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Building an WPF application


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we are currently trying to build an final WPF application, supported by UNIGINE. Are there any information about the workflow? Publishing via Visual Studio will create the necessary files, but the .exe won't start when clicked. And building via Editor is not the correct way for WPF applications, correct?

Hope someone can help me with that task and thanks in advance.



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22 hours ago, christian.wolf2 said:

we are currently trying to build an final WPF application, supported by UNIGINE. Are there any information about the workflow? Publishing via Visual Studio will create the necessary files, but the .exe won't start when clicked. And building via Editor is not the correct way for WPF applications, correct?

Indeed, this way application should build in kind of old-fashioned way. Moreover, Visual Studio doesn't support referencing an unmanaged C++ project from a managed C# one. To ensure your application runs correctly you need to include the Wrapper and the engine library in your build. These dependencies should be added to your project as shown on the attached video. Additionally, ensure that your data is properly packaged.


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