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New look of UnigineEditor, new postprocesses

Today we are eager to show you a lot of pictures, so let's start!

You can see our updated shiny GUI skin on the following screenshots from UnigineEditor. By the way, there is new big demo in the background (we are still in doubt, is this a small game or very very huge demo).

What's new:

  • New numerical library for physics.
  • Sparse matrices (smatX) required by physics module.
  • Long vectors and matrices (vecX/matX).
  • Sobel postprocess.
  • Radial blur postprocess.
  • Displaying of internal buffers size in profiler.
  • "Variation" option for particles (mirroring and initial rotation).
  • Visualization of seams and overlaps in ResourceEditor / Viewer.
  • Fixed opening unicode filenames (Windows).
  • Fixed crash on systems without OpenAL installed.
  • Minor UnigineScript improvements.
  • GUI refactoring.
  • Default GUI skin update.
  • Validators for EditLine widget.
  • UnigineEditor improvements.
  • Improved import/export plugins for 3DStudio and Maya.

Physics module goes well, it seems to be more advanced than v0.33 was. Our main concern was how to edit physical properties by UnigineEditor in convenient way, it seems that we've found a good solution.

Here is new look of nodes module in UnigineEditor:
UnigineEditor: nodes
Built-in materials editor, all options have baloon help to speed up learning:
UnigineEditor: materials
ImageDialog with masks (each of the channels can be disabled):
UnigineEditor: ImageDialog

Other tools have been improved also, UV seams visualization in ResourceEditor / Viewer:
Seams visualization
UV overlapping visualization in ResourceEditor / Viewer, red regions marks overlaps (color intensity indicates number of overlaps):
Overlaps visualization

Unigine postprocesses can be set very easily and can be mixed in any way one likes, for example: player.setMaterials("sanctuary_sobel,sanctuary_radial"). There are new beautiful ones, Sobel:
Sobel postprocess
and radial blur:
Radial blur postprocess

We have more lovely screenshots, but there are enough pictures for today, see you next time.

Build: ()