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'AlwaysOntop' Billboards or fixed labels


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Weve put quite a lot of effort into creating some billboards, that

1) Scale automatically so they are always the same pixel size on screen

2) Automatically adjust offsets to keep the billboards where we need them in relation to a real world object.

3) Use of materials to allow us to fade these billboards in and out


This has already been quite a lot of work, that you feel there must be an easier way of doing this.


We just want a label (admittedly quite a fancy graphic label) to hover over an object at a fixed size that can be faded in and out


any suggestions on a better way of doing this.



Our latest problem is the billboards are (quite rightly) being obscured by other real world objects, which we dont want.

These labels need to be 'on top'


If we have to continue with the billboard approach, is there a way we can stop a billboard being obscured by other world objects?



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