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Texture.setBlob() thows "Unhandled exception" for large sizes.


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Hello everyone, I am integrating Ultralight into my project. When creating a texture, I specify the dimensions 500 x 500 and everything works fine, but if I specify a larger size, for example by the size of the main window (1600x900), then I get the following error:

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9873AC387 (vcruntime140.dll ) in Ykon_x64d.exe : 0xC0000005: Access violation when reading at 0x000001D3D3F14000.


Code for creating a texture:

	view = renderer->CreateView(500, 500, true, session, false);
	//this->view->LoadHTML("<body style='background:red;'><style>.super:hover { background: green; } </style><div class='super'>Hello from C++</div></body>");

	blob = Blob::create();

	texture = Texture::create();
	texture->create2D(700, 700, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::SAMPLER_FLAGS);


Code for texture update:

		UL::RefPtr<UL::Bitmap> bitmap = surface->bitmap();


		auto pixels = static_cast<unsigned char*>(bitmap->LockPixels());

		uint32_t width = bitmap->width();
		uint32_t height = bitmap->height();
		uint32_t stride = bitmap->row_bytes();

		blob->setData(pixels, stride);
		blob->setData(nullptr, 0);



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@silent I uploaded an archive called Ykon to your ftp server, it contains a full project on the 2.17 version of the engine. I implemented the logic in the ChromiumLogic class

Edited by LorezV
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great job on chromium integration!

the crash occurred due to a mismatch between the number of mipmaps in the texture and in the data.
try to set texture flag without samplers

texture = Texture::create();
//texture->create2D(700, 700, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::SAMPLER_FLAGS);
texture->create2D(700, 700, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::SAMPLER_FILTER_LINEAR | Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER);


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@cash-metall, @silen Thank you so much for your help. I immediately had another question, I created a resize callback and execute the following code in it. But sometimes, the texture lies down with artifacts, maybe this is also corrected by flags? This happens when the window size does not look like the standard ratios(like 4:3 16:9 etc...)

int ChromiumLogic::resize_callback() {
	Math::ivec2 size = WindowManager::getMainWindow()->getSize();


	for (auto view : *views) {
		view->Resize(size.x, size.y);

	texture->create2D(size.x, size.y, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER | Texture::SAMPLER_FILTER_LINEAR);

	return 1;



Edited by LorezV
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this effect is related to UL::Bitmap align policy. 

bitmap->row_bytes() return not equal width * 4 (RGBA) size, but increase width to 4pixels per row (align to 16 bytes). 

when copying data to a texture, we do not have the ability to skip empty pixels - in textures, all data goes tightly without spaces.

you can try to change size of rendered page 

	Math::ivec2 size = WindowManager::getMainWindow()->getSize();
	size.x = Math::makeAligned(size.x, 4);

	texture->create2D(size.x, size.y, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::SAMPLER_FILTER_LINEAR | Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER);



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