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[SOLVED] benefit? when i use referancenode


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when i use referanceNode what is that i will get benefit?


please explain code.


other question.


only , engine can render Instancing when Node not have inheritMaterial.


can engine render Instancing when ReferanceNode have inheritMaterial?

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NodeReference allows multiple placement of referenced node structure within the world. Changes on referenced node tree will affect all instances in the world (actually NodeReference just "provides" a world transform matrix for instance placement).


As far as I know the engine will use instanced rendering when possible even if the referenced node uses inherited materials (but of course you cannot change the per-instance material settings on NodeReference level).


In addition multi-threaded updates for NodeReferences can be used by the engine without special requirements for propper node position in world node tree. See this post.

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engine will use instancing rendering when referenced node uses inherited materials ?


in fuction

ObjectSurface *ObjectMesh::render(....)


while(next && counter < num_instances) {

if(type != next->getType()) break;

if(resource != next->getResource()) break;

if(material != next->getMaterial()) break; <= this code [ break ]

if(surface->getSurface() != next->getSurface()) break;

const vec4 *next_transform = next->getWorldTransform();

instance_transforms[0] = next_transform[0];

instance_transforms[1] = next_transform[1];

instance_transforms[2] = next_transform[2];

instance_transforms += 3;

next = next->getNext();




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test node


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<nodes version="1.14">




<node type="ObjectMesh" id="1953734819" hidden="1" name="palm_coconut_green1">


<surface name="palm1_trunk_lod0" decal="0" intersection="0" viewport_mask="3" max_visible_distance="15" material="palm_coconut_trunk" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.767318 0.49762 0.49762 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_leaves_lod0" decal="0" intersection="0" collision="0" viewport_mask="3" max_visible_distance="45" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.891078 0.308792 0.308792 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_coconuts_lod1" decal="0" intersection="0" max_visible_distance="1" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.514847 0.0790118 0.0790118 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_leaves_lod1" decal="0" intersection="0" collision="0" viewport_mask="3" min_visible_distance="45" max_visible_distance="100" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.960388 0.0570549 0.0570549 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_trunk_lod1" decal="0" intersection="0" viewport_mask="3" min_visible_distance="15" material="palm_coconut_trunk" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.589098 0.469529 0.469529 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_coconuts_lod3" decal="0" intersection="0" min_visible_distance="5" max_visible_distance="40" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.410886 0.0569569 0.0569569 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_leaves_lod2" decal="0" intersection="0" collision="0" viewport_mask="3" min_visible_distance="100" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.658408 0.528035 0.528035 1</parameter>



<surface name="palm1_coconuts_lod2" decal="0" intersection="0" min_visible_distance="1" max_visible_distance="5" material="palm_coconut_green_leaf" property="surface_base">


<parameter name="diffuse_color">0.742569 0.510976 0.510976 1</parameter>



<transform>1 -2.08616e-007 -4.91738e-007 0 2.08616e-007 1 1.4901e-008 0 4.99189e-007 0 0.999989 0 0.000213623 0.000152588 2.76566e-005 1</transform>



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You are using ObjectMesh with multiple surfaces each having individual materials. In such a case instancing will of course not be possible for the engine as material switching will always break instancing possibilities


Instancing should work out-of-the box for ObjectMesh with just a single 1 material (inherited or not). So the key is to use things like texture atlas to avoid material switching (as this will break render batching)

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There are multiple possible reasons for breaking node instancing (as you already discovered in the code)


if(type != next->getType()) break;
if(resource != next->getResource()) break;
if(material != next->getMaterial()) break; <= this code [ break ]
if(surface->getSurface() != next->getSurface()) break;


I don't think it's a question of inherited or non-inherited material, but simply are all surfaces using the SAME material instance.

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my question is


when referencenode (inherited) is loaded or clone , why unigine make new material ( each )?


example )


in WorldClutter ( referencenode (inherited) )


engine not render instancing.


can you make reference node material manager?


because Anyway reference node is rendered same material.

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If I understand your issue correctly, here are our recommendations.


If you clone a node (or place a number of nodes via WorldClutter) that has a unique inherited material instance, each of cloned nodes will also have a unique material instance. This way, you can have different materials even on cloned nodes, but no instancing.


The idea is:

  • If you need to uniquely modify materials for 1-2 nodes, while not modifying all other clones, you can add per-node material instances for these 1-2 nodes.
  • If you need a big number of nodes with the same material (hence, you need instancing), create a new material in Materials editor and assign it.

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i have made tool that it divide material.


each other , surface's material is moved materials.


ex )


org )


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<nodes version="1.09">

<node type="ObjectMesh" id="0" name="PR_EZ_WT_RE_00_00">


<surface name="0_AP_EZ_FLAG_01_A" material="theta_bg" property="surface_base" max_fade_distance="298" max_visible_distance="300">


<texture name="diffuse">AP_EZ_FLAG_01_A.DDS</texture>

<texture name="normal">AP_EZ_FLAG_01_A_NORMAL.DDS</texture>

<texture name="specular">AP_EZ_FLAG_01_A_SPEC.DDS</texture>



<transform>1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 </transform>




change node )



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<nodes version="1.09">




<node type="ObjectMesh" id="0" name="PR_EZ_WT_RE_00_00">


<surface name="0_AP_EZ_FLAG_01_A" material="PR_EZ_WT_RE_00_00_0" property="surface_base" max_fade_distance="298" max_visible_distance="300"/>

<transform>1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 </transform>




thank for reply

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Yes, you change a material instance PER NODE, making it unique = no instancing.


I can only repeat: If you need a big number of nodes with the same material (hence, you need instancing), do NOT modify per node material instance. Create a new material in Materials editor, and modify it instead.

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