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[SOLVED] Importing files created while unigine is running


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Our current project is uses a system where node, material and texture files are created in an exterior program into the ungine project folder as the unigine engine is running. each object has its own <object>.node and <object>.mat file which are contained in nodes and materials folders within the unigine project folder respectively. On running the program, any existing objects that are imported using engine.world.loadNode("C:/Unigine... /nodes/<object>.node>"); will run fine. But when creating new items in the exterior code and trying to loadNode the newly written material files seem to be invisible to unigine when it tries to find them through the path provided in the .node xml file.


If I restart unigine after creating these files, then the nodes and materials will load fine. How can I make these new files visible while unigine is running without me restarting my program. Thanks.

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