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Writing to a StructuredBuffer from a Vertex/GeometryShader (DX11)


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I would like to write the vertices from a ObjectMeshSkinned into a StructuredBuffer (with bone transforms and blend shapes applied) for further processing.

I need to do that per frame and I found that doing that on the CPU with getSkinnedVertex() and getSkinnedTangent() is too slow unfortunately.

The best place to do that seems to me to 'intercept 'the skinned vertices in a VertexShader, which writes them to a structured buffer through an unordered access view.

I have tried to utilise the Object::render() method for that purpose, but it seems this method doesn't trigger any draw calls:

	Game* game = Game::get();
	auto player = game->getPlayer();
	auto camera = player->getCamera();

		texturerender->setUnorderedAccessBuffer(1, structuredBuffer);
		texturerender->setColorTexture(0, texture);
		objMeshSkinned->render(Render::PASS_AUXILIARY, 0);
		//viewport->renderNode(camera, objMeshSkinned->getNode()); works but I don't get the structured buffer bound as unordered access view

I have tried with other render passes as well. (Shaders are not modified yet, I first want to check if the structured buffer is bound as unordered access view somewhere)

Many thanks and cheers



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Hello andrey,

Thank you a lot for the sample code. I haven't tried it yet but I could immediately figure out a big difference. The code snippet I have provided was not executed inside a Render callback, so I would guess that this is the main reason why it was not working on my side. I will keep you updated on this :-)


EDIT: Brilliant, got it working!

Many thanks!



Edited by helmut.bressler
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