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Point lights in Unity vs. Unigine - showcase


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I was using Unity for some time and now abandoned it because lighting system sucks for this engine.
I made test and used same mesh and same materials for both engines.
You can see on included screenshots that Unigine has much better point lights, more blurred.
For my Unity's demo I can't make it more like blurred Unigine's one.

unigine screen.jpg

unity screen.jpg

Edited by kgregor
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While i really like Unigine and i think it has some pros over Unity, i think you are not doing a good comparison here. You need to understand some pretty basic concepts. You are using URP which is the version of unity for low-end/mid-end devices like laptops or mobiles, some features, specially lights and materials works pretty diferent, while Unigine does not have a lightweight version of its editor, so basically Unigine it like the HDRP from Unity, also take into consideration that in your unigine screenshot it looks like you are using some post processing effects (i think is bloom with a high value) if you try that on Unity HDRP you will have similar results to the Unigine one.

Here, i made a (again) pretty lazy 1 minutes test on Unity HDRP, you can see, the transition from light to shadow is "blurred" maybe there is some banding on my screenshot, that is not Unity's fault, that would be image compression's fault

Edit: i forgot to mention, on HDRP try to play with "range" values mixed with intensity of the point light, that also is a very important setting


Edited by Miguel-Alejandria
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