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Friction on landscape and decal meshes


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I'm trying to figure out if there is some friction parameters available on landscape and decal meshes. I'm using an ObjectLandscapeTerrain node with its layers and projecting decal meshes as roads ontop the landscape. If I want to have different frictions between the roads and offroad areas how can I achieve this?




@brentskeggActually, there isn't a built-in functionality for this. It's something that needs to be implemented through user-customized logic. I believe the simplest way to achieve this is by sending a fetch request outside of the wheel or even the entire car. Based on the surface or more likely a specific mask the car's wheel joints parameters should be adjusted accordingly. 


Screenshot 2023-12-13 111753.pngfriction_controller.png


Ah ok! I was begining to think something like so.

I think LandscapeFetch dont return any decal info?

Guess I'll have to do some raycast checking against the mesh that the decal is using somehow, since I dont have any imagebased info (albedo or mask) for the roads.

Thanks for the info!

15 minutes ago, brentskegg said:

I think LandscapeFetch dont return any decal info?

If using a decal is crucial then LandscapeFetch would not suit that case and a regular intersection should be used instead. However, I suppose the general approach would remain the same :)


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