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Making and accessing CBUFFER in Basemat


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Trying to pass uniform array of float2 to fragment shader in .basemat and having problems.

I got advised to use CBUFFER in such case, but I have no idea where to put it and how to access it.

I see example here: https://developer.unigine.com/ru/docs/latest/code/uusl/create_post?rlang=cpp

But it's for shader, not material (also it's only in Russian version of documentation)


BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh_unlit var_prefix=var texture_prefix=tex>
	// options
	Option blend = [src_alpha one_minus_src_alpha]

    		UNIFORM float4 s_vertex_positions[50];
    		UNIFORM float2 s_vertex_texcoords[50];

	Group "Base"
		Color color = [1 1 1 1]
		Slider opacity = 1.0f
		Texture2D text = "ui/sdf_text.png" <unit=0 auto_init=true>
	Shader vertex_struct =

	Shader common =
	Shader vertex =
	Shader fragment =
		float a = var_s_vertex_texcoords[0].x;
		float4 col = float4(a, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		OUT_FRAG_COLOR = col.rgb;
		OUT_FRAG_OPACITY = var_opacity;


This gives me 'undeclared' error.

Edited by Armikron
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  • Armikron changed the title to Making and accessing CBUFFER in Basemat


CBUFFER is UUSL's declaration of Constant Buffer as seen in - UUSL Keywords and Types - Documentation - Unigine Developer.
There for you should move it into Shader common.

Shader common =
		UNIFORM float4 s_vertex_positions[50];
		UNIFORM float2 s_vertex_texcoords[50];

And since they are not autogenerated by the material but rather declared implicitly in the shader it self - neither of uniforms will have var_ prefix.
In other words you should replace this line

float a = var_s_vertex_texcoords[0].x;


float a = s_vertex_texcoords[0].x;

In C++/C# code you have to get specific Render Passe's Shader object and assign array values to it.

Instead, what you can do is - specify arrays as material parameters at the material heading:

Group "Base"
    Color color = [1 1 1 1]
    Slider opacity = 1.0f
	Texture2D text = "core/textures/common/checker_d.texture" <unit=0 auto_init=true>

ArrayFloat4 vertex_positions <size=50>
ArrayFloat2 vertex_texcoords <size=50>

// ...


In shader you should use this:

float a = var_vertex_texcoords[0].x;

Notice absence of s_ prefix and presence of var_ one. That is due to the fact that we declared vertex_positions as a material parameter. All material parameters will have var_ prefix.

From C++/C# stand point now you should use setParameterArray for setting values up.

Hope this helps!

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