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Change color from surface material number in node-file.


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After we change to node-file, we change material parameter and it's possible to change color of surface.

we don't have original unigine files, but we want to change clothes color etc.(e.g. this is hair color.)

so could you let me know material numbers mean?



<surface name="hair_lod_0" intersection="1" max_visible_distance="15" physics_friction="1" physics_restitution="1" material="363f1fca3f080ca1e098bd8c02625b7b7ae39a9e"/>

when I changed "363f1fca3f080ca1e098bd8c02625b7b7ae39a9e", it's possible to change color, but I'm not sure thi format.


Hi Hiro77777,

If you open .node file via text editors (e.g. WordPad or Notepad), you'll see information about the parameters this node has. 

In your case:

  • surface name
  • intersection
  • max_visible_distance
  • physics_friction
  • physics_restitution
  • material

But it could be much more, based on the complexity of an object and number of parameters you have.

Tooltips in the editor will help you with description of any parameter.


If we talk about material="363f1fca3f080ca1e098bd8c02625b7b7ae39a9e" line - this is the link to material guid number. The information about the material with this guid is stored in another file .mat. (GUID is unique id of any asset. You can read more here)

It looks like this:


If you want to change the color of material via text editor, you should look for albedo_color parameter. But it will be much more simple to do it in Unigine Editor.

We don't recommend to change the guid numbers at any case, it can cause the corruption of your nodes, meshes, materials etc.

We also would like to know the current version of your SDK to check if our recommendations were correct , because the SDK is constantly changing and improving.



Hello arizmenda-san,

thank you for your support.
I hope to modify color etc. on Unigine Editor, but Main software maker has original files, and we don't have original data of Unigine.
I'm not sure correct ver., but I often use SDK or 2.15.1. 




Hi Hiro77777,

I see! As I said, you can try to change color in the text editor. 

You need this line in .mat file: <parameter name="albedo_color" expression="0">0 1 0.0313725509 1</parameter>.

Each of 3 numbers is a color channel - red, green and blue. 0 is minimum value, 1 is maximum value. And it corresponds to 0 to 255 in basic color coding.

In the line above albedo_color has 0 1 ~0 as value, it means 0; 255; 0 - green color. You can use RGB color palettes to make your job easier.



Hi arizmenda-san,

When I make node file, I found .mat-files.
but I don't find .mat-file in software tool package. I guess .mat files are hidden.
there are .node and node.meta files.

if this is situation, is it difficult to change color from .node or node.meta file?





Hello Hiro77777

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the color in a .node or .meta file.

You need to have access to .mat files to change material parameters in text editors.



Hello, arzmenda-san,

okay. Understood.
thank you for your support.


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