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[SOLVED] how to create Unigine::App with any custom video resolution


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I want to embed Unigine into my own application, I've also looked the source of source\samples\App\, but I have a question, all these App are set to default using standard resolution, It seems there is no way to create a custom resolution. the App::setVideoMode is automatically called by engine with it's own standard resolution.


Then only way to do this was using Unigine::Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION, app, argc, argv); and set video_mode to -1 then add width and height to argv.


So I'm wondering if there is some other way to set the custom resolution without using argc and argv.

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You can skip width and height arguments which you receive inside the App::setVideoMode() function. Engine uses App::getWidth() and App::getHeight() functions to get the real resolution.

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seems this won't work, my setVideoMode function:

int WinApp::setVideoMode(int width,int height,int flags,int)
RECT win_rect;

   ::GetWindowRect(window, &win_rect);
   window_width = win_rect.right - win_rect.left;
   window_height = win_rect.bottom - win_rect.top;

   return create_context();


And I already passed -video_mode -1 to argv, the actual render window are streched.

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thanks, it seems the RESIZABLE flag must be set within setVideoMode function, there is the correct setVideoMode function in app.


setVideoMode(int width,int height,int flags,int)
   RECT win_rect;

   ::GetClientRect(window, &win_rect);
   window_width = win_rect.right - win_rect.left;
   window_height = win_rect.bottom - win_rect.top;
   window_flags = flags | Unigine::App::RESIZABLE;

   return create_context();

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