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Cannot convert from 'unigine.dmat4' to 'unigine.mat4'


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Posted (edited)

Im going through Third Person Cross Country Arcade Racing tutorial project and everything was going fine until the last step where I added the Gameplay and I started getting this error.  I tried searching for this error, and saw a solution but when I tried the solution it didnt work. 

This is the second time I am running into an error having to do with double precision vs float.  The first issue had to do with an example project included with the engine.  The solution was to set the correct build configuration.  This time it's different because this is a vanilla project I started myself and there's no default build configurations to choose from.

The error is occurring on this line:


How do I fix this error once and for all?



Edited by webnetweaver

Hi, @webnetweaver!

Yep, one might encounter some conversion issues in case of inconsistent use of precision across a project. That's why it is recommended to use things like Mat4, Vec3, and so on in your code where appropriate, and check the UNIGINE_DOUBLE define to set proper types, like in this section:

#region Math Variables
using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;

A couple of questions:

  • Which precision setting does your project have Double or Float?
  • Could you provide the code of your GameManager.cs component?


Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, fox said:

Hi, @webnetweaver!

Yep, one might encounter some conversion issues in case of inconsistent use of precision across a project. That's why it is recommended to use things like Mat4, Vec3, and so on in your code where appropriate, and check the UNIGINE_DOUBLE define to set proper types, like in this section:

#region Math Variables
using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;

A couple of questions:

  • Which precision setting does your project have Double or Float?
  • Could you provide the code of your GameManager.cs component?


The project is set to Double Precision from the label in the launcher.  Here is the GameManager.cs, the code is from here: https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/latest/learn/12_arcade/6?rlang=cpp

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

#region Math Variables
using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;

[Component(PropertyGuid = "b14da50f9242b8427021aa4d17aaf46e4616c42a")]
public class GameManager : Component
	// links to the game logic components
	[ShowInEditor] private CarPlayer player = null;
	[ShowInEditor] private Timer timer = null;
	[ShowInEditor] private Track track = null;
	[ShowInEditor] private UI ui = null;
	[ShowInEditor] private HUD hud = null;
	// speed in km/h to calculate the standard track finish time
	[ShowInEditor] private float default_speed = 1.0f;
	// variable to store the best result
	private double best_time = 0.0;
	// position to reset the car location and track starting point
	private Mat4 reset_transform = Mat4.IDENTITY;
	private Mat4 start_track_transform = Mat4.IDENTITY;
	// end game screen when time is over
	private void OnTimeLeft()
		InputController.IsEnabled = false;
	// end game screen on finishing the track
	private void OnTrackEnd()
		best_time = timer.TimePassed;
		InputController.IsEnabled = false;
	// update the car reset position in every checkpoint
	private void OnCheckPoint()
		reset_transform = player.node.WorldTransform;
	[Method(Order = 2)]
	private void Init()
		reset_transform = player.node.WorldTransform;
		best_time = 0.0;
	private void Update()
		if (InputController.GetAction(InputController.InputActionType.Reset) > 0.0f)

		// update the speed and time display
	private void Start()
		reset_transform = start_track_transform;
		InputController.IsEnabled = true;
	// when starting the track, calculate the standard track finish time
	private void StartTrack()
		start_track_transform = player.node.WorldTransform;
		double length = track.GetLength(player.node.WorldPosition);
		double default_time = length / default_speed * 3.6f;
		best_time = default_time;
	private void RestartTrack()

The error is occurring on both lines that say: player.Reset(reset_transform). 

Here is the  Car class with the Reset() method::

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

[Component(PropertyGuid = "b2228d2ad80c5790407b03d47df0295fb3ed433b")]
public class Car : Component
	// define two modes of movement: forward and reverse
	protected enum MoveDirection
	// vehicle parameters: acceleration, maximum speed, and wheel turning angle, torque
	public float acceleration = 50.0f;
	public float max_velocity = 90.0f;
	private float max_turn_angle = 30.0f;
	public float default_torque = 5.0f;
	// car body length and width
	public float car_base = 3.0f;
	public float car_width = 2.0f;
	// speed of accelerating, braking, and turning
	public float throttle_speed = 2.0f;
	public float brake_speed = 1.2f;
	public float wheel_speed = 2.0f;
	// service and hand brake force
	public float brake_damping = 8.0f;
	public float hand_brake_damping = 30.0f;

	// references to wheel nodes
	public Node wheel_fl = null;
	public Node wheel_fr = null;
	public Node wheel_rl = null;
	public Node wheel_rr = null;

	// references to light nodes: brake and reverse light
	public Node brake_light = null;
	public Node reverse_light = null;

	// wheel joints
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_fl = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_fr = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_rl = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_rr = null;

	// define the desired and current values for throttle, brake, steering wheel and hand brake
	private float target_throttle = 0.0f;
	private float target_brake = 0.0f;
	private float target_wheel = 0.0f;
	private float target_hand_brake = 0.0f;

	private float current_throttle = 0.0f;
	private float current_brake = 0.0f;
	private float current_wheel = 0.0f;
	private float current_hand_brake = 0.0f;

	// by default, the car moves in the Forward direction
	private MoveDirection current_move_direction = MoveDirection.Forward;

	// variables for current rotation speed, torque and turn angle
	private float current_velocity = 0.0f;
	private float current_torque = 0.0f;
	private float current_turn_angle = 0.0f;

	// car physical body
	private BodyRigid CarBodyRigid = null;

	private void Init()
		// at initialization, get wheel joints and car physical body
		if (wheel_rl)
			joint_wheel_rl = wheel_rl.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_rr)
			joint_wheel_rr = wheel_rr.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_fl)
			joint_wheel_fl = wheel_fl.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_fr)
			joint_wheel_fr = wheel_fr.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		CarBodyRigid = node.ObjectBodyRigid;

	protected virtual void Update()
		// get the time it took to render the previous frame in order to be independent from FPS
		float deltaTime = Game.IFps;

		// smoothly change the current throttle, brake, and steering position towards the required values
		current_throttle = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_throttle, target_throttle, throttle_speed * deltaTime);
		current_brake = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_brake, target_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);
		current_wheel = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_wheel, target_wheel, wheel_speed * deltaTime);
		current_hand_brake = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_hand_brake, target_hand_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);

		// enable the brake light node if the brake is activated (value greater than ~zero)
		if (brake_light != null)
			brake_light.Enabled = target_brake > MathLib.EPSILON;
		// the current torque value is calculated as the product of the throttle position and the standard multiplier
		current_torque = default_torque * current_throttle;

		// when the throttle is pressed
		if (current_throttle > MathLib.EPSILON)
			// current angular velocity of wheels changes according to acceleration and motion direction
			current_velocity += deltaTime * MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, acceleration, current_throttle) * (current_move_direction == MoveDirection.Forward ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
			// otherwise decrease the speed exponentially
			current_velocity *= MathLib.Exp(-deltaTime);

		// calculate the brake force depending on the current brake intensity
		float damping = MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, brake_damping, current_brake);
		float rdamping = MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, hand_brake_damping, current_hand_brake);
		// apply braking for all wheels, hand brake is also applied for the rear wheels
		joint_wheel_fl.AngularDamping = damping;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularDamping = damping;
		joint_wheel_rl.AngularDamping = MathLib.Max(damping, rdamping);
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularDamping = MathLib.Max(damping, rdamping);

		// calculate the current angular velocity and angle of rotation, limited by the extreme values
		current_velocity = MathLib.Clamp(current_velocity, -max_velocity, max_velocity);
		current_turn_angle = MathLib.Lerp(-max_turn_angle, max_turn_angle, MathLib.Clamp(0.5f + current_wheel * 0.5f, 0.0f,1.0f));

		// simulate differential for the front axle: the wheels should turn by different angles
		float angle_0 = current_turn_angle;
		float angle_1 = current_turn_angle;
		if (MathLib.Abs(current_turn_angle) > MathLib.EPSILON)
			float radius = car_base / MathLib.Tan(current_turn_angle * MathLib.DEG2RAD);
			float radius_0 = radius - car_width * 0.5f;
			float radius_1 = radius + car_width * 0.5f;

			angle_0 = MathLib.Atan(car_base / radius_0) * MathLib.RAD2DEG;
			angle_1 = MathLib.Atan(car_base / radius_1) * MathLib.RAD2DEG;
		// apply rotation for both front wheels using the rotation matrix along the Z axis
		joint_wheel_fr.Axis10 = MathLib.RotateZ(angle_1).GetColumn3(0);
		joint_wheel_fl.Axis10 = MathLib.RotateZ(angle_0).GetColumn3(0);

	// it is important to change the parameters of physical objects in the UpdatePhysics method
	private void UpdatePhysics()
		// apply the calculated values of wheels angular velocity and torque
		// all 4 wheels have a 'motor', i.e. the car is all-wheel drive
		joint_wheel_fl.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;

		joint_wheel_fl.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_rl.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;

		joint_wheel_rl.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularTorque = current_torque;

	// add methods to control the car: throttle, brake, steering wheel turning and hand brake
	protected void SetThrottle(float value)
		target_throttle = MathLib.Clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetBrake(float value)
		target_brake = MathLib.Clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetWheelPosition(float value)
		target_wheel = MathLib.Clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetHandBrake(float value)
		target_hand_brake = MathLib.Clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	// method for changing the driving mode, it also controls the reverse light
	protected void SetMoveDirection(MoveDirection value)
		if (current_move_direction == value)
		current_velocity = 0.0f;
		current_move_direction = value;
		if (reverse_light != null)
			reverse_light.Enabled = current_move_direction == MoveDirection.Reverse;

	protected MoveDirection CurrentMoveDirection { get { return current_move_direction; } }

	// method for the instant car relocation, returns the car to the initial position
	public void Reset(mat4 transform)
		node.WorldTransform = transform;
		node.ObjectBodyRigid.LinearVelocity = vec3.ZERO;
		node.ObjectBodyRigid.AngularVelocity = vec3.ZERO;
		current_velocity = 0.0f;

	// get speed immediately in km/h
	public float Speed { get { return CarBodyRigid.LinearVelocity.Length * 3.6f; } }


A similar third error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Unigine.dvec3' to 'Unigine.vec3' is also occurring in the Track class at the GetPoint() method:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

#region Math Variables
using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;

[Component(PropertyGuid = "7c980256a5c63bcd35202e6015a5ea87487c3357")]
public class Track : Component
	// list of the track checkpoints
	private CheckPoint[] points = null;
	private int[] current_track = null;
	// index of the current point
	private int current_point = -1;
	// callbacks for finishing the track and passing a checkpoint
	private Action track_end_handler = null;
	private Action check_point_handler = null;
	// method called from the checkpoint component called on the player's passing
	private void OnCarEnter(Car car)
		if (current_point < NumPoints)
			current_point = -1;
	// list of checkpoints is built from children with the corresponding component assigned
	[Method(Order = 1)]
	private void Init()
		points = GetComponentsInChildren<CheckPoint>(node);
		current_track = new int[points.Length];
		for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
			current_track[i] = i;
	private void Shutdown()
		points = null;
		current_track = null;
		current_point = -1;
		track_end_handler = null;
		check_point_handler = null;
	// each new route is created by shuffling the checkpoint list
	public void Shuffle()
		if (current_point >= 0 && current_point < NumPoints)
		for (int i = current_track.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
			int j = MathLib.ToInt(MathLib.RandInt(0, i + 1));
			int tmp = current_track[j];
			current_track[j] = current_track[i];
			current_track[i] = tmp;
		current_point = 0;
	public void Restart()
		if (current_point >= 0 && current_point < NumPoints)
		current_point = 0;
	public void SetTrackEndEventHandler(Action handler)
		track_end_handler = handler;
	public void SetCheckPointEventHandler(Action handler)
		check_point_handler = handler;
	public int NumPoints { get { return points.Length; } }
	public vec3 GetPoint(int num)
		return points[num].node.WorldPosition;
	// the track length obtained by adding the distances between the checkpoints and the starting position
	public double GetLength(Vec3 start_position)
		double result = MathLib.Length(GetPoint(0) - start_position);
		for(int i = 1; i < NumPoints; i++)
			result += MathLib.Length(GetPoint(current_track[i - 1]) - GetPoint(current_track[i]));
		return result;

All code was copy and pasted unmodified from the tutorial.  

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by webnetweaver

Oh, I see!

There are a couple of typos in the initial code.

1) Track.cs component :

The return type of the GetPoint() method should be changed to Vec3 instead of vec3:

	// ...
	public Vec3 GetPoint(int num)  // <-- return type should be Vec3
		return points[num].node.WorldPosition;
	// ...

2) Car.cs component :

The argument type of the Reset() method should be changed to Mat4 instead of mat4 and a missing definition block for math variables should be added. So, your Car.cs component should look like this:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

#region Math Variables
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;
// <--- BLOCK END

[Component(PropertyGuid = "b2228d2ad80c5790407b03d47df0295fb3ed433b")]
public class Car : Component
	// define two modes of movement: forward and reverse
	protected enum MoveDirection
	// vehicle parameters: acceleration, maximum speed, and wheel turning angle, torque
	public float acceleration = 50.0f;
	public float max_velocity = 90.0f;
	private float max_turn_angle = 30.0f;
	public float default_torque = 5.0f;
	// car body length and width
	public float car_base = 3.0f;
	public float car_width = 2.0f;
	// speed of accelerating, braking, and turning
	public float throttle_speed = 2.0f;
	public float brake_speed = 1.2f;
	public float wheel_speed = 2.0f;
	// service and hand brake force
	public float brake_damping = 8.0f;
	public float hand_brake_damping = 30.0f;

	// references to wheel nodes
	public Node wheel_fl = null;
	public Node wheel_fr = null;
	public Node wheel_rl = null;
	public Node wheel_rr = null;

	// references to light nodes: brake and reverse light
	public Node brake_light = null;
	public Node reverse_light = null;

	// wheel joints
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_fl = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_fr = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_rl = null;
	private JointWheel joint_wheel_rr = null;

	// define the desired and current values for throttle, brake, steering wheel and hand brake
	private float target_throttle = 0.0f;
	private float target_brake = 0.0f;
	private float target_wheel = 0.0f;
	private float target_hand_brake = 0.0f;

	private float current_throttle = 0.0f;
	private float current_brake = 0.0f;
	private float current_wheel = 0.0f;
	private float current_hand_brake = 0.0f;

	// by default, the car moves in the Forward direction
	private MoveDirection current_move_direction = MoveDirection.Forward;

	// variables for current rotation speed, torque and turn angle
	private float current_velocity = 0.0f;
	private float current_torque = 0.0f;
	private float current_turn_angle = 0.0f;

	// car physical body
	private BodyRigid CarBodyRigid = null;

	private void Init()
		// at initialization, get wheel joints and car physical body
		if (wheel_rl)
			joint_wheel_rl = wheel_rl.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_rr)
			joint_wheel_rr = wheel_rr.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_fl)
			joint_wheel_fl = wheel_fl.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		if (wheel_fr)
			joint_wheel_fr = wheel_fr.ObjectBody.GetJoint(0) as JointWheel;

		CarBodyRigid = node.ObjectBodyRigid;

	protected virtual void Update()
		// get the time it took to render the previous frame in order to be independent from FPS
		float deltaTime = Game.IFps;

		// smoothly change the current throttle, brake, and steering position towards the required values
		current_throttle = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_throttle, target_throttle, throttle_speed * deltaTime);
		current_brake = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_brake, target_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);
		current_wheel = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_wheel, target_wheel, wheel_speed * deltaTime);
		current_hand_brake = MathLib.MoveTowards(current_hand_brake, target_hand_brake, brake_speed * deltaTime);

		// enable the brake light node if the brake is activated (value greater than ~zero)
		if (brake_light != null)
			brake_light.Enabled = target_brake > MathLib.EPSILON;
		// the current torque value is calculated as the product of the throttle position and the standard multiplier
		current_torque = default_torque * current_throttle;

		// when the throttle is pressed
		if (current_throttle > MathLib.EPSILON)
			// current angular velocity of wheels changes according to acceleration and motion direction
			current_velocity += deltaTime * MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, acceleration, current_throttle) * (current_move_direction == MoveDirection.Forward ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
			// otherwise decrease the speed exponentially
			current_velocity *= MathLib.Exp(-deltaTime);

		// calculate the brake force depending on the current brake intensity
		float damping = MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, brake_damping, current_brake);
		float rdamping = MathLib.Lerp(0.0f, hand_brake_damping, current_hand_brake);
		// apply braking for all wheels, hand brake is also applied for the rear wheels
		joint_wheel_fl.AngularDamping = damping;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularDamping = damping;
		joint_wheel_rl.AngularDamping = MathLib.Max(damping, rdamping);
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularDamping = MathLib.Max(damping, rdamping);

		// calculate the current angular velocity and angle of rotation, limited by the extreme values
		current_velocity = MathLib.Clamp(current_velocity, -max_velocity, max_velocity);
		current_turn_angle = MathLib.Lerp(-max_turn_angle, max_turn_angle, MathLib.Clamp(0.5f + current_wheel * 0.5f, 0.0f,1.0f));

		// simulate differential for the front axle: the wheels should turn by different angles
		float angle_0 = current_turn_angle;
		float angle_1 = current_turn_angle;
		if (MathLib.Abs(current_turn_angle) > MathLib.EPSILON)
			float radius = car_base / MathLib.Tan(current_turn_angle * MathLib.DEG2RAD);
			float radius_0 = radius - car_width * 0.5f;
			float radius_1 = radius + car_width * 0.5f;

			angle_0 = MathLib.Atan(car_base / radius_0) * MathLib.RAD2DEG;
			angle_1 = MathLib.Atan(car_base / radius_1) * MathLib.RAD2DEG;
		// apply rotation for both front wheels using the rotation matrix along the Z axis
		joint_wheel_fr.Axis10 = MathLib.RotateZ(angle_1).GetColumn3(0);
		joint_wheel_fl.Axis10 = MathLib.RotateZ(angle_0).GetColumn3(0);

	// it is important to change the parameters of physical objects in the UpdatePhysics method
	private void UpdatePhysics()
		// apply the calculated values of wheels angular velocity and torque
		// all 4 wheels have a 'motor', i.e. the car is all-wheel drive
		joint_wheel_fl.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;

		joint_wheel_fl.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_fr.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_rl.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularVelocity = current_velocity;

		joint_wheel_rl.AngularTorque = current_torque;
		joint_wheel_rr.AngularTorque = current_torque;

	// add methods to control the car: throttle, brake, steering wheel turning and hand brake
	protected void SetThrottle(float value)
		target_throttle = MathLib.Clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetBrake(float value)
		target_brake = MathLib.Clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetWheelPosition(float value)
		target_wheel = MathLib.Clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	protected void SetHandBrake(float value)
		target_hand_brake = MathLib.Clamp(value, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	// method for changing the driving mode, it also controls the reverse light
	protected void SetMoveDirection(MoveDirection value)
		if (current_move_direction == value)
		current_velocity = 0.0f;
		current_move_direction = value;
		if (reverse_light != null)
			reverse_light.Enabled = current_move_direction == MoveDirection.Reverse;

	protected MoveDirection CurrentMoveDirection { get { return current_move_direction; } }

	// method for the instant car relocation, returns the car to the initial position
	public void Reset(Mat4 transform)	//<-- argument type should be Mat4
		node.WorldTransform = transform;
		node.ObjectBodyRigid.LinearVelocity = vec3.ZERO;
		node.ObjectBodyRigid.AngularVelocity = vec3.ZERO;
		current_velocity = 0.0f;

	// get speed immediately in km/h
	public float Speed { get { return CarBodyRigid.LinearVelocity.Length * 3.6f; } }


This should help!

Snippets are updated, sorry for the inconvenience caused!


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