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[SOLVED] Strange shadows using ung files


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I don't know if it's a bug or my mistake, I've tried to reproduce it with a simple scene without success (keep trying...)

Proble is when my app uses ung resource files, the shadow for some meshes looks as you can see on right part of the image. This doesn't happens with source resource files (left part of the image)


In addition, if I set shaders quality to "medium" the visual defect disappears.


The ung file is generated using:

ung_x86 -p mypass -o S80.ung -d S80


Any idea?


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Hm, we've never encountered such artefact though all our benchmarks and demos we distribute are packed into ung archives. So really need a reproduction sample.

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Do you have older SDK versions still installed on your system ? If so test it on a machine without SDK installation only with the required executables from bin and UNG packed core / project data.

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At the end it was my mistake, nothing related with ung files. A bad mesh topology, an

older unigine exporter and the DirectX 11 renderer to see it.


Thanks all for your suggestions.

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