jackoolya Posted August 28, 2023 Posted August 28, 2023 Hello! Here i control the sun position by this function: void AppWorldLogic::sunPosition(double & elevation, double& azimuth, double lat, double lon, int year , int month , int day , double hour , int min , int sec) { double pi = 3.141592650f; double twopi = 2 * pi; double deg2rad = pi / 180.0f; // get a day of the year, e.g. Feb 1 = 32, Mar 1 = 61 on leap years int month_days[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30 }; for (int i = 0; i<month; i++) day += month_days[i]; int leapdays = (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 400) == 0 || (year % 100) != 0) && day >= 60 && !(month == 2 && day == 60); if (leapdays > 0) day++; // Get Julian date - 2400000 hour += min / 60.0f + sec / 3600.0f; // hour plus fraction double delta = year - 1949.0f; double leap = int(delta / 4.0f); // former leapyears double jd = 32916.5f + delta * 365 + leap + day + hour / 24.0f; // calculating input for the Atronomer's almanach as the difference between // the Julian date and JD 2451545.0 (noon, 1 January 2000) double time = jd - 51545.0f; // calculating mean longitude and mean anomaly double mnlong = 280.460f + 0.9856474f * time; mnlong = remainder(mnlong, 360); if (mnlong < 0) mnlong += 360; double mnanom = 357.528f + 0.9856003f * time; mnanom = remainder(mnanom, 360); if (mnanom < 0) mnanom += 360; mnanom *= deg2rad; // calculating ecliptic longitude and obliquity of ecliptic double eclong = mnlong + 1.915f * Math::sin(mnanom) + 0.020f * Math::sin(2 * mnanom); eclong = remainder(eclong, 360); if (eclong < 0) eclong += 360; double oblqec = 23.439f - 0.0000004f * time; eclong *= deg2rad; oblqec *= deg2rad; // calculating celestial coordinates: right ascension and declination double num = Math::cos(oblqec) * Math::sin(eclong); double den = Math::cos(eclong); double ra = Math::atan(num / den); if (den < 0) ra += pi; if (den >= 0 && num < 0) ra += twopi; double dec = Math::asin(Math::sin(oblqec) * Math::sin(eclong)); // calculating local coordinates Greenwich mean sidereal time double gmst = 6.697375f + 0.0657098242f * time + hour; gmst = remainder(gmst, 24); if (gmst < 0) gmst += 24.0f; // calculating local mean sidereal time double lmst = gmst + lon / 15.0f; lmst = remainder(lmst, 24); if (lmst < 0) lmst += 24.0f; lmst = lmst * 15.0f * deg2rad; // calculating hour angle double ha = lmst - ra; if (ha < -pi) ha += twopi; if (ha > pi) ha -= twopi; // converting latitude to radians lat = lat * deg2rad; // calculating azimuth and elevation elevation = Math::asin(Math::sin(dec) * Math::sin(lat) + Math::cos(dec) * Math::cos(lat) * Math::cos(ha)); azimuth = Math::asin(-Math::cos(dec) * Math::sin(ha) / Math::cos(elevation)); // for logic and names, see Spencer, J.W. 1989. Solar Energy. 42(4):353 int cosAzPos = (0 <= Math::sin(dec) - Math::sin(elevation) * Math::sin(lat)); int sinAzNeg = (Math::sin(azimuth) < 0); if (cosAzPos && sinAzNeg) azimuth += twopi; if (!cosAzPos) azimuth = pi - azimuth; // return elevation and azimuth elevation = elevation / deg2rad; azimuth = azimuth / deg2rad; }
silent Posted August 30, 2023 Posted August 30, 2023 There is no simple solution, you can try to combine various approaches that already has been published on the Internet and create your own method of moon position control. Some of the useful Astronomy C/C++ sources you can find here: https://www.projectpluto.com/source.htm Thanks! How to submit a good bug report --- FTP server for test scenes and user uploads: ftp://files.unigine.com user: upload password: 6xYkd6vLYWjpW6SN
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