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Unigine 2.19 and editor plugins


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Since installing the 2.19 SDK I can't see my plugins in the Editor Plugin Manager, seemingly in any projects, 2.18 or 2.19. The plugin in my actual project, now upgraded to 2.19, no longer shows its plugin, and I've tried creating an empty project with a new plugin, both 2.18 and 2.19, or adding a plugin to an existing 2.18 project. I can build the projects fine, but the just won't show up in the plugin manager. Any ideas? Many thanks...

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Hi, Aaron!

So far, I can see this issue occur if the plugin version does not match the version of the upgraded project. Can you attach the editor_log.txt from bin folder? 

Will the behavior repeat if you use different plugins, from our add-on store, for instance? If so, can you describe in detail how to reproduce the problem on our side.




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So a reboot appears to have fixed the issue for the fresh 2.18 & 2.19 projects, but I'm guessing the problem is that the plugin for my actual project is still 2.18. How do I go about upgrading it...?


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There are three parameters by which plugins are checked: version, precision, and build type. If they are different from editor parameters, it won't load the plugin.

You will have to rebuild your plugin with corresponiding binaries to keep working on with it. You can also work on previous version of engine.

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