the first three vector components.
- min4() returns the smallest of the four vector components.
- nrand() returns a random value within the range of [0;1].
- nrand() returns a float2 vector with random values within the range of [0;1].
- nrandTiled() returns a random value within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrandTiled() returns a float2 vector with random values within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrand2Tiled() returns a float2 vector with random values within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed (For the second seed, the function shifts the vector: float2(x,y) -> float2(y,x)).
- nrandTAA() returns a value (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrandTAA() returns a float2 vector with random values (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrand2TAA() returns a float2F vector with random values (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed (For the second seed, the function shifts the vector: float2(x,y) -> float2(y,x)).
- nrandTemporal() returns a value (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrandTemporal() returns a float2 vector with random values (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed.
- nrand2Temporal() returns a float2 vector with random values (that is changed each frame) within the range of [0;1] divided by the tiled seed (For the second seed, the function shifts the vector: float2(x,y) -> float2(y,x)).
Expanded the Direct3D API flow control attributes:
- MAX_VEC4(value) -> max4(value)
- MAX_VEC3(value) -> max3(value)
- MAX_VEC2(value) -> max2(value)
- MIN_VEC2(value) -> min2(value)
- POW_2(value) -> pow2(value)
- ANY(value) -> any(value)
- ATAN2(value) -> atan2(value)
- ABS_NOISE_FLOAT(float2 seed) -> nrand(float2 seed)
- dot_fixed(V0,V1) -> dotFixed(V0,V1)
- lerp_fixed(V0,V1,FACTOR) -> lerpFixed(V0,V1,FACTOR)
- BRANCH -> branch
- LOOP -> loop
- UNROLL -> unroll
- FLATTEN -> flatten
- EARLYDEPTHSTENCIL -> earlydepthstencil
- Changed the input and output structures semantics:
- Added functions for scattering adjustments:
- hazeScattering() calculates the haze in the scattering mode.
- hazeForward() calculates the haze in the forward mode.
- hazeAlpha() calculates the haze transparency.
- hazeSolid() calculates the haze in the solid mode.
- hazeForwardSimple() calculates the haze for objects rendered in the forward mode, can be used in the vertex shader, turns objects to transparency.
- Removed the s_time() parameter.
- Added the s_perspective (the perspective camera), s_orthographic (the orthographic camera), s_frame (the current frame number) and s_taa_offset (TAA jittering) parameters.
C++ and C# API
- Added basic access to physics: Body, BodyDummy and PhysicalTrigger interfaces.
- Added set/getNormal() method to ObjectBillboards that enables orienting a specific billboard (works only if the billboards_impostor_base material is assigned).
- Added isFlipped() method to the Render class. Old Texture::isRenderFlipped() method has been removed.
- Added set/getNormal() method to ObjectBillboards that enables orienting a specific billboard (works only if the billboards_impostor_base material is assigned).
- Added set/getSSAOBlur() method to the engine.render class that sets/returns the SSAO blur value.
- Added set/getSSAOCavityScale() method to the engine.render class that sets/returns the SSAO cavity intensity.
- Added set/getMotionBlurDepthFalloff() method to the engine.render class that sets/returns the value of the motion blur effect depending on the fragments depth (takes effect only if render_motion_blur_quality is set to 1).
SDK Browser
- Added "Remember me" option on the login.
- Added "Off","TAA", and "FXAA" antialiasing options for projects in 2.1+ SDKs.
- Better support for OS X El Capitan.
- Added "Video Debug" option that enables the debug context for OpenGL or DirectX 11.
- Improved offline license activation usability.
- Improved behavior in case of a unstable internet connection.
- Only add-ons compatible with the default SDK will be displayed.
- Various bugfixes.
Added more samples on built-in objects to the Samples demo.
- Added a FAQ on UUSL.
- Added new tutorials on creating of custom shaders for forward and post-processing rendering passes.
- Added an article on the post_sensor material.
- Added Chinese translations of the following articles:
- Getting Started.
- Project Workflow.
- SDK Browser.
- Virtual World Structure.
- World Management.
- Physics.
- Nodes, Objects, Effects, Decals, Players and Worlds.
- Execution Sequence.
- Setting Up Development Environment.
- Programming Overview.
- Double Precision of Coordinates.
- Performance Analyzer.
- Mesh File Formats.
Other Changes
- Improved data streaming on extremely complex projects.
- Added Drop to ground to ObjectBillboards GUI allowing you to automatically place billboards onto the surface.
- Added adjustable Up direction for ObjectBillboards.
- Fixed the ObjectText crash on video_restart.
- Fixed crashes on very fast movements over detailed terrains.
- Added support for importing both morph targets and skinned mesh animations from FBX files.
- Reduced memory allocations and fragmentation.
- Fixed GLAppSDL sample for OS X.
- Fixed copy and paste in engine console on Linux.
- Reduced Syncker UDP packet size to 1 Kb.
- Changed the way of ObjectMeshSkinned synchronization via Syncker. Transformations specified in the code and physics applied to the bones won't be synchronized, only the animation frames will. You must have a single file containing all the animations and specify the path to it via setAnimName().
- Various bugfixes.