Editor API
UnigineEditor public API
Editor::SelectorGUIDs Class Reference

Selector for GUIDs-based items (materials, properties, runtimes). An item of this type is associated with a file referred to via a GUID. More...

#include <Selector.h>

Inheritance diagram for Editor::SelectorGUIDs:

Public Member Functions

 SelectorGUIDs (int type, Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID > guids)
 Creates a SelectorGUIDs of the specified type (materials, properties, runtimes) using the specified list of GUIDs. More...
 ~SelectorGUIDs () override
int type () const override
 Returns the current selector type. More...
bool equal (const Selector *selector) const override
 Checks whether the selector is equal to the specified target selector. More...
SelectorGUIDsclone () const override
 Clones the selector. More...
Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID > guids () const
 Returns the list of GUIDs for all selected items. More...
bool contains (const Unigine::UGUID &guid) const
 Checks whether the SelectorGUIDs contains the specified GUID. More...
bool empty () const
 Checks whether the SelectorGUIDs is empty (no GUID-s are currently selected). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Editor::Selector
 Selector ()
virtual ~Selector ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SelectorGUIDscreateRuntimesSelector (Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID > guids)
 Creates a runtimes selector using the specified list of GUIDs. More...
static SelectorGUIDscreateMaterialsSelector (Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID > guids)
 Creates a materials selector using the specified list of GUIDs. More...
static SelectorGUIDscreatePropertiesSelector (Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID > guids)
 Creates a properties selector using the specified list of GUIDs. More...

Detailed Description

Selector for GUIDs-based items (materials, properties, runtimes). An item of this type is associated with a file referred to via a GUID.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SelectorGUIDs()

Editor::SelectorGUIDs::SelectorGUIDs ( int  type,
Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID >  guids 

Creates a SelectorGUIDs of the specified type (materials, properties, runtimes) using the specified list of GUIDs.

typeThe type of the selector to be created: one of the SelectorType enum values.
guidsThe list of GUIDs of items to be added to the new selector.
Selector of the specified type containing items with the specified GUIDs.

◆ ~SelectorGUIDs()

Editor::SelectorGUIDs::~SelectorGUIDs ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

SelectorGUIDs* Editor::SelectorGUIDs::clone ( ) const

Clones the selector.

Clone of the current selector.

Implements Editor::Selector.

◆ contains()

bool Editor::SelectorGUIDs::contains ( const Unigine::UGUID &  guid) const

Checks whether the SelectorGUIDs contains the specified GUID.

true if the current selection contains the specified GUID; otherwise, false.

◆ createMaterialsSelector()

static SelectorGUIDs* Editor::SelectorGUIDs::createMaterialsSelector ( Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID >  guids)

Creates a materials selector using the specified list of GUIDs.

guidsThe list of GUIDs of materials.
SelectorGUIDs containing materials with the specified GUIDs.

◆ createPropertiesSelector()

static SelectorGUIDs* Editor::SelectorGUIDs::createPropertiesSelector ( Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID >  guids)

Creates a properties selector using the specified list of GUIDs.

guidsThe list of GUIDs of properties.
SelectorGUIDs containing properties with the specified GUIDs.

◆ createRuntimesSelector()

static SelectorGUIDs* Editor::SelectorGUIDs::createRuntimesSelector ( Unigine::Vector< Unigine::UGUID >  guids)

Creates a runtimes selector using the specified list of GUIDs.

guidsThe list of GUIDs of runtimes.
SelectorGUIDs containing runtimes with the specified GUIDs.

◆ empty()

bool Editor::SelectorGUIDs::empty ( ) const

Checks whether the SelectorGUIDs is empty (no GUID-s are currently selected).

true if the selector is empty; otherwise, false.

◆ equal()

bool Editor::SelectorGUIDs::equal ( const Selector selector) const

Checks whether the selector is equal to the specified target selector.

selectorTarget selector.
true if selectors are equal; otherwise, false.

Implements Editor::Selector.

◆ guids()

Unigine::Vector<Unigine::UGUID> Editor::SelectorGUIDs::guids ( ) const

Returns the list of GUIDs for all selected items.

Vector containing GUIDs for all selected items.

◆ type()

int Editor::SelectorGUIDs::type ( ) const

Returns the current selector type.

Current selector type: one of the SelectorType enum values.

Implements Editor::Selector.