We skipped a version, but I think this started happening in 2.3. Since we updated our project to Unigine 2.4, the reflections from the env probes are far too shiny. Even on matte objects, reflections are sharp. If I regrab the environment image in 2.4, the reflections appear correctly.
Using an environment map grabbed with 2.2.1
Using an environment map grabbed with 2.4
I think it's neglecting to use any of the coarser mipmap levels for rougher surfaces. This is a problem, since most of the time we don't use environment grabs from the engine, we've found photographed panoramas to be a better fit for us. I've tried converting our panoramas using imagedds but that has the same incorrect results as anything generated by 2.2.1. So right now our only option is to use environment grabs from 2.4.
I'd send you a zip file with the environment files but I can't upload anything else.