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CIGI SymbolTextDefinition incorrect text orientation


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In 2.18.1, you improved the CIGI Symbol supports. Thanks a lot!

But the text orientation is incorrectly handled:

  1. left to right: ok
  2. top to bottom: KO, same as left to right
  3. right to left: KO, actually displays text top to bottom
  4. bottom to top: KO, same as left to right

We only really care for 1 & 2, so we can survive with this for the moment :) but it would be nice to have the correct mapping.

Also, it would be great if other fonts (or font variation) could be supported, like bold, italic, and fixed width, through the font ID param..


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Hi Stephane,

Currently we've implemented only left to right and top to bottom methods. Other two variants probably will be added later.

Font id also should be working, you only need to specify ttf paths for each id in ig_config.xml:

	<font id="0" font_path="core/gui/font.ttf"/>
	<font id="1" font_path="core/gui/fontb.ttf"/>
	<font id="2" font_path="core/gui/fonti.ttf"/>
	<font id="3" font_path="core/gui/fontbi.ttf"/>


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Oh ok, thanks for the font, I must have overlooked that.

Regarding the orientation, my remark was about the fact that it looks like you mixed up two orientation enum.

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Yes, you are right! we mixed up two orientation in enum.

it is fixed in 2.19. 


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